neue ErweiterungenWith OHSecurity, we block the attempt and all access to your website - preventing the hacker from trying multiple times. OHSecurity works on a '1 strike and your out' rule. OHSecurity is built up on a number of plugins, modules and a component. You can also:* Perform a Health Check on your website and server* Easily take a backup from within the control panel area (requires Akeeba Backup)* Receive 'break-down' emails listing what DMC Firewall has banned over a set period of time 'Site Scanner'Before the content of your website is output to the visitors browser, this plugin scans through the HTML looking for any 'bad content' (cialis, viagra, payday loans etc). If any bad content is found, an email is sent to the web-master informing them of the page that the bad content was found on so they can take appropriate action where necessary.

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