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pcmag.comLatest fibre broadband milestone passed by countryside-centric altnet... Aktuelle PraxistippsSnapchat lässt sich mit ein paar Tipps und Tricks noch besser nutzen. Der einstige Einweg-Foto-Messenger hat sich inzwischen zu einer ausgefeilten Anwendung mit vielen Möglichkeiten entwickelt. Wir geben Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp wertvolle Hinweise. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comThough aimed at people who (still) can’t get superfast broadband from a fixed-line, this service is available to everyone...

computerworld.comApple’s HomePod ships today. If you have one, I believe you will be thrilled at the presence and sound stage delivered by the diminutive device. But the product also has some potential as an enterprise product, as business tech migrates to iOS.Collaboration is complicated Collaboration is a big word. It spans everything from email to presencing systems, conferencing and document sharing, team management, scheduling, secure messaging and more.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsLäuft der Upload von Dateien in Google Drive langsamer als gewohnt, finden Sie in diesem Artikel Tipps, wie Sie das Hochladen beschleunigen. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comLast year's blockchain pilot projects are rapidly becoming this year's live implementations in a variety of industries, and even sectors that have until now been vexed by the distributed ledger technology are following suit.Case in point: Governments, which are moving to regulate blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies it underpins.Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin that live in open networks, have so far inhabited a  regulatory gray area, because there's no way for a central authority to track users. The distributed ledgers, however, are useful because they can enable cross-border transactions over peer-to-peer networks in real time, anywhere in the world – without a central governing authority such as a bank or credit card company.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis city's IT department has hired a contractor to help out on the help desk for a few months, and that's surfacing some longstanding problems, reports a pilot fish on the inside."The contractor is backfilling for a help desk technician," fish says. "He will be here for two to six months. HR wants to give him a Visitor badge instead of a real ID."HR and the parking manager also want him to park in visitor parking and pull a ticket that IT has to validate every day -- twice if he leaves for lunch."IT management points out that this is silly and there must be a better way than adding extra time (and cost) to the contractor's work day to get parking validation.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comIndie dev heroes add cross-platform action to turn-based strategy...

pcmag.comNeed to take control of your entire budget or even just get a better handle on your monthly household spending? One of these top-rated apps can help. Need to make sense of your entire budget or even just get a better handle on your monthly household spending? One of these top-rated apps can help....

computerworld.comMicrosoft Office may be the de facto productivity tool for millions of workers worldwide, but it's no monolith. Rather than a single, towering smooth-black Office, there's a whole Stonehenge of options: Office on the iPhone, on iPad, Office on Android smartphones, Office on personal computers, Windows and macOS, Office with a handful of applications, Office with fistfuls'.But when you get down to it, there are really only two kinds of Office. One, which most label Office 2016, is the stand-alone suite that traces its roots back to the last century. (Its successor is Office 2019.) The other, Office 365, is the subscription service that debuted in 2011.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comClear skies ahead Image by ThinkstockIt sometimes seems as if business travel is expressly designed to raise blood pressure. Cancelled flights, long security lines, or simply failing to puzzle your way through airport terminals or the city you’re visiting can throw a monkey wrench into your schedule.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle's Chrome OS platform is on the brink of yet another potentially massive expansion. That much we've established.What we didn't discuss in Tuesday's "Chrome OS takeover" column, though, was a significant secondary effect that could result from this coming evolution.In case you haven't been paying attention, what we're talking about here is the ongoing alignment of Chrome OS and Android and the fascinating changes that are happening as a result. In short, the presence of Android apps on Chrome OS is redefining the platform's possibilities and limitations. Those new parameters, combined with the accompanying advancements in hardware, are effectively turning the Chromebook into the next-gen "Android tablet."To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsKanadische Hunde sitzen in SUVs. Clarkson vergeht sich an einem Tesla X. Und zwei Golf-Fans fahren einen Jaguar.... Top NewsHeute geht es wieder los: CHIP zockt! Dreimal die Woche schlachten wir Monster, erobern Königreiche, erniedrigen Feinde oder streicheln Katzen. Immer Dienstag bis Donnerstag, 18 bis 21 Uhr. Und meistens verlosen wir etwas Cooles. Diese Woche: Civilization VI: Rise & Fall.... Top NewsBestimmte Dinge im Leben vergisst man nie - den ersten Kuss, den ersten Freund - und laut Netflix auch das erste Mal "Binge Watching". Passend zum nahenden Valentinstag hat der Streaming-Dienst eine witzige Statistik veröffentlicht, die zeigt, wie viel Zeit Neukunden bis zum ersten Serienmarathon brauchen und welche Serien bevorzugt "gebinged" werd... Top NewsBeim Online-Shopping lässt sich jede Menge Geld sparen. Doch schon kleine Unachtsamkeiten reichen aus - und schon könnte der virtuelle Einkauf teurer werden als geplant. CHIP verrät 8 Tricks mit denen sie den besten Preis erzielen.... Top NewsNach dem Riesenerfolg des ersten "Deadpool"-Teils steht nun die Fortsetzung in den Startlöchern. Neben dem Trailer ist auch ein neues Poster erschienen, das einen echten Filmklassiker aufgreift.... Top NewsViele Elektrofahrräder sind öde und teuer - Super 73 ist das komplette Gegenteil. Ein Minibike der 70er Jahre mit reinem Elektroantrieb und Fatbike-typischen Reifen. Das beste: mit Pedelec-Antrieb darf man es sogar hierzulande ohne Führerschein auf der Strasse fahren.... Top NewsDer Mobilfunk-Discounter WinSim bietet aktuell einen sehr günstigen Sonder-Tarif über Verivox an, den Sie über den Anbieter so nicht buchen können. Hier erhalten Sie 5 GByte Highspeed-Internet mit Telefonie und SMS-Flatrates für 14,99 Euro monatlich....

computerworld.comI’ve been using a HomePod system this week. I’m planning to write more about it, but today I wanted to discuss what everyone considering connected smart home devices should think about first: privacy and security.Your life on view Smart home devices communicate with each other.They also communicate with their manufacturers, and this means significant insights can be gathered by anyone who succeeds in monitoring this informational flow.To read this article in full, please click here...