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pcmag.comMyopia (nearsightedness) is a serious problem in China, but it looks as though the government is using it as an excuse to limit online gaming rather than tackling the real causes of the problem.... Top NewsDer Markt für smarte Speaker ist hart umkämpft und wird vor allem durch Amazon, Google und Apple dominiert. Telekom präsentiert mit dem Hallo Magenta einen smarten Speaker, der vor allem durch Datenschutz glänzen möchte.... Top NewsProgramme soll man immer aktuell halten, so zumindest der Ratschlag von Sicherheits-Experten. Aber das ist gar nicht so einfach, denn längst nicht jedes Tool besitzt eine Update-Automatik. Es gibt aber ein paar Helfer, die Sie sich ansehen sollten....

pcmag.comAn Amazon Fire TV Stick works great for streaming on-demand content and accessing other internet-connected services, but some traffic can attract unwanted attention from your ISP. Check out our guide on how to install a VPN on your Fire TV....

pcmag.comAMD's eight-core Ryzen 7 2700X shines for workstation apps and multitasking, and gamers who pair it with a high-end video card should get better 1080p gaming than with first-gen Ryzen. That's a winning combo....

pcmag.comEven though the data was apparently anonymous, customers weren't informed that Google was tracking what they spent in stores after paying Mastercard millions of dollars for access to their data....

PC-WELT Alle NewsKanadische Forscher haben im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes das erste rollbare Touchscreen-Tablet entworfen....

computerworld.comIntel really screwed up the notebook market by launching the 2-in-1 concept of products none of which were truly 2-in-1s.   You see, we knew going in that laptop users struggled with screens under 13” and tablet users wouldn’t carry tablets much over a single pound…or that had screens much larger than 10”.The Intel 2-in-1s were both too heavy and too large to be used as tablets – and yet their marketing had people asking for them (and OEMs building them). The vast majority of users, however, never used the tablet. This would be like car companies convincing everyone they needed a convertible in Alaska where no one would ever dream of putting the damn top down.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple recently told the U.S. Congress that is sees customer privacy as a “human right,” though the explanation didn’t at that time extend to how third-party developers treat data they get from iOS apps. Now it does.Privacy for the rest of us Starting October 3, Apple will insist that all third-party apps (including new apps and app updates) submitted to the App Store include a link to the app developer’s own privacy policy.This is a big change, as until now only subscription-based apps needed to supply this information - and it also extends to the privacy policy itself, which Apple insists must be clear and explicitly in explaining:To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsMit einem Preis von 3500 US-Dollar lässt der runde neue Lautsprecher von Bang & Olufsen selbst den Preis von Homepod billig aus.... Aktuelle PraxistippsGoogle stellt mit der App Android Auto einen Begleiter für unterwegs zur Verfügung. Wie Sie die App erfolgreich einrichten können, verraten wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comTime for the final August patching shoe to drop. Late last night Microsoft released a flurry of patches, posting them on the Microsoft Update Catalog. Some are available through Windows Update, some aren't. As of early Friday morning, the Win10 patches are not available through WSUS, the update server service. It’s not clear if that’s a mistake, a hesitation - or if somebody just went home last night and forgot.Let’s hear it for patching predictability. And transparency.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsIst man an Ende von Shadow of the colossus angelangt, wirft das Spiel mehr Fragen auf, als es beantwortet. Wir haben für Sie das Ende von Shadow of the colossus erklärt. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsWenn Sie zu einer Feier Geld schenken möchten, können Sie statt echter Noten auch Geldscheine selbst gestalten und so ihren Geschenk einen kreativen Touch verleihen. Wir zeigen Ihnen die besten Optionen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsAuch in Zeiten von LTE und schnellem mobilem Internet ist die MMS noch nicht untergegangen. Wie Sie MMS online versenden können, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Telekom hat ihre Magenta-Mobil-Tarife angepasst. Kunden erhalten künftig mehr Datenvolumen, müssen aber mehr bezahlen.... Aktuelle PraxistippsEhe Ihr kaputtes Tablet komplett wertlos wird, sollten Sie es verkaufen. Wir geben Ihnen Tipps zum Verkauf und zeigen Ihnen, wo Sie noch ein paar Euro für das defekte Gerät bekommen. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comCCleaner Image by IDG / PiriformCCleaner quickly scans for cache, log, temporary and other background files that Windows has accumulated over time but that are not necessary to its operation. You can then have this tool delete the unwanted files, potentially recovering a significant amount of storage space on your computer. CCleaner can also scan for and delete the browser history, cache, cookies, download history, temporary files, user passwords and other files associated with any web browser installed on your computer.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFlashback to the early 2000s, when this non-IT pilot fish works in a building where the level of computer literacy is hovering near absolute zero."I was the only person in my department who had any computer skills at all," fish grumbles."One day we all got an email notice from management about a virus that was going around, spread by email. We were warned about clicking links and opening pages and all the other standard warnings."Fish suspects that most people in the department will just delete the warning, since they don't use their computers for anything but the bare minimum required by company business -- and they barely understand even that.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei Humble Bundle können Sie das Action-Game Warhammer 40000: Space Marine noch für einige Stunden kostenlos erhalten....
