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PC-WELT Alle NewsMicrosoft liefert für Windows 10 ein neues Sammel-Update aus, welches unter anderem Netzwerk-Probleme behebt....

PC-WELT Alle NewsNathan Fillion hat sich mit Regisseur Allan Ungar zusammengetan und einen Uncharted-Fan-Film gedreht....

computerworld.comOracle wants in on the blockchain-as-a-service game, too.The company on Monday announced the availability of a fully-managed blockchain service over which businesses can automate processes over an immutable electronic ledger, such as tracking goods in a supply chain or handling customer financial transactions.Blockchain-as-a-service {BaaS) offerings have grown over the past three years, enabling businesses to launch proof-of-concepts to test the distributed ledger technology without the capital costs required by an internal deployment. Other BaaS providers include IBM, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE), Microsoft, SAP and Amazon Web Services.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comOn the run-up to Y2K, this consultant pilot fish gets the job of making sure a state government department has all its patches and firmware up to date for the cutover."One of the sysadmins was more of a Lotus Notes admin and not really familiar with patching and firmware ugrades," says fish. "But he watched me as I patched a ton of Netware servers."One morning as I walked into the building I noticed him in the hallway, bouncing off the walls waiting for me to arrive."'You gotta help me,' he said. 'I upgraded the firmware on the Windows NT mail server and now it just blue screens!'"I asked him if he upgraded the device drivers for the RAID controller too -- and just got that deer-in-the-headlights look of what's that for?To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Amazon Prime Day 2018 ist am 16.7. um 12 Uhr gestartet. Wir liefern Ihnen die besten Schnäppchen im Überblick!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsSkype fordert seine Nutzer dazu auf, zur Version 8 von Skype zu wechseln. Die Unterstützung der Version 7 endet bald....

PC-WELT Alle NewsNetflix zeigt den ersten Teaser zur 3. Staffel der Hit-Serie Stranger Things. Im Mittelpunkt steht... ein Einkaufszentrum....

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei können Sie sich Ihre Windows 10 Pro Lizenz für unter 12 Euro sichern!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsApple feiert den Welt-Emoji-Tag auf etwas kreativere Weise: Neben der Ankündigung neuer Emojis ändert sich auch die Leadership-Seite....

PC-WELT Alle NewsZum Amazon Prime Day sind aktuell das Samsung Galaxy S8 und Galaxy S8+ mit einem starken Rabatt erhältlich....

computerworld.comShipments of traditional personal computers during the second quarter of 2018 grew by nearly 3% year over year, the largest increase since 2012, research firm IDC said last week.According to IDC, computer makers shipped approximately 62.3 million systems in the June quarter. Lenovo, HP, Dell, Apple and Acer were the top five OEMs (original equipment manufacturers); their shipments represented 78% of the total.[ Related: IT buyer’s guide to business laptops ] Rival research company Gartner pegged second-quarter growth at 1.4% and pointed out that it was the first year-over-year increase in 25 quarters. Gartner said that total shipments in the June quarter reached 62.1 million, with the same top five OEMs accounting for 74% of the global number.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWe all carry smartphones. It’s become one of the most important things we grab along with our keys and wallet when we walk out of our home in the morning. However, companies are going under the microscope with how they intrude on our privacy with these devices. It started with Facebook and Marc Zuckerberg in front of Congress. Now it’s Apple and Google. What’s next?After the recent eye opening and jaw dropping testimony from Marc Zuckerberg and Facebook lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are finally getting more interested in how companies take, use and abuse our privacy in order to grow.Now this investigation is spreading to smartphone makers Apple and Google with their iPhone, Android smartphones and Gmail. Who’s next? AI like what we use in Amazon Alexa and Google Home are one of the hottest new technologies and areas of growth. They are always listening to every word we say.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsZum Prime Day 2018 gibt es bei Amazon auch viele Notebooks und Desktop-PCs günstiger. Die besten Deals....

PC-WELT Alle NewsApple baut das iPad-Lineup weiter aus, darüber hinaus hat der Hersteller gleich 11 iPhone-Modelle angemeldet....

computerworld.comWhile we wait for Apple to implement its promised deep changes to Maps, here is how to use a few of the lesser-known features in the company’s navigation software.Take control of Maps I’m going to skip the basic stuff about using Maps. In this short guide, you’ll learn how to: Scroll Maps the easy way Find and add pit stops to an existing route Export a Map as a PDF Find the car Understand what Apple Watch is trying to tell you There are lots of other Maps features. Take a look here and here for other ideas.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsMit dem neuen Modell CUH-2200 bringt Sony in Japan eine Hardware-Revision seiner Playstation 4 Slim auf den Markt....

PC-WELT Alle NewsHier die besten Prime-Day-Angebote für Speicherkarten, SSDs und interne und externe Festplatten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAuch Playstation 4 und Xbox One-Besitzer können am Prime Day bei Games und Mitgliedschaften kräftig sparen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsKonsolen-Angebote sind zum Prime Day quasi Pflicht. Auch dieses Jahr gibt es wieder tolle Angebote zu PS4 und Xbox One....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDas Wochenende verlief für einige iPhones bzw. deren Besitzer recht abenteuerlich. Es ist aber alles gut gegangen....
