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PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Xbox One soll künftig auch Videoinhalte mit Dolby Vision wiedergeben können. Den Anfang macht die Netflix-App....

computerworld.comYou know it’s going to be an Alice in Wonderland month when some sites report that Microsoft plugged 54 vulnerabilities on Patch Tuesday, while others report 53. Fact is, patching has become so brutal - and so banal - that there’s no consensus on counting, much less on what’s good and bad.Suffice to say that, once again this month, there was a huge number of security patches (129 individual patches, according to the Microsoft Update Catalog), with no pressing security fixes unless you’re using the Edge browser or Internet Explorer. Microsoft changed Win10 version 1803 to “Semi-Annual Channel,” but the term now means less than it ever has before. If that’s possible.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comLegal action and recruitment mean we’ve learned a lot about the Apple Car this week, and it seems the technology it is developing is also being deployed across the company’s wider ecosystem. Here’s a few things we learned this month:Apple has thousands working on a car Apple has already confirmed it is working on a car. We’ve heard rumors that it has a huge team working on developing some kind of vehicle. We know now those claims to be true because charges made against former Apple engineer Xiaolang Zhang reveal the company has at least 5,000 employees authorized to access data on its autonomous driving efforts.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsVon Evan Blass veröffentlichte Render-Leaks zum Samsungs Galaxy Tab S4 verraten neue Details zum geplanten Zubehör....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMit dem Xperia XZ2 Premium bringt Sony ein Smartphone mit Dual-Kamera für 900 Euro auf den Markt....

PC-WELT Alle NewsApple will das iPhone SE angeblich auslaufen lassen. Das 300-Euro-Smartphone ist der aktuell günstigste Einstieg in die Apple-Welt....

PC-WELT Alle NewsLaut einem Ex-Mitarbeiter soll Tesla fehlerhafte Batterien und Schrott-Teile in seinen Fahrzeuge verbauen....

computerworld.comThis law-enforcement agency stores its mainframe data with time stamps on every record. That can be important, especially in court cases, says a database admin pilot fish there."In my role as a DBA, I have the chance to educate the rest of the IT staff," fish says. "I was showing some programmers how easy it is to use the 'time zone' information available from the operating system."Fish tells the crowd that the time-zone setting shows hours and minutes offset from UTC -- what used to be called Greenwich Mean Time.Hours and minutes? Yes, fish explains, there are places where the official local time is shifted by an extra half-hour or even 45 minutes.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsBlizzard veröffentlicht einen Patch für seinen Klassiker. Vielleicht können wir auf eine Remastered-Version hoffen....

computerworld.comMore than half of all U.S. publicly-traded companies – and two-thirds of Fortune 500 firms – are incorporated in Delaware because of its business-friendly laws and well-established corporate legal precedence.The state, which doesn't have a sales tax, gets nearly one-third of its revenue from franchise taxes on more than a million corporate entities, accounting for $1.3 billion of its $4.2 billion general coffer. Making incorporating in the state more attractive is seen as a money maker and competitive advantage against other states.To that end, Delaware in October plans to launch a proof-of-concept for a blockchain-based business filing system that will allow corporations to take advantage of smart contract technology to automatically track stocks and collateral assets in real time; being able to do so will give lenders and borrowers a more efficient and accurate record with which to transact business and meet state and federal regulations.To read this article in full,...

PC-WELT Alle NewsPayPal hat einer Verstorbenen vorgeworfen, mit ihrem Tod gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen zu verstossen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Lernplattform Udemy bietet einen Kurs an, bei dem Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre eigene Website oder auch App entwickeln....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Klassiker Desperados erhält überraschend einen Patch für Windows 10, macOS und Linux....

computerworld.comIt can be a challenge to create presentations that are relevant and engaging and make your customer want to say, “Yes, yes, yes!”To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comThis week Microsoft (disclosure: Microsoft is a client of the author) announced the Microsoft Surface Go. This is an original iPad sized Surface product with a base price of just under $400 that uses a Pentium processor and has 9 hours of battery life. While the iPad is clearly the competitive target, particularly in education, you can also see it as a hedge against the Chromebook which has been making inroads in education and in a lot of trials, but few (if any yet) successful deployments in the enterprise market. To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsSystem- bzw. DSLM-Kameras sind eine kompakte Alternative zur Spiegelreflex. Bei Saturn bekommen Sie die Canon EOS M100 inklusive Zoom-Objektiv aktuell auch noch zu einem sehr kleinen Preis: Statt 469 Euro kostet das Set im Rahmen der "Schnappschuss-Woche" nur 299 Euro. So günstig war das Modell noch nie!... Top NewsSich zurechtzufinden ohne Smartphone und ohne installierter Routenplaner-App ist für viele kaum noch denkbar. So ist es wenig verwunderlich, dass es eine riesige Auswahl an Gratis-Navi-Apps in den Stores gibt. Im Folgenden stellen wir Ihnen unsere liebsten Routenplaner genauer vor und verraten Ihnen, was uns an diesen am besten gefällt.... Top NewsWhatsApp hat ein neues Feature für den beliebten Messenger-Dienst bekanntgegeben. Künftig werden Nachrichten von anderen Nutzern, die weitergeleitet worden sind auch als solche markiert. Einzige Voraussetzung: Die neueste Version des Messengers muss auf dem Smartphone installiert sein....

computerworld.comMicrosoft now plans to refresh its Dynamics 365 enterprise planning and customer relationship management software twice each year, on essentially the same schedule as Windows and the Office 365 suite."We are transforming how we do service updates for Dynamics 365 (online). We will deliver two major releases per year - April and October - offering new capabilities and functionality," Mo Osborne, the COO of Microsoft's Business Applications Engineering group, wrote in a July 6 post to a company blog.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsAm heutigen Mittwochabend spielen England und Kroatien um den Einzug ins Finale der Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft. Neben der Ausstrahlung im linearen TV wird das Spiel auch online im Live-Stream übertragen. Eine Auswahl an Links zu den zugehörigen Seiten sowie Apps haben wir in diesem Beitrag zusammengefasst. Wie Sie die WM in 4K sehen können, zeigen wir...
