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PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Trend geht zur dunklen Umgebung, die besonders am Abend Augen schonen soll. Microsoft hat Outlook Web darauf optimiert....

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin neuer Entwurf des Medienstaatsvertrags sieht vor, dass Let´s Player künftig keine Rundfunklizenz mehr benötigen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsZwei Unis haben unabhängig voneinander auf eine neue Variante der berüchtigten Spectre-Sicherheitslücke hingewiesen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin Sicherheitsupdate schliesst eine Bluetooth-Lücke, die viele Hersteller neben Apple betraf. Auch Microsoft war betroffen....

computerworld.comApple often says its control of both the operating system and hardware (the "whole widget") gives it a series of advantages you just don’t get on other platforms. This usually translates into good news for consumers, but there so many ways it benefits professional and enterprise users, too.Keeping the Mac promise Recently, I noted that the iPhone 8 becomes an even better smartphone once iOS 12 ships. I’ve also pointed out that HomePods become better systems every time Apple ships a software patch.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsAMDs Sticheleien gegen Intel gehen in eine neue Runde. Dieses Mal lästert AMD über Intels Xeon-CPUs. Und wirbt für Epyc....

computerworld.comEngineering group at this manufacturing company comes up with a new quality-control initiative: Assign a unique identifier to each part, according to a database analyst pilot fish working there."Each part's serial number and identifier were to be sent via secure FTP to a site, and they wanted me to come up with a database table and a job to import the data," fish says."During the kickoff meeting, I asked if they wanted me to check for duplicates to insure their data was pure -- and was told, 'Duplicates won't happen.'"Fish has worked in manufacturing IT for decades, and he knows there's always a chance for data to be duplicated. So he asks again, "But what if--?"To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsHier alle Film- und Serien-Highlights im August 2018 bei Netflix. Darunter: "Ozark" (Staffel 2) und "Better Call Saul" (Staffel 4)....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAufgrund aktueller Vorfälle warnen Verbraucherschützer vor angeblichen Microsoft-Mitarbeitern, die Nutzer abzocken....

PC-WELT Alle NewsSteam enthüllt mit dem neuesten Update die neue Gruppen-Chat-Funktion. Die Ähnlichkeit zu Discord ist nicht zu übersehen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsSamsung soll laut Medienberichten den Verkauf des Galaxy Note 9 vorziehen. Um die schwachen S9-Verkäufe auszugleichen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMicrosoft hat erneut Sammel-Updates für Windows 10 veröffentlicht. Und wieder werden viele Bugs behoben. Ein Überblick....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie 1-Jahreslizenz für den Passwort-Manager Lastpass ist aktuell für nur 5,24 Euro statt 20,99 Euro erhältlich. Sie sparen 75 Prozent!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsGoogle hat Chrome 68 freigegeben. Die neue Version brandmarkt alle HTTP-Seiten als unsicher....

computerworld.comEditor's note: This story has been updated with information about the number of G suite users and Prabhakar Raghavan's title.SAN FRANCISCO – Google is adding new artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to G Suite as it aims to attract more users to its cloud-based productivity apps.There are now 4 million organizations using G Suite, which includes tools such as Docs, Sheets and Gmail; that’s up from 3 million paid customers a year ago. (For reference, there are 135 million monthly paying users of Microsoft’s Office 365, though the comparison is not an apples-to-apples comparison.)[ Further reading: 10 ways to work better with G Suite ] Google hopes that incorporating AI in its workplace productivity tools will help give it an edge over its main rival. Smart Reply, which was unveiled for Gmail two years ago, is now accessible within Hangouts Chat, the text-based collaboration tool that serves as Google’s competitor to Slack. To read this article in...

computerworld.comAs USB thumb drives and memory cards have grown larger and cheaper over the years, it's become easier to trust more data to them. Cloud storage services notwithstanding, flash drives have remained a common way to store data and transport files from one computer to another - and it's all too easy to accidentally erase data from one or have it hiccup on you.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comBoutique browsers try to scratch out a living by scratching out a niche underserved by the usual suspects. Brave is one of those browsers.Brave has gotten more attention than most new browsers, partly because a co-founder was one of those who kick-started Mozilla's Firefox, partly because of its very unusual - some say parasitical - business model.That model, which relies on stripping every site of every ad, then substituting different ads, came under attack almost immediately from publishers that depended on online advertising for theirlivelihood. "Your plan to use our content to sell your advertising is indistinguishable from a plan to steal our content to publish on your own website [emphasis in original]," lawyers for 17 newspaper publishers wrote in a letter to Brave Software in April 2016.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsAm Gönn-Dir-Dienstag gibt es bei MediaMarkt viele Gaming-Artikel zum Schnäppchenpreis....

PC-WELT Alle NewsZur Tiefpreisspätschicht gibt es bei MediaMarkt viele Motorola Smartphones zum Schnäppchenpreis....

computerworld.comIn the world of corporate IT, technology advances often have a "one step forward, two steps back" feeling. Try to boost security by insisting on more robust passwords that have to be changed regularly, and users will write them down more.This stutter-step nature of progress is going to be a key factor in the next generation of mobile interfaces, as gesturing in the air near the device becomes the preferred mode of interaction. Such gesturing has the potential to allow for an order-of-magnitude improvement in ease of use, with more diverse commands available, but before we get there, it has the much greater near-term potential for generating massive user errors.To read this article in full, please click here...