ArchiveorgSoftwareRetro CDROM ISO of pictures and video.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, ISO Image, Item Tile, JPEG, JPEG Thumb, Metadata... Aktuelle PraxistippsBestimmt haben sich schon einige Menschen gefragt, wie reich die Queen aus Großbritannien ist, denn Sie ist ja schließlich die Königin Großbritanniens. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen das Vermögen der Königin. … ... mehr...

ArchiveorgSoftwareN.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Metadata...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae200630.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

Heise Top NewsFünf Ministerien begrüßen im Kern das KI-Weißbuch der EU-Kommission, fordern aber noch Korrekturen etwa beim geplanten "risikobasierten Ansatz"....

computerworld.comWhen Apple rolled out its planned changes for iOS 14 and its companion WatchOS 7– both are expected to be available for download in mid-September – it included a variety of interesting tweaks. Two stood out as especially interesting: a COVID-friendly Watch handwashing app and an enterprise-IT-friendly facial recognition app for video cameras and doorbells.The more straight-forward effort is positioned as a consumer feature, where video camera and doorbell apps within iOS will be able to identify visitors by name if they happen to appear within a user's photo library. It sounds rather cool for a consumer app, but I'm not sure how valuable it is. My doorbell app, for example, instantly shows me live video of the person at the door, so I can have a realtime conversation with whoever is there.To read this article in full, please click here...

ArchiveorgSoftwareJuego de ajedrez interactivo en 3D-.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, ISO Image, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareZatacka X is a modern, free remake of the classic Achtung, die Kurve!. In addition to all the features from the original game, Zatacka X includes special weapons, updated graphics, sound effects and AI controlled opponents..This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, GZIP, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG, Unknown, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwareAntimine is a minesweeper-like puzzle game. The objective is to flag the spaces with mines to make the field a safer place without exploding any of them. You win the game when you've flagged every mine in the minefield....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Android Package Archive, Archive BitTorrent, GZIP, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareThe Sim City 4 game with the Rush Hour expansion..This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, ISO Image, Metadata...

Heise Top NewsDie Krankenkasse hatte Daten von Gewinnspielteilnehmern für Werbung verwendet, obwohl diese nicht eingewilligt hatten....

ArchiveorgSoftwareWindows 98 SE - Up-To-Date Edition by 'KannaSan'. Size: 595 MB (ISO). (#) Windows 98 Removed Components: Accessibility Options: "Accessibility Options". Accessories: "Briefcase", "WordPad". Address Book: "Address Book"....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, ISO Image, Metadata...

ArchiveorgSoftwareA personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode 👋 Hello friend! Looks like you're reading this page on GitHub. Please go to the 👉 rendered Foam Workspace for an improved experience! 👀 This is an early stage project under rapid development....This item belongs to: software/github_narabot_mirror.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, Unknown...

ArchiveorgSoftwarevpn.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, Windows Executable...

ArchiveorgSoftwaremta sa kioneer.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, Windows Executable...

ArchiveorgSoftwareUpgrade software for MeCool KM3 to Android 10 KM 3 Ota Amlogic V 1.20200515.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006309.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae20063012.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae20063013.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae20063010.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...
