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computerworld.comWill smart glasses fog when I drink my morning coffee?So many questions about the future of smart glasses remain unanswered.As we slouch toward the end of the smartphone era, it’s important to consider what comes next - and plan accordingly.Here are the questions technology professionals like us should be asking, with the answers we know so far (many of which have emerged in the past week).Q: Will Apple make smart glasses? Yes.I told you in January why Apple needs to make smart glasses in order to stay on top. In a few years, smart glasses will be at the center of consumer and business electronics in the same way that smartphones are today.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comKeepSolid VPN Unlimited is a solid service with unparalleled flexible pricing and robust security technology, but its interface feels clunky for a Mac app, and its speed tests results were only fair....

pcmag.comNo longer just for hobbyists, 3D printing is moving to the mainstream. Ready to dive in? Here's everything you need to know along with the top-performing 3D printers we've tested. Whether for personal, professional, or educational use, 3D printers are more affordable than ever. Here's what you need to know to get started along with our top performers in testing....

computerworld.comAn interesting result popped up when I searched for RStudio cloud this morning: from RStudio itself."Kick the tires to your hearts delight - but don't plan on taking a cross-country trip just yet," the service warns on its home page.I logged in using my existing account, which the home page advises to do. If  you don't use, you can set up a new account there, or use Google or GitHub credentials. The opening screen lets you create a project: Screenshot at Page to create a project at read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comOfcom's new plan to automatically compensate customers sounds great - shame it won't kick in 'til Feb 2019....

computerworld.comMozilla has released a redesigned Firefox for Apple's iPhone and iPad, debuting the new look that will also grace the more popular desktop version of the browser next week.Firefox for iOS version 10, which hit the App Store on Wednesday, features the same user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) that will also mark Firefox 57 for Windows, macOS and Linux, when it ships Tuesday, Nov. 14.Derived from an ongoing project tapped as "Photon," the Firefox UI/UX mimics the minimalism of other browsers, notably Google's Chrome and Microsoft's Edge, with reduced clutter at the top of the window that includes combined address and search bars.Firefox for iOS 10's other changes range from a revamped menu under the three-lined "hamburger" icon at the upper right to a recast new tab display, with the latter replicating the desktop browser's design.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWhile blockchain appears ready to upend business processes and trust models across a myriad of industries, it's still in its early days and the various iterations of the distributed ledger already in use are far from vetted.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comOffice-based employees have a wealth of software tools available to keep them connected with colleagues and the wider business. Even those working remotely can easily stay in touch with their team through email, enterprise social networks and group messaging tools such as Slack.That’s not always the case for deskless workers – the vast, yet underserved chunk of the workforce that tends to fall outside the scope of IT, according to Stacey Epstein, CEO of enterprise messaging app vendor Zinc.Zinc specifically targets employees in non-office-based roles. They could be anything from emergency workers to construction laborers, nurses, retail workers or service technicians – employees who usually own a smartphone but don’t routinely require access to core business applications.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis pilot fish has worked in his company's IT department for more than two decades, and somehow he's never quite made his peace with the annual employee review process."When I started, all reviews were done in Microsoft Word," says fish. "The manager would write your review and meet with you to discuss it, and then you both signed off on it."Fifteen years ago, they began having the employees write their own reviews. Five years after that we switched to an HR system where employees had to log on and write their reviews and click Submit, and the managers would check a box saying they had read them."Fish soon becomes suspicious that his manager isn't actually reading any of the yearly reviews. To test his theory, he begins adding unusual items to the "accomplishments" field each year, just to see what he can get away with.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWhen it comes to mobile devices, companies tend to like three things: solid security, ease-of-management and low cost.With Apple's iPhone X, it looks like you can check off two of those three items. The phone's cutting-edge Face ID authentication system really does work. iOS 11 is easy to manage and inherently secure. But that last one – price – is a big one. The iPhone X  starts at $999 for the 64GB model and goes to $1,149 for the 256GB version.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comAndroid security is always a hot topic on these here Nets of Inter - and almost always for the wrong reason.As we've discussed ad nauseam over the years, most of the missives you read about this-or-that super-scary malware/virus/brain-eating-boogie-monster are overly sensationalized accounts tied to theoretical threats with practically zero chance of actually affecting you in the real world. If you look closely, in fact, you'll start to notice that the vast majority of those stories stem from companies that - gasp! - make their money selling malware protection programs for Android phones. (Pure coincidence, right?)To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here... Top NewsWer CoD:WWII zockt, kann sich jetzt bei EMP stilecht und nahezu komplett ausstatten.... Top NewsSmart-Home-Systeme sollen ihren Nutzern eigentlich das Leben erleichtern - allerdings funktioniert das nicht immer ganz so wie gewünscht. Nahe Hamburg löste der Home-Assistent von Amazon nun einen skurrilen Polizeieinsatz aus. Grund dafür: Alexa feierte eine eigene Party. Jetzt nahm die Sache eine überraschende Wendung....
