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computerworld.comIT pilot fish is part of a team working under a contract where there's a very specific stipulation: These contractors can't write code -- that's the job of a different contractor."But we were allowed to do prototyping," says fish."So we developed a prototype for functionality the customer needed, using SQL Anywhere as a front end to an Oracle database."The customer used our prototype for about four years while their developer contractor worked on the 'real system.'"Sharky really needs your real, true tales of IT life. Send me your stories at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You'll snag a snazzy Shark shirt every time I use one. Comment on today's tale at Sharky's Google+ community, and read thousands of great old tales in the Sharkives.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comDid you notice what was missing at Apple’s 2018 WWDC? There wasn’t a single new Mac model to be seen. Not a one.True, Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, tried to lay to rest rumors that Apple would merge the iOS and macOS operating systems, saying, “We love the Mac and macOS because it’s explicitly created for Mac hardware like the trackpad.”But the Mac lineup hasn’t been associated with true innovation for years, even before Tim Cook took over as CEO. Not having a new Mac model to show off to its assembled developers doesn’t seem like a fluke.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsFitbit verkauft ab sofort seinen ersten Fitnesstracker speziell für Kinder: Den Fitbit Ace. Mit einem Familien-Konto....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie offizielle App der spanischen Fussball-Liga spioniert ihre Nutzer aus. Dazu schaltet sie die Mikrofone der Geräte an....

computerworld.comIn May, we saw a host of bugs introduced by the Patch Tuesday “security” patches. By the end of the month, patches for those patches killed almost all of the bugs – even the inability of Win10 version 1803 to run on certain kinds of solid-state drives, including the one in some Surface Pros.[ Related: Windows 7 to Windows 10 migration guide ] We also saw Microsoft push Win10 version 1803 onto machines that were specifically set to avoid it. I haven’t seen any official response to Microsoft’s inquiry into the reports, but we now have a sighting of a Win7 machine being pushed onto Win10, in spite of its settings.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple’s watchOS 5 plays to the strengths of Apple Watch and opens up some new and interesting ways to develop for and make use of the device.  The enterprise case for Apple Watch Apple always says its goal with the Apple Watch is to deliver brief and meaningful interactions at exactly the right time.This dedication to context and convenience means that when the company ships the next iteration of the OS, it will make its solution much more essential to anyone who needs to stay up to date while remaining focused on the matter at hand, or who needs to stay in touch while leaving the phone behind.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comOver the last decade, Verizon Wireless has been a rapid growth engine. The iPhone and Android revolution gave them the chance to strengthen their competitive position and they saw success and growth. However, over the last several years as growth in this smartphone segment started to slow. Going forward, what path should Verizon take?Watching the company over the last several years this question was real and growing. Verizon growth has not been as strong as it should have been. So, how could they continue to show growth? That’s what investors, workers and customers are looking for. They need to create the next growth wave to ride over the next decade.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comHub sites are the newest intranet building block in Office 365. They are now available to all Office 365 customers, including enterprise, education, and government.In the new flat world of modern SharePoint, each unit of work gets a separate site collection. Hub sites allow us to eliminate the inflexibility and governance limitations of “dreaded” subsites, while providing a way to replicate one of the key benefits of subsites - a way to create a shared experience among related sites. Hub sites can help kill subsites, but not without a little planning.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comMicrosoft’s in-unit PR staff continues to show its moxie, this time burying news about the demise of free tech support for a wide variety of products – covering half of all Windows customers, for starters – in a series of blog posts unveiled on Saturday morning.[ Further reading: Windows 10 April 2018 update: Key enterprise features ] Olga_Gh, a highly respected (if anonymous) Microsoft Agent posted the following message in six different Microsoft Answer forums:To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis hospital's IT department lets employees spend time with people in other groups to get a better idea of how the rest of the department operates, according to a desktop support pilot fish there."The idea was that people who were curious about what we did were allowed to shadow us for a day," says fish."My boss selected me to be the shadowee for some reason. I decided that I'd make sure all of IT knew how Desktop Support ran everywhere."For the days when I was being shadowed, I picked out a lot of support tickets that required site visits but would be easy to explain and quick to do."I closed something like 15 tickets on those days. And the people shadowing me were all, 'Wow, you guys work hard...'"To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comAll good things must come to an end, and the reign of Windows 7 as an actively supported, good-enough operating system is no exception. While it may feel like you just finished the heavy lifting of migrating your Windows XP machines to Windows 7, it turns out that Windows 7 is now almost nine years old, at least two and a half versions behind Windows 10 (depending on whether you consider Windows 8.1 to be a version of Windows all its own), and approaching end of Microsoft support in 2020.Creating and managing deployment groupsTo read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comSilicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen famously said: "Software is eating the world."That still rings true.But there's some munching going on in the hardware world as well: Screens are eating our mobile devices. Smartphone makers are racing to be first to the zero-bezel smartphone finish line. And in the laptop market, companies are scrambling to figure out how to put screens on both sides of the clamshell.[ Further reading: The wireless road warrior’s essential guide ] The reason is obvious: While physical keyboards are superior for typing, screens are superior for every other kind of interface. By adding a second screen to a laptop, you transform what it is, how it works and what you can do with it.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin wichtiges Sicherheits-Update für den Flash Player behebt eine Schwachstelle, die bereits für Angriffe ausgenutzt wird....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDiese Woche bei Tech-up Weekly: Intel bringt 28-Kern-CPU, AMD kontert mit 32 Kernen & GDDR6 schneller als HBM2?...

PC-WELT Alle NewsErste Bilder des kommenden Google Pixel 3 zeigen die immer vertrauter werdende Einkerbung....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Bezahldienst Google Pay wird ab Ende Juni auch in Deutschland verfügbar sein. Mit einer grossen Bank als Partner....

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei MediaMarkt bekommen Sie das iPhone 8 mit Tarif inklusive der Bluetooth-In-Eats Powerbeats 3 für einen attraktiven Preis....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer neue Amazon Fire TV Cube verschmilzt Fire TV und Echo. Mit Alexa und Infrarot-Sensor steuern Sie das Home Entertainment....

PC-WELT Alle NewsVor dem Start der Fussball-WM in Russland feiert Amazon die Fussball-Tage. Hier die besten Tages- und Blitz-Angebote am Freitag....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAsus hat mit dem ROG Phone ein Smartphone mit externem Lüfter speziell für Gamer vorgestellt. Alle Infos gibt's im Video....
