allGoogleXMLSitemapWhen creating a website, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a mission critical task to needs to be undertaken, but can take precious time to do it right and continually update. That is where allGoogleXMLSitemap by Joomtraders comes in. allGoogleXMLSitemap allows users to automatically generate a sitemap for their Joomla! powered websites to submit to Google. With online content that is ever changing, updating and growing, it is important to make sure that the world’s most powerful search engine knows about every move your site makes. All that is needed to do is to install the component and then link it through to Google. That’s it. However, Google is not the only compatible search engine. As allGoogleXMLSitemap uses the sitemap protocol, is also compatible with Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo! Site Explorer (AU). In the latest version 1.1.4, the sitemaps will use SEF URLs when applicable, to reduce the risk of 301 errors reported by Google. Features - Creates a dynamically generated sitemap - Allows to specify a date to to go back to, keeping news relevant - Restricts what Google can index, so that less bandwidth is > used each time it visits - Individual categories can be selected, allowing for multiple news/blogs to be selected to be indexed - Comes with testing functionality - Also compatible with Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo! Site Explorer, as it uses the Sitemap Protocol

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