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PC-WELT Alle NewsFür 10 US-Dollar wurden im Darknet Login-Daten für das Sicherheitssystem eines internationalen Flughafens angeboten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsIn dieser Woche steht die Hacker-Simulation Hacknet auf der Gaming-Plattform Steam zum kostenlosen Download bereit....

PC-WELT Alle NewsValve kommt der Aufforderung der Glückspiel-Komissionen nach und streicht Lootboxen in Belgien und den Niederlanden....

computerworld.comAfter months of speculation, Taiwanese electronics company HTC Corp. will release a blockchain-enabled smartphone this year that will allow users to securely store cryptocurrency offline and act as a compute node in a blockchain network."We want to double and triple the number of nodes of Ethereum and Bitcoin," HTC said in its marketing material for the device. The new smartphone is expected to be able to work with multiple blockchain protocols allowing for interoperability between them.[ Further reading: Review: Samsung's new Galaxy S9 phones make excellence routine ] In addition, the HTC Exodus blockchain-enabled smartphone will allow owners to play CryptoKitties, a decentralized app (Dapp) game. Dapps are applications that run across multiple nodes on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt's New Year's Eve, and this consultant pilot fish gets a call from a VP at a big customer site on the other side of the continent."The caller explains with considerable animation that he and his fellow execs decided at the office celebration to send the IT operations staff home and start the year-end processing themselves," says fish."Things are not going well, and they expect me to talk them out of their dilemmas, as the year-end processing is super critical."That must have been some serious celebrating, fish thinks. And after a bit of conversation with the VP, his fears are confirmed: With these execs in this condition, the likelihood of walking them through the process is vanishingly small.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsZum Prime Day bietet Amazon seinen Prime-Kunden über 600 Filme zu je 0,99 Euro zum leihen an. Darunter einige Highlights....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAls Vorab-Angebot auf den Prime Day bietet Amazon den Dash Buttons für nur 1,99 Euro an. Der Erstbesteller-Rabatt bleibt gleich....

PC-WELT Alle NewsPhotoshop, Lightroom, Premiere und Co.: Jetzt bis zu 40 Prozent für das Komplett-Abo der Adobe Creative Cloud sparen....

computerworld.comGoogle has switched on a defensive technology in Chrome that will make it much more difficult for Spectra-like attacks to steal information such as log-on credentials.Called "Site Isolation," the new security technology has a decade-long history. But most recently it's been cited as a shield to guard against threats posed by Spectre, the processor vulnerability sniffed out by Google's own engineers more than year ago. Google unveiled Site Isolation in late 2017 within Chrome 63, making it an option for enterprise IT staff members, who could customize the defense to shield workers from threats harbored on external sites. Company administrators could use Windows GPOs - Group Policy Objects - as well as command-line flags prior to wider deployment via group policies.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIn another sign of how heated the collaboration software market is getting, Microsoft has launched a free version of Teams, offering access to the group messaging and collaboration app without requiring an Office 365 subscription.Teams was launched as a rival to popular team chat platform Slack – which already offers a free version – at the start of last year; Microsoft bundled it with other Office 365 apps such as Yammer, One Drive and other Office tools.[ Further reading: Chat happens: Your guide to 11 group-chat services ] As of March, some 200,000 organizations were using the chat app – up from 125,000 in September – though Microsoft doesn’t break out monthly active user figures. To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsNintendo hat eine neue Revision seiner Switch-Konsole in den Handel gebracht, die sicher vor Hackern sein soll....

computerworld.comAndroid P is almost ready for primetime, with likely just a month or two left until its official release. Let's be honest, though: Unless you have one of Google's Pixel phones, there's a decent chance you'll be waiting a while for the software to show up on your device. And even when it does get there, some of P's most prominent features might not be available to you.But hey, this is Android, right? Developers have tons of freedom to tweak the system interface and change the way things work. So - yup, you guessed it, Mabel - with the right set of tools, you can get some incredibly useful Android-P-like features on any phone today. In fact, you can get features that act like their Android P equivalents but crank up the productivity potential even further, with extra options and opportunities for customization.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsStirbt ein Facebook-Nutzer, so müssen die Erben nach Ansicht des Bundesgerichtshofs den vollen Zugriff auf das Konto erhalten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsKalypso hat die Markenrechte an der Commandos-Reihe übernommen und sucht Entwickler für einen Nachfolger....

PC-WELT Alle NewsOpera arbeitet an einer neuen Version seines Browsers mit integrierter Krypto-Wallet und Dapps-Support....

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin Android-Update für die Musik-Streaming-App Spotify gibt Nutzern mehr Kontrolle über ihre Wiedergabelisten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsKamera-Hersteller Nikon beendet nach sieben Jahren die Produktion seiner spiegellosen Nikon-1-Serie....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMit dem Xperia XA2 Plus bringt Sony ein Smartphone mit 6 Zoll und 18:9-Format für 400 Euro in den Handel....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer aktuelle Insider Build 17713 für Windows 10 bringt gleich mehrere Neuerungen für Microsofts Notepad mit....

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei MediaMarkt bekommen Sie für kurze Zeit das Galaxy S9 oder S9+ mit Tarif inklusive Xbox One S für einen sehr attraktiven Preis....
