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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Aktuelle PraxistippsWenn Sie die Milchstrasse fotografieren, können beeindruckende Bilder entstehen. Ganz ohne Vorwissen gelingt das allerdings nicht. Wir zeigen Ihnen, worauf es ankommt, wenn Sie bei Nacht Bilder von unserer Galaxie machen möchten. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsWarten Sie auch abends noch auf ein Paket von Hermes, fragen Sie sich wahrscheinlich, wie lange Hermes überhaupt ausliefert. Wir nennen Ihnen in diesem Artikel die offiziellen Zeiten sowie weitere Informationen zur Auslieferung. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comKaspersky Security Cloud is a security suite that lets you install and manage Kaspersky security on up to 20 PCs, phones, and tablets at an impressively low per-device price....'It does not deliver on almost any of the promises that allowed them to monopolize funding in the AR (augmented reality) investment community,' the Oculus VR co-founder wrote of the Magic Leap One, which is available for $2,300....

pcmag.comYouTube on Monday started rolling out a new feature that shows the amount of time you've watched today, yesterday, and over the past seven days. It also shows a daily average. The feature is an extension of the digital wellbeing initiative Google announced in May....

pcmag.comBesides taking a stronger stance against hate speech and violent content, Tumblr said it's getting stricter about non-consensual sexual images due to 'the invention of deepfakes and the proliferation of non-consensual creepshots.'...

pcmag.comYou’ve probably played many of the most popular games made for your iPhone, but have you played all Apple's App Store had more than 350,000 games to choose from, but which ones are the best? We asked the PCMag staff to share their favorite iOS games....

pcmag.comThe Acer Predator Orion 5000's style, shape, and glow may prove sticking points for some. But this is one powerful, ready-to-roll gaming desktop right out of the box....

pcmag.comUnlike typical malware, spyware, and ransomware, scareware masquerades as real security protection and then tricks you into paying to clean up infections it pretends to detect. Here's how to avoid being duped....

pcmag.comThough showing its age, Dell's XPS 15 is still the sleekest desktop replacement on the market, from its terrific 4K touch panel to its beefy six-core CPU. It's a great pick for everything from video editing to 1080p gaming....

pcmag.comPlanning employee work shifts across time slots and locations is difficult and time-consuming. We test the latest employee scheduling and shift planning software to make that task easy and efficient. Even outside of staffing considerations, staff managment can be a massive headache. Check out these employee scheduling and shift planning tools so that unmanned shifts and over-budgeting don't give you grief....

computerworld.comThe upcoming version of Windows 10, which industry watchers expect will arrive in September, has many monikers. Its version number is 1809, and its code name is Redstone 5. Microsoft has not yet announced its official post-launch name, but if it follows the convention set by the previous release, called the April 2018 Update, it will be called the Windows 10 September 2018 Update.Windows 10 April 2018 UpdateWindows 10 Fall Creators Update (October 2018)To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)... Aktuelle PraxistippsDer Microraptor ist eine der Kreaturen aus Ark: Survival Evolved. Wie Sie den Microraptor finden und zähmen, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsDer Kaprosuchus ist ein schwieriger Gegner in Ark: Survival Evolved. Wie Sie den Kaprosuchus finden und zähmen können, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsMit dem Megalania in Ark: Survival Evolved können Sie an Höhlendecken klettern. Wie Sie einen Megalania finden und zähmen können, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn Jurassic World Alive züchten Sie Ihre eigenen Dinosaurier, um diese in den Arenen kämpfen zu lassen. Welche Kreuzungen und Dinosaurier es gibt, verraten wir Ihnen in diesem Tipp. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comPeople all over the country, and in fact all over the entire world, have become addicted to their wireless smartphone, apps and services. And it’s only getting worse with every year that passes. New apps that help us manage, monitor, use and do everything in our lives are popping up every day. We love what this technology can do for us. We write about it and talk about it, but we don’t discuss how addictive these are to us.We’ve all watched in amazement as the wireless industry has grown and changed, time and time again over the last several decades. During the last decade the industry has become a very different place. Growth has exploded with the Apple iPhone, Google Android and Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Apps have exploded from a few hundred a decade ago, to more than two million today.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn Far Cry 5 werden Sie viel Geld für Waffen, Outfits und andere Dinge brauchen. Wie Sie schnell Geld verdienen können, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Top NewsIm August hat der Pay-TV Sender Sky jede Menge starke Rabatte auf seine Pakete. Unter anderem verringert Sky bei Abschluss bestimmter Abos die Aktivierungsgebühr. Darüber hinaus bietet Sky seine Pakete in ausgewählten Wunschkombinationen jetzt besonders günstig an. Wir stellen die besten Angebote im Detail vor.... Aktuelle PraxistippsUm einen Dino in Ark Survival Evolved zu zähmen, müssen Sie einige Grundlagen lernen. Welche das sind, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Artikel. … ... mehr...
