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PC-WELT Alle NewsMicrosoft liefert ab sofort die neue Version von (Hotmail) an die Nutzer aus. Mit vielen Detail-Verbesserungen.... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn der Champions League steht die Auslosung des Viertelfinales kurz bevor: Heute, am 16.03.2018 entscheidet sich im Live Stream, auf wen die Bayern in der Königsklasse treffen. Wo Sie den Live Stream empfangen, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Artikel. … ... mehr...

PC-WELT Alle NewsIntel liefert die ab Mitte 2018 verkauften CPUs mit Hardware-seitigen Schutzmassnahmen gegen Spectre & Meltdown aus....

computerworld.comMicrosoft's Windows Phone platform may effectively be dead at this point, but don't despair: You can still get a fantastic Microsoft experience on your mobile device. You just have to look to an unlikely bedfellow.With Windows Phone (a.k.a. Windows 10 Mobile) out of the picture, Microsoft is devoting an ever-increasing amount of energy to creating its own mini-platform within Google's Android ecosystem. And given Android's immense flexibility and customization potential, that opens the door to some pretty compelling possibilities.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFlashback to the mid-1990s, when this electronics manufacturer is trying to get a Japanese supplier to cut its component prices -- but it's not going well, says an IT pilot fish on the inside."We had a senior purchasing manager, a no-nonsense, hardcore professional, who decided to fly out to meet directly with the supplier," fish says."He needed a laptop, which at the time weren't common in the company. But we had just purchased 20 new laptops and we had yet to distribute them. I was on vacation, so my intern pulled one out and set it up for him so he could leave the next day."What the intern forgets is that he and fish frequently add startup and alert sound files to personalize new computers for users they know pretty well. Those sounds are already set up for a different user when the intern grabs the machine for the purchasing manager.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsFür nur 14,99 Euro darf der Dienst Amazon Music Unlimited für Familien drei Monate von bis zu 6 Personen verwendet werden.... Aktuelle PraxistippsSchluss mit langweiligen Chats in WhatsApp. So formatieren Sie Ihren Text und können in kursiv, fett und durchgestrichen schreiben. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comSecurity researchers deliberately fish for hackers by creating fake IoT nodes.... Aktuelle PraxistippsEinkaufswagen im Supermarkt haben in der Regel einen schrägen Boden, der viele Produkte während des Gangs durch den Laden zu Fall bringt. Wir verraten Ihnen, warum der Boden überhaupt schräg ist. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsToast ist nicht unbegrenzt haltbar, daher bietet das Einfrieren einige Vorteile. Ein neue Kampagne aus England möchte dem unsinnigen Wegwerfen des Lebensmittels einen Riegel vorschieben. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsLive Streams zur Champions-League gibt es viele - doch welche sind kostenlos? Wie Sie die Königsklasse des Fussballs live im TV und auf PC, Smartphone und Tablet verfolgen, zeigen wir Ihnen auf dieser Seite. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comIn the alphabet, O comes before P. So it goes with Android versions, too. But even though last year's Android 8.0 ("Oreo") hasnt even arrived for most Android smartphone users, Android P is already on the horizon, promising a slew of under-the-hood improvements and some still-to-be-unveiled must-have features.[ Further reading: The wireless road warrior’s essential guide ] A pre-release version of "P" arrived last week, though Computerworld blogger JR Raphael says it's not really ready for widespread use (except for developers). A more stable public beta will likely arrive in the next month or two.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comORLANDO, Fla. – A year after its launch, Microsoft’s Teams collaboration tool is gaining traction among users and maturing as a communications platform, Microsoft officials said at this week’s Enterprise Connect conference here.The company also elaborated on plans to boost video and call capabilities within Teams, as well as using artificial intelligence (A.I.) to improve meetings.While Teams integrated with Microsoft’s unified communications capabilities at launch, in the following months it became clear that the chat app would take over Office 365 communications, replacing Skype for Business.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle announced today it is integrating its Chrome OS Enterprise device management suite with four leading mobility management vendors to offer unified end-point management (UEM) capabilities.Last year, Google introduced its Chrome Enterprise suite and offered integration with VMware Workspace ONE's UEM cloud portal, allowing IT shops to manage Chrome OS devices using both native Chrome Enterprise and VMware tools from a single console.Google charges $50 per device annually for the Chrome Enterprise management service.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGang, we need to talk.Over the past few weeks, as we've been getting into all the ins and outs of Android upgrades, I've heard some pretty troubling reactions.It started with my annual Android Upgrade Report Card, which found the worst overall performance I've ever measured from Android device-makers when it comes to getting OS updates into the hands of their highest-paying customers. That point was driven home by my follow-up piece, which analyzed four full years' worth of upgrade delivery data to illustrate just how consistent and significant of a trend the downward spiral has become.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer seit Jahren andauernde Rechtsstreit zwischen einem Freifunker und Sony um die Störerhaftung kommt nun zu einem Ende....

PC-WELT Alle NewsWer bestimmte Bildschirme von LG kauft, erhält einen kostenlosen Download-Code für das Ubisoft-Spiel "Far Cry 5".... Aktuelle PraxistippsDie Kelvin-Zahl gibt bei Energiesparlampen die "Farbtemperatur" an. Was es damit genau auf sich hat, lesen Sie in diesem Artikel. … ... mehr...

PC-WELT Alle NewsIn der iOS-App von Spotify können ausgewählte Nutzer per Sprachkommando nach Bands, Songs und Playlists suchen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsWhatsapp zeigt sich einsichtig und will sich künftig bei der Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten an Facebook an EU-Recht halten....
