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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Top NewsIn Deutschland war die Darstellung von Zeichen "verfassungsfeindlicher Organisationen", also zumeist Symbolen aus der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus seit jeher ein Tabu-Thema. Viele Spiele wurden dabei extra für den deutschen Raum "beschnitten". Das heisst: Hakenkreuze und Runen wurden zumeist zensiert. Eine neue Regelung des USK könnte nun jedoch neue... Aktuelle PraxistippsDer Unterschied zwischen "so weit" und "soweit" ist, was die Schreibweise betrifft, minimal. Der Bedeutungsunterschied ist jedoch gross. Worin genau er besteht erklären wir Ihnen im Folgenden. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsAuch in Steam können Sie Gruppen erstellen und sich so schnell mit Ihren Freunden über aktuelle Ereignisse austauschen. Wie das geht, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsBleibt die Kamera von Ihrem iPhone ständig schwarz, können Sie dies oftmals selbst beheben. Möglicherweise liegt für dieses Problem bereits ein Software-Update bereit. In diesem Praxistipp verraten wir Ihnen, was Sie in diesem Falle tun können. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsDie gamescom steht Mitte August in Köln vor der Tür. Um das Beste aus der Messe herauszuholen, sollten Sie sich richtig vorbereiten. Wie helfen Ihnen dabei und geben Tipps für die perfekte Herangehensweise an die Spielemesse. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comIf you've read this column for long, you know I tend to be the skeptical sort - especially when it comes to talk of fixes for Android's long-standing upgrade problem.The reason is simple: I've tracked Android upgrades closely from the start, and I've seen numerous attempts to get device-makers to step up their game. There was the short-lived Android Update Alliance, announced to much fanfare at Google I/O 2011 and then never mentioned again. There was the launch of the Android preview program in 2014, which was hailed by many as being the long-awaited answer to slow and unreliable upgrades. And then there were the efforts to make the preview program more effective each subsequent year, with increasingly early previews and extended windows of time between the initial and final releases.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt's a scorching summer day at this manufacturing plant, and the heat on the shop floor is almost intolerable. "The air conditioning and fan system was working full blast, but still the temperature was high -- as were tempers," says a pilot fish on the scene."Suddenly, there was a network outage in the shipping area, which was traced to a router. I accompanied the IT guy to help him by holding tools or whatever he needed."The IT guy is working to replace the router when one of the shipping managers shows up, red-faced and sweaty."Do you know what's going on?!?" he roars at the IT guy.IT guy calmly replies, "I believe so. I should have it up soon."To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsDas neue Widerruf-Recht bei Fernabsatz-Geschäften ist seit Mitte 2014 in Kraft und soll die Rechte der Verbraucher stärken. Damit das Widerruf-Recht greift, müssen Sie jedoch einiges beachten. Wir haben die wichtigsten Infos zusammengestellt. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsBis zum Frühjahr 2019 soll das analoge Kabelfernsehen komplett abgeschaltet werden. Was Sie hierbei beachten müssen, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comThe Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 is the best Android tablet we've seen to date, but it still can't beat Windows-powered 2-in-1s for productivity....

pcmag.comLots of companies do business in foreign countries, even Communist countries, but Google is getting singled out for its China plans as if it could bring down PRC all by itself....

pcmag.comA rare workstation-grade ultrabook, Lenovo's ThinkPad P52s offers professional Nvidia Quadro graphics for buyers seeking ISV certifications, but factor in a battery upgrade: The basic power pack falls short of the mark....

pcmag.comWhether you're looking to learn a new skill, find a new game to obsess over, or catch up on some cla Whether you want to develop your own games, find a new favorite comic, or learn the ropes of cybersecurity, these limited-time bundles are hard to pass up....

pcmag.comCapacity, RAM, and security are just a few factors worth investigating when choosing the right network-attached storage (NAS) device for your business. With data exploding from every user and device, businesses can use all of the networked storage they can get. To start you on finding the right device, we compiled a list of 12 must-use buying tips....

computerworld.comIf you’re troubled by Microsoft’s patching policies, you aren’t alone. If you’re confused about Microsoft’s patching policies, hey, join the club. Here's my guide to what's really happening in Update Utopia.Last week, in an attempt to address the confusion, Microsoft designer and lecturer John Wilcox posted a detailed look at the company's “update servicing cadence” on the Windows IT Pro blog. In it, Wilcox set out the official patching principles:To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comLatency can be a problem in networks, especially if there's a cloud service involved. You may not be able to eliminate it, but here's how you can mitigate it....

pcmag.comThe developer preview for Android P is out, and there's a lot to like. Android 9 Pie is finally out, although many of its marquee features arrive later. Before you explore Google's latest mobile OS, check out our favorite new features....

pcmag.comMagic Leap has built up endless hype and increasing skepticism along with more than $2.3 billion in funding. Now its Magic Leap One Creator Edition is on sale for a cool $2,300....

computerworld.comAmazon Web Services is one of today's top cloud computing platforms, so certified cloud professionals will likely run into AWS at some point in their careers. It’s never too late to be prepared and learn the fundamentals of AWS cloud computing; this AWS Solution Architect Certification Training Bundle will show you how for $49.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comWorking on a car production line can involve the equivalent of lifting a bag of flour over your head 4,600 times every day. That causes fatigue and increases the potential for injury due to the repetitive strain of the task, so Ford is fixing the problem with an exoskeleton....
