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computerworld.comAs more organizations turn to generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools to transform massive amounts of unstructured data and other assets into usable information, being able to find the most relevant content during the AI generation process is critical.Retrieval augmented generation or “RAG” for short, is a technology that can do just that by creating a more customized genAI model that enables more accurate and specific responses to queries.Large language models (LLMs), also called deep-learning models, are the basis of genAI technology; they’re pre-trained on vast amounts of unlabeled or unstructured data that, by the time a model is available for use, can be outdated and not specific to a task.To read this article in full, please click here... NewsDownloads FileBot: praktisches Umbenennungs-Tool für Filme FileBot benennt auf Knopfdruck ganze Verzeichnisse und Dateien um. Dabei gleicht das Tool den Datenbestand mit bekannten Filmdatenbanken ab, z.B. mit NewsWischiwaschi Mac-Tipp: weniger Transparenz Die halbtransparenten Bedienelemente sehen auf dem Bildschirm todschick aus. Aber für die Dokumentation sind sie nicht vorteilhaft.... NewsMicrosoft Preview 1 von Visual Studio 17.10 ist da Microsoft hat die erste Vorschauversion von Visual Studio 2022 17.10 veröffentlicht.... NewsEmpathische Avatare Virtuelle Lehrer sind auf dem Vormarsch Empathiefähigkeit ist laut Forscher der Universitat Oberta de Catalunya der Schlüssel zum Erfolg beim Einsatz von virtuellen Lehrkräften.... NewsMicrosoft Visual Studio 2022 17.9 ist verfügbar Visual Studio 2022 17.9 ist fertig. Die neue Version enthält laut Microsoft Funktionen wie zum Beispiel KI-Unterstützung und bessere Erweiterbarkeit....

Microsoft WindowsDiese kostenlose, eintägige Veranstaltung hilft dir, neue Möglichkeiten mit KI zu entdecken und dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten weiter auszubauen.... NewsDigitalen Alltag meistern Die Post testet ein Beratungsangebot für Digitales in Postfilialen Um Personen mit wenig Digitalkompetenz an die digitale Welt heranzuführen, bietet die Post aktuell in ausgewählten Filialen kostenlose Beratungsgespräche zu Fragen rund um digitale Themen an....

computerworld.comWe all know by now that many business leaders want their employees to work in the office instead of at home. But most don’t understand why.And we know that many employees want to work from home instead of the office. And most don’t understand why, either.As a result, we have a standoff at many companies where corporate leadership is imposing return-to-office (RTO) mandates, and employees are resisting.It’s time for everyone to really understand what’s driving the standoff.Why employees hate RTO mandates The conventional wisdom says that the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced companies to embrace full-time, work-from-home (WFH), gave employees a taste of remote work. They liked it. And that stiffened resistance to RTO mandates.To read this article in full, please click here...

Microsoft WindowsEntdecke in der neuesten Ausgabe der Visual Studio Toolbox, wie du mit hilfreichen Tools deine Unit Tests auf das nächste Level hebst: Coverlet, ReportGenerator und mehr....

computerworld.comMicrosoft on Tuesday released 73 updates in its monthly Patch Tuesday release, addressing issues in Microsoft Exchange Server and Adobe and two zero-day flaws being actively exploited in Microsoft Outlook (CVE-2024-21410) and Microsoft Exchange (CVE-2024-21413).Including the recent reports that the Windows SmartScreen vulnerability (CVE-2024-21351) is under active exploitation, we have added “Patch Now” schedules to Microsoft Office, Windows and Exchange Server. The team at Readiness has provided this detailed infographic outlining the risks associated with each of the updates for this cycle.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIn the wake of Microsoft's release of its GitHub Copilot tool, Apple could soon follow suit with a new version of Xcode that includes generative AI (genAI) capabilities designed to help developers write code.The feature is expected to be capable of generating code in response to natural language commands. This should be really helpful for Apple developers, particularly as Apple’s Xcode Pro should also be able to verify code, check for flaws, and more.Developers, developers, state-sponsored hackers It’s possible even the most security-conscious developers will be able to use the tool, as it seems likely Apple will develop it to be as private as possible; that means your code and your requests don’t end up stored on cloud servers somewhere.To read this article in full, please click here...

Microsoft ServerWas hat sich in der vergangenen Woche rund um die Microsoft-Plattform getan? Gab es wichtige Ankündigungen oder neue Wissensressourcen? Unser TechWiese-Team hat interessante Links für dich zusammengestellt. ...

computerworld.comOnly a week after releasing its latest generative artificial intelligence (genAI) model, Google on Thursday unveiled that model’s successor, Gemini 1.5. The company boasts that the new version bests the earlier version on almost every front.Gemini 1.5 is a multimodal AI model now ready for early testing. Unlike OpenAI's popular ChatGPT, Google said, users can feed into its query engine a much larger amount of information to get more accurate responses.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle parent company Alphabet and Microsoft have both announced huge investments in artificial intelligence in Western Europe this week, likely to get ahead of proposed European Union AI regulations likely to be introduced in April.A new Google AI hub in Paris will eventually host more than 300 Google researchers and engineers, including members of the Chrome and YouTube development teams, according to the French Finance Ministry.The goal of the new AI hub is to accelerate the development of AI-based products in France, to create new academic and research partnerships, and to increase adoption of AI tools among French workers, the French Finance Ministry said in a Feb. 14 news release.To read this article in full, please click here...

Microsoft ServerMelde dich jetzt für den 29. Februar an und sei dabei, wenn Expert*innen dir praxisnahe Einblicke in die Welt der App-Migration zu Azure App Service geben....

Microsoft WindowsMit KI-generierten Git-Commit-Nachrichten, optimierten C++-Game-Entwicklungstools, automatischer Deoptimierung in .NET/C# und weiteren Neuerungen bietet die neueste Version verbesserte Produktivität und Entwicklungsleistung....

Microsoft WindowsAb sofort erleichtert Copilot im GitHub Support die Suche nach Antworten auf GitHub-Fragen. Reduziere den Aufwand für Recherche und erhalte maßgeschneiderte Lösungen direkt im Chat....

Heise Top NewsDass die autonomen Taxis von Waymo in San Francisco nicht nur Freunde haben, war bekannt. Ein Vorfall vom Wochenende hat aber eine ganz neue Qualität....

Microsoft WindowsTauche ein in die Welt des Backend Web Developments mit .NET – Safia Abdalla zeigt dir in acht Folgen, auf was du achten solltest....
