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pcmag.comSome may dismiss Halo 4 as the same old same old in the Halo franchise but the level of detail in the game, plus a more mature and thoughtful storyline and dialogue, makes Halo 4 the most adult Halo entry in the series....

PC-WELT Alle NewsGünstiger als bei MediaMarkt bekommen Sie die Actioncam Activeon GCB10W CX Gold Plus nicht. Angebot gilt bis 14. Juni 9 Uhr....

pcmag.comThe Brother QL-700 label printer offers fast printing, the ability to change easily from one kind of label roll to another, and even print stamps....

pcmag.comBoingo Wi-Finder app for iPad...

pcmag.comWant to get your hands on a Google Nexus 7 immediately? Here's everything you need to know....

computerworld.comApple listens. It has heard the complaints that people and their children are spending more time glued to their digital devices than they do to each other. And at WWDC, it introduced its new iOS Screen Time feature aims to help us become aware of our digital habits as a first step to empowering us to control them.What is Screen Time? Set to ship in the fall with iOS 12, Screen Time is Apple’s first attempt at dealing with the emerging problem of digital addiction.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer VPN-Anbieter NordVPN hat aktuell ein attraktives Angebot: Beim 3-Jahres-Paket können Sie 77 Prozent sparen!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDas Vivo Nex bietet ein fast rahmenloses Display ohne Notch, eine Pop-Up-Kamera und einen Fingerabdruck-Sensor im Display....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie erst kürzlich in Seattle eingeführte Steuer zur Bekämpfung der Obdachlosigkeit wird nun durch Druck von aussen wieder abgeschafft....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Fortnite-Version für Nintendos Switch kann nicht mit einem Epic Account von der PS4 genutzt werden....

computerworld.comSix weeks after shipping a preview of Office 2019 to commercial customers running Windows, Microsoft this week followed with a beta for the Mac edition of the application suite."Office 2019 for Mac ... is set to ship alongside Office 2019 for Windows in the second half of 2018.," wrote Jared Spataro, the Microsoft executive in charge of Office's product marketing, in a June 12 post to a company blog. The vague release window of "second half of 2018" is as granular as Microsoft will get at this point.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comVoice interactions with AI assistants are fast becoming commonplace at home. With Alexa for Business, Amazon hopes to make the same true in the office.“Just like Alexa is making smart home experiences easier, the same is possible in the workplace with voice controls,” said Collin Davis, Amazon’s general manager for Alexa for Business.[ Further reading: A.I. and speech advances bring virtual assistants to work ] Launched in November 2017, Alexa for Business is a managed service with three main components: a set of management tools, APIs to integrate with existing IT applications and infrastructure, and the Echo devices themselves. It is delivered by Amazon’s cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services, which sells to large corporate customers.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comPilot fish who's a computer science professor gets a call from a former student stumped by a database problem -- one that should be pretty easy to solve."This was not one of my most stellar students," fish admits. "It seems they had set up a database for a new state agency and the system was running very slowly."I did a small amount of consulting on the side, so I agreed to take a look."Turns out the database is rather strangely organized. The explanation? Former student tells fish it's set up for ease of data entry.And for retrieval? "No problem," former student says. "We created an index for every field so you can look up anything quickly. We even created Soundex codes for every last name, and created an index for the Soundex codes too."To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle's Chrome OS platform sure has come a long way.From the early days, when Chrome OS was little more than an experimental "browser in a box," to today - with the platform powering first-class hardware and supporting a diverse range of productivity applications - Google's once-crazy-seeming project has turned into one of the world's most intriguing and rapidly expanding technological forces.I've been covering Chrome OS closely since the start. I lived with the first Chromebook prototype, the Cr-48, and have used Chromebooks as part of my own personal computing setup in varying capacities ever since. I write about the field not only as someone who's studied it professionally from day 1 but also as someone who has used it personally that entire time, up through today.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comUsing an iPad or iPhone to mine bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies would be hard to do, as the CPU power available to complete the task would be a drop in the bucket compared to what's needed.But using a portion of the CPU power from thousands of iPads or iPhones to mine cryptocurrency makes more sense – and that's exactly what some malware has been doing.Apple is now moving to stop the practice.[ Further reading: The way blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are governed could soon change ]To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsWindows optimieren, das wollen viele Nutzer. Aber für Windows-Tuning Geld ausgeben, da scheiden sich die Geister. Ashampoo hat seinen WinOptimizer in Version 16 fertig und preist ihn für mehr Power, Stabilität und Privatsphäre an. CHIP hat WinOptimizer 16 im Test.... Top NewsDie Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 im Live Stream: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie die Spiele live am PC, Smartphone und Tablet streamen können.... Top NewsBis zur Fussball-WM in Russland sind es jetzt nicht mal mehr 48 Stunden! Die Top-Elf-Aktion von Media Markt ist bereits in vollem Gange: Jeden Tag ab 20:00 Uhr dürfen sich Technik-Fans über elf (mehr oder weniger gute) Schnäppchen freuen. Wir zeigen Ihnen die tagesaktuelle Angebots-Aufstellung und machen den Preis-Check für Sie. Alles, was Sie zur Aktion... Top NewsAuf der CeBit 2018 wird AVM mit FritzOS 7 das neueste Update seines Router-Betriebssystems vorstellen. Schon im Vorfeld der Messe gab der Hersteller einige Informationen bekannt. Das neue FritzOS soll ab Juli für alle aktuellen Fritzbox-Modelle bereitgestellt werden. Mit Fritz-Labor lassen sich die neuen Funktionen bereits ausprobieren - wie das funktioniert... Top NewsVor WhatsApp, vor YouTube, vor Instagram. Mit Kicktipp hat sich eine App ganz vorn in den Download-Charts im iOS-App-Store platziert, die normalerweise dort nicht unbedingt zu finden ist. Warum in dieser Woche jeder diese App haben will, sagen wir Ihnen hier. Welche Sportwetten-Apps es sonst noch gibt, erfahren Sie oben im Video....
