ArchiveorgSoftwareVimix-cursors for linux desktop This is an x-cursor theme inspired by Materia design andbased on capitaine-cursors[1].InstallationTo install the cursor theme simply copy the compiled theme to your iconsdirectory. For local user installation:./install.shFor system-wide installation for all users:sudo ./install.shThen set the theme with your preferred desktop tools.WindowsThe Windows build comes with an INF file to make installation easy.Open .windows/ in Explorer, and right click on install.inf.Click 'Install' from the context menu, and authorise the modifications to your system.Open Control Panel > Personalisation and Appearance > Change mouse pointers, and select Capitaine cursors.Click 'Apply'.Building from sourceYou'll find everything you need to build and modify this cursor set inthe src/ directory. To build the xcursor theme from the SVG sourcerun:./build.shThis will generate the pixmaps and appropriate aliases.The freshly compiled cursor theme will be located in dist/Building depends requirmentxorg-xcursorgen.python-cairosvg.Fedora/RedHat distros:dnf install xorg-xcursorgen python-cairosvgUbuntu/Mint/Debian distros:sudo apt-get install xorg-xcursorgen python-cairosvgArchLinux/Manjaro:pacman -S xorg-xcursorgen python-cairosvgOther:Search for the engines in your distributions repository or install the depends from source.Preview To restore the repository download the bundle wget and run: git clone vinceliuice-Vimix-cursors_-_2020-12-26_01-24-54.bundle Source:[2]Uploader: vinceliuice[3]Upload date: 2020-12-26 References^ capitaine-cursors (^ (^ vinceliuice (

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