ArchiveorgSoftwarekae20063011.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006300.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwareJuego Completo..This item belongs to: software/cdromsoftware.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, ISO Image, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006306.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006304.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006303.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006307.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006305.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006302.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwarekae2006308.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

Heise Sicherheits NewsUnter bestimmten Voraussetzungen könnten Angreifer unter anderem Firewalls und Gateways von Palo Alto attackieren....

pcmag.comThe change is due to the pandemic and an attempt to save on internet resources, but you can manually turn backups back on if necessary. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a huge surge in the amount of data being used online. So much so, Google is limiting which third-party services can use Google Photos backup and sync features by default.As Android Police reports, the change was announced via the...

computerworld.comThis pilot fish is trying to learn a new graphics editor, but he keeps getting errors. And the errors are not informative: The prompt simply changes to an evil red color.It being 1989, fish checks the paper manual, and is pleased to find a whole chapter on errors. Well, a whole chapter consisting of one sentence: “When there is an error the prompt will turn red and beep. Type the correct information and press Enter.”Frustrating? Yes. Or, like fish, you can find in it the secret of life: “If you have any kind of coding error, the fix is to just type the correct information and press Enter.” To read this article in full, please click here...

Heise Top NewsAls der markante Stern Beteigeuze dunkler wurde, spekulierten einige auf eine anstehende Supernova. Verantwortlich waren aber wohl gigantische Flecken....

TheHackersNewsIn what's one of the most innovative hacking campaigns, cybercrime gangs are now hiding malicious code implants in the metadata of image files to covertly steal payment card information entered by visitors on the hacked websites. "We found skimming code hidden within the metadata of an image file (a form of steganography) and surreptitiously loaded by compromised online stores," Malwarebytes...

TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers today uncovered new details of watering hole attacks against the Kurdish community in Syria and Turkey for surveillance and intelligence exfiltration purposes. The advanced persistent threat behind the operation, called StrongPity, has retooled with new tactics to control compromised machines, cybersecurity firm Bitdefender said in a report shared with The Hacker...

Heise Top NewsDie Streaming-Plattform Twitch hat den offiziellen Account von Donald Trump gesperrt. Der US-Präsident hatte dort seine Wahlkampfveranstaltungen gezeigt....

Heise Top NewsEin wichtiges Kriterium dafür, ob eine Kontaktverfolgungs-App angenommen wird, ist der Datenschutz. Forscher fordern deshalb ein Gesetz für die Corona-Warn-App....

Heise Top NewsNach dem Tod von George Floyd hat auch Reddit eine Debatte zu Hasspostings und Rassismus geführt. Nun gibt es explizitere Regeln – und Gruppen werden gesperrt....

securitymagazine.comTraditional network management approaches of multiple point products, manual change processes, monolithic policies and data silos no longer work. Business, risk, service and security assurance programs all need to be agile, efficient and anticipate future threats and remedies....
