pcmag.comWe review products independently, but we may earn affiliate commissions from buying links on this page. Terms of use. If you're a baby boomer, then you've been waiting a very long time for a flying car. Terrafugia has spent the last few years promising to finally make it a reality but after a series of missed launch dates, the company was sold last year. Since then, there's been no news of possible releases. Few other companies are working on a vehicle that truly transitions from driving on land to flying in the sky, so flying cars are still promises, not prototypes. In that way, they're like a lot of tantalizing transportation technology. The Hyperloop gets headlines but makes little headway. And should we even bring up space elevators? But RS Components, which supplies electrical components to companies in the industry, has made a graphic that can give you a good idea of a realistic time to experience transportation innovation. for the interactive version of the graphic above, enter your age here. You'll see when you'll be able to sit back and let your car do the driving for you—or take a trip to the moon in a space elevator.

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