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pcmag.comEE banned from splurging on 2.3GHz spectrum - but will Three be happy?...

computerworld.comORLANDO, Fla. – Speech recognition technologies have improved so much in recent years – thanks to cloud computing and advances in machine learning – that the virtual assistants created by Amazon, Google and Apple have quickly become popular with consumers.So it should come as little surprise that the underlying natural language technology is making inroads at work, too.[ Related: Cortana explained: How to use Microsoft's virtual assistant for business ] “I would say that it [enterprise adoption] is in early stages now, but there are certainly basic capabilities here today,” Jon Arnold, of J Arnold & Associates, said at the Enterprise Connect conference last week. To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comProgrammer pilot fish receives an email with an attached document and a pretty standard request: Make updates and then return it."It was a four-page document, which I printed duplex to save paper," says fish."While talking with the sender, I mentioned I had to rescan it, as I had printed it duplex, and that I would then email it to him."Ten minutes later he asked me to rescan it one-sided, as he had to submit it non-duplexed."Scratching my head, I asked how he printed it. He said he printed it duplex, since that is how I had.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comMicrosoft will try a new way to push Windows 10 users into running Edge, forcing links opened from the Windows Mail app and its messages to display in the browser.Normally, links embedded in messages retrieved by the Windows Mail app open in the default browser, which may be an Edge rival if the user has set one.In the latest preview of Windows 10's fall feature upgrade, currently known as 1809 in Microsoft's yymm label format, Microsoft has mandated that Edge assume responsibilities for opening links within messages.[ Further reading: Windows 10 spring 2018 update: Key enterprise features ] "We will begin testing a change where links clicked on within the Windows Mail app will open in Microsoft Edge, which provides the best, most secure and consistent experience on Windows 10 and across your devices," announced Dona Sarkar and Brandon LeBlanc, the Microsoft employees who most often speak for the Insider preview team, in a post to a company blog last week.To read this article in full,...

pcmag.comAn update to Android 8.1, 24/7 care and warranties all promised by Wileyfox's saviour STK....

computerworld.comLast week, 5G Americas, the wireless trade group, announced the publication of a new whitepaper that focuses on the role 5G will play in wireless vehicle-to-everything communications. The self-driving or autonomous-driving revolution has been coming on strong over the last few years, but this next generation of wireless technology could be the real starting line.The 5G Americas whitepaper is called, “Cellular V2X Communications Towards 5G”. V2X means vehicle-to-everything. If you’ve been paying attention, we have already entered this space. Driving many new cars, you will notice how they automatically update their operating systems, navigation, radio and dashboard controls while driving. To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThe emerging Cambridge Analytica/Facebook affair, in which people’s personal data was allegedly used for purposes it should not have been used for, shows the danger of surveillance capitalism and the need for a new approach to social networking - and that’s what Apple can provide.Understand history, but don't repeat it History shows us that Apple has never succeeded in creating a social network. Ping, launched in 2010, was closed down in 2012 due to lack of interest.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle's Android Oreo release is full of fresh flavor for your phone, but some of its most useful options are out of sight and easily overlooked.Whether you've had Oreo for months or are just now getting a taste - like owners of Samsung's Galaxy S8, whose Android 8.0 rollout is at long last kicking off as we speak - now's a fine time to learn something new about what your device's software can do. (And if you're among the many still waiting and hoping your phone's manufacturer gets its act together soon, hey, you can always save this page for future reference.)To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWhy create a Skype for Business meeting? Image by Peter Sayer/IDGWhen it comes down to it, why would you hold any meeting? Because you want to exchange information, documents, views and feelings.Skype for Business can help you do all that by sharing screens and presentations, and letting you see and hear the people with whom you’re meeting. And because it’s part of Microsoft’s Office365 online productivity suite, chances are good that the people you want to meet with already have the necessary software installed on their PCs or mobile devices. Meetings can be impromptu – the PC equivalent of a phone call or an encounter at the water-cooler – or scheduled an hour, a month or a year from now. We’ll show you how.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comPilot fish gets a call from the IT manager, who wants to know if fish has set up the extension number for a new employee in accounting."My reply, of course, was 'Yes sir!'" says fish."Then he asked me what the new extension number was."A bit taken aback, I told him, '@#$%!, I don't know.' I don't remember extension numbers after I set them up any more than I remember user passwords after they're initially assigned."I told him if he liked I could hang up, press the contacts button on my desk phone, type in her name and call him back with the number."His reply? 'Sure, would you do that for me?'"Yes, we're using similar phones on the same PBX. But my answer, of course, was 'Yes sir!'To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsSaturn bietet derzeit eine Xbox One X für nur 444 Euro im Bundle an. Das ist der aktuelle Bestpreis. Zur Videospiel-Konsole gibt es einen extra Controller und das Spiel Sea of Thieves dazu. Was die Konsole leistet, sehen Sie im Video.... Top NewsAmazon warnt aktuell vor Powerbanks der Eigenemarke Amazon Basic. Der Grund ist eine mögliche Überhitzung und dadurch verursachte Brandgefahr. Was Sie als Betroffener jetzt tun können.... Top NewsWer nicht immer das allerneueste Handy auf dem Markt braucht, kann mit dem Galaxy S7 mittlerweile einen echten Preishit landen. Der Preis für das einstige Top-Smartphone hat sich mittlerweile auf unter 400 Euro eingependelt. Den derzeitigen Tiefstpreis liefern jedoch nicht Amazon, Saturn oder Media Markt, sondern ein anderer seriöser Online-Händler.... Top NewsZorin OS möchte das schönere Windows 10 sein. Nun hat die auf Ubuntu basierende Distribution ein mächtiges Update auf Version 12.3 erhalten, das ZorinOS an vielen Stellen verbessert, Komponenten aktualisiert und einige neue Funktionen mitliefert. Und auch nach dem Patch präsentiert sich das einsteiger freundliche OS von seiner allerbesten Seite und... Top NewsEin einstöckiges Haus innerhalb von einem Tag bauen? Genau das macht das amerikanische Startup ICON möglich. Mithilfe eines speziellen 3D-Druckers will das Unternehmen die weltweite Wohnraumknappheit bekämpfen.... Top NewsGalaxy S9 und S9 Plus kaufen ist jetzt bei Media Markt möglich. Zum Release hat der Online-Shop beide neuen Samsung-Smartphones versandkostenfrei im Angebot. Hier finden Sie alle Preise und weiteren Facts.... Top NewsEin Handytarif im Vodafone-Netz für nur fünf Euro mit zwei GByte Datenvolumen - gibt's nicht? Oh doch. Mobilcom debitel haut uns den Supergünstig-Vertrag Smart Surf um die Ohren. CHIP checkt das Angebot.... Top NewsHeute gibt es den USB-3.0-Stick Lexar JumpDrive S57 mit 64 GByte Speicherplatz bei Media Markt supergünstig im Angebot.... Top NewsMan hat es als Teilnehmer im Strassenverkehr nicht leicht: Neben Rasern, die sich selbst im engen Stadtverkehr noch in die Lücke vor einem drängen, gibt es auch die Falschparker. Genau diesen möchte ein neue App, mit der jeder zum Wachtmeister werden kann, jetzt den Kampf ansagen.... Top NewsDie Geschäfte von Aldi und Lidl laufen blendend. Um weiter zu wachsen, wollen die beiden Discounter-Riesen neue Filialen eröffnen. Doch in den deutschen Städten herrscht Platznot. Lidl löst das Problem mit der Metropolfiliale....
