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pcmag.comWe test and compare five lead management software solutions to help you choose the right one to gather, organize, and track your sales leads. Even more so than CRM, lead management tools are tied directly into the sales process, specifically the pipeline. That means a different feature set in terms of revenue conversion and adoption. We test top players in PCMag Labs....

pcmag.comThe free version of Teams, available worldwide in 40 languages, offers support for up to 300 users, plus unlimited chat messages and search capabilities. Microsoft also this week announced the general availability of its free Whiteboard app for Windows 10....

computerworld.comIf you have a Surface Pro 2, you’re in for yet another runaround. This time, the controversy surrounds the SP2’s TPM chip – the chip that controls access to BitLocker and some other disk encryption technology.[ Further reading: 8 steps to install Windows 10 patches like a pro ] The SP2 shipped with an older, less-secure version of the TPM firmware. If your machine has an older version of the TPM firmware, you see a Win10 Defender warning like the one in this screenshot.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comEverybody knows that launching someone into space is very expensive, so it should come as no surprise that even Jeff Bezos can't get the price down. A ticket for a seat on Blue Origin's new Shepard is expected to cost at least $200,000....

pcmag.comAvrios is extraordinarily useful in handling all of the administrative tasks involved in managing a fleet. Just don't expect any vehicle-tracking features....

pcmag.comFleetio is a fantastic fleet management platform that seeps into every aspect of your company's operations. The amount of data to handle might be overwhelming at first, but its handling of all that information makes it a winner in the space....

pcmag.comZubie is more expensive than other fleet management solutions, but it is also incredibly detailed and easy to use....

pcmag.comTeletrac Navman Director is a powerful fleet management system that offers a full view of your fleet's operations. However, all of its extra features come at a cost....

pcmag.comOnfleet has some decent reporting features. It also wins points for usability. Those looking for a more traditional fleet management software will want to look elsewhere, though....

pcmag.comGreat fleet management software can help you make sense of all your vehicles and the employees driving them. Check out the top picks in our review roundup.... Aktuelle PraxistippsSeit Mitte Juli 2018 bietet die Sparkasse das sogenannte Instant Payment an. Wir zeigen Ihnen, was Sie über die schnelle Überweisung wissen müssen, und wie Sie diese selbst nutzen. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comWe test five cloud backup services for businesses that can help you keep your company's data safe and easily recoverable. The cloud has played a key role in transforming how businesses approach backup, restore, and disaster recovery. Here we evaluate 10 of the best options in the cloud backup market....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Ohrringe namens Swings sind gleichzeitig kabellose Bluetooth-Ohrhörer, die bei Bedarf ins Ohr gesteckt werden....

PC-WELT Alle NewsLaut Gartner und IDC wachsen die Verkäufe im PC-Markt erstmals seit dem ersten Quartal 2012 wieder....

computerworld.comAs I reported yesterday, the July 2018 Windows and Office patches teem with bugs. We’re just beginning to see the fallout.The July 3 non-security Office 2016 patch KB 4018385 is officially yanked. If you don’t recall KB 4018385 - a small patch in a sea of Office fixes - the original KB article describes it thusly:To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Datenspende für die Aktion OpenSchufa, die die Praktiken der Schufa transparenter machen will, fällt gering aus....

computerworld.comIf I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone say “iPads are not productive” I’d have a lot more dollars. And they’d still be wrong. Adobe next year will kill that myth completely, as it brings Photoshop and then its other creative apps across to Apple’s pro tablet, a report claims.Get things done with an iPad Adobe apparently plans to introduce Photoshop for iPads in 2019, the story claims.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsXDA Developers erweitert seine App Navigation Gestures für Android-Geräte um die Gesten der OnePlus-Smartphones....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAnalysten bescheinigen: App-Downloads in Europa und den USA stagnieren. Die Flaute wird aber in Asien kompensiert....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Funktion Site Isolation in Chrome 67 soll vor Spectre-Angriffen schützen, genehmigt sich dafür aber mehr RAM....
