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PC-WELT Alle NewsBade-Urlaub mit dem Smartphone ist nicht ungefährlich. Wir geben Tipps gegen Wasser-, Sand- und Hitzeschäden....

PC-WELT Alle NewsGoogle Lens steht ab sofort in Googles Play Store bereit. Bei vielen Nutzern funktioniert das Feature allerdings noch nicht....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDas Touchpad des neuen Zenbook dient gleichzeitig als zweiter Bildschirm für Apps, Spiele und Hintergrundbilder....

pcmag.comFind the best mobile phone contract deals in June 2018 here, including Samsung Galaxy S9, Apple iPhone X, Huawei P20, and more. Find market-leading mobile phone contract deals for June 2018 here....

pcmag.comVoda now lets you choose free Amazon content alongside Now TV, Sky Sports and Spotify....

computerworld.comBlockchain development already tops some lists of the hottest skills in the IT job market, and thousands of blockchain jobs in the U.S. are now up for grabs.But what kind of blockchain jobs are companies posting, and how good is the pay?About 23% of larger enterprises are now actively working on Blockchain apps and they will typically hire a project manager, one or two application designers, and two to four developers – all with prior blockchain experience, according to Janco Associates, a management consulting firm that conducts regular salary surveys.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei ist aktuell und für kurze Zeit ein rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel für Windows, Linux und MacOS erhältlich....

computerworld.comMicrosoft launched Teams last year as its own take on the booming market for group messaging apps led by Slack and now also fought over by Google, Facebook and Cisco, to name but a few.As with all team chat tools, the core aim of Microsoft Teams is to connect staff and enhance productivity, providing an alternative to – or even replacing – email. Microsoft describes it as a “digital translation of an open office space.” That’s how a company spokesperson described the software.[ Related: Cortana explained: How to use Microsoft's virtual assistant for business ]To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comDatabase admin pilot fish knows this company's systems inside and out after 20 years with them, and he's a bit annoyed when his boss brings in a consultant for the latest project."I suspect there's an unspoken practice of discrimination against me due to my age," fish says. "I don't claim to know everything, but I know enough to have kept things running without incident during my time here, and when I'm stuck I know who to reach out to."Recently my manager requested a meeting with me, the consultant and other managers to discuss my proposal for the project, which included the liberal use of stored procedures on the SQL Server."The consultant shook his head and loudly said that we needed to start using CLR in SQL Server, and that it would be easy to use: Just write the procedure offline, compile it and then integrate it into SQL Server. So simple!To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt’s been 20 years since the U.S. Department of Justice and 20 state attorneys general sued Microsoft for violating federal antitrust laws. The government argued that Microsoft illegally protected its Windows monopoly and used it to try to kill competitors to Internet Explorer, notably Netscape. The suit also charged that the company used its operating system muscle to target Apple, Lotus Software, RealNetworks, Linux and others.In late 1999, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled against Microsoft. A lot has changed since then, but how much of that change is due to that landmark ruling?Before the suit, Microsoft was the world’s most influential technology company, with Windows essentially a monopoly in operating systems, Microsoft Office a monopoly in productivity suites and Internet Explorer a top browser.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsContinental verbietet ab sofort die Verwendung von Whatsapp und Snapchat im weltweiten Unternehmensnetzwerk....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer neue Snapdragon 850 soll Windows-10-Always-On-PCs endlich attraktiv machen: Mit einer Akku-Laufzeit von über einen Tag!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsIntel enthüllt eine 28-Kern-CPU und kündigt offiziell den Jubiläums-Prozessor Core i7-8086K an. Er ist demnächst erhältlich....

computerworld.comApple fans will be disappointed at the lack of sexy new hardware at WWDC 2018, but Apple’s focus on software significantly expands what its existing solutions can already do and extends fresh developer opportunities across the next year.To understand this, think about some of the significant items mentioned during the WWDC keynote. Not only do most of these work across multiple Apple platforms, but they reveal a great deal about how the company sees the future.   To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comFor when you want to show a little extra appreciation. Your dad won't mind if you splurge on one of these high-tech gifts....

pcmag.comYou want to spend just the right amount on dear old Dad? These are the items you're looking for. Want to spend just the right amount on dear old dad? These items fit the bill.... Top NewsAlle Augen blicken heute Abend auf die WWDC 2018. Auf Apples Entwickler-Konferenz stellt der US-Konzern neue Software und Hardware vor. CHIP fasst alle Neuerungen zusammen und sagt, worauf sich Fans freuen und ärgern dürfen.... Top NewsEin Schuhkarton und ein Stapel loser Zettel. So sieht die "Buchhaltung" vieler Selbstständiger aus. Gross ist dann der Stress, wenn wichtige Termine näher rücken, etwa die Abgabe der Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung oder Steuererklärung. Und wehe, mitten in diesem Zeitstress fehlen dann Belege, gestellte Rechnungen oder Kontoauszüge!... Top NewsDabei sein ist alles! Apple-Events wie die Keynote oder den WWDC können Sie per Livestream im Internet mitverfolgen. Ob neues iPhone, iPad, MacBook oder Apple Watch. Hier gibt's den Original-Livestream in Echtzeit und als Video.... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn Snapchat können Sie Ihre Snaps mit Filtern und besonderen Texten versehen, sowie Ihr Gesicht modifizieren - mit den "Effekten". Wie das genau geht und wo Sie die Effekte aktivieren und anwenden, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr...
