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computerworld.comGoogle has put a July deadline on a 2016 promise that its Chrome browser would tag all websites that don't encrypt their traffic."Beginning in July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as 'not secure,'" wrote Emily Schechter, a Chrome security product manager, in a Feb. 8 post to a company blog.Google has scheduled Chrome 68 to release in Stable form - analogous to production-level quality - during the week of July 22-28.Starting then, Chrome will insert a "Not secure" label into the address bar of every website that uses HTTP connections between its servers and users. Sites that instead rely on HTTPS to encrypt the back-and-forth traffic will display their URLs normally in the address bar.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis IT pilot fish has worked as an IT staffer and as a consultant, and he knows there can be some real disadvantages to the better-paid but less stable contracting life.Case in point: "At one consulting firm, I knew there were communications problems when a peer pulled me aside to talk about the regional manager -- the profit-center guy," says fish."My fellow consultant told me, 'The first time he ever called me was to find out if I was really resigning.'"It was not only the first phone call -- it was the first communication of any kind other than a mailing list!"Don't be a stranger -- tell Sharky your story. Send me your true tale of IT life at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You'll get a stylish Shark shirt if I use it. Comment on today's tale at Sharky's Google+ community, and read thousands of great old tales in the Sharkives.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWindows 10 is the best operating system that's come along from Microsoft in a long time. It's a shape-shifter that changes its interface depending upon whether you're using a traditional computer or a touch-based one. It undoes the damage wrought by Windows 8, including eliminating the awkward Charms bar and bringing back the long-mourned Start menu. A lot more has changed as well, with a new default browser called Edge, the integration of the Cortana digital assistant, links to Microsoft’s cloud-based OneDrive cloud storage service and plenty more.Share this story: IT pros, we hope you’ll pass this guide on to your users to show them the Windows 10 ropes. Also see our printable PDF of Windows 10 gestures and shortcuts.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comDemand for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based solutions is strong. No question about that, but less obvious are the limits and hidden liabilities of this popular business model.The vendor data looks impressive. Last October, Microsoft announced commercial users of Office 365 had reached 120 million. Midway through last year, SaaS pioneer Salesforce said it had hit an annual run-rate of more than $10 billion USD. Analysts also confirm this big picture. Market intelligence firm IDC, for instance, expects SaaS to capture nearly two-thirds of the forecast $160 billion USD global public cloud services and infrastructure spend in 2018.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt's pretty much a given every year that new smartphones will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress. This year's event, which starts Feb. 26 in Barcelona, is expected to be where Samsung shows off its shiny new Galaxy S9.But that's not likely to be the big story from the 2018 show, according to mobile expert and Computerworld freelancer Dan Rosenbaum.What's likely to dominate MWC 2018 is the continued rollout of 5G networking. Rosenbaum, who's going to the event, offered a preview of sorts to Computerworld Executive Editor Ken Mingis.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comHow do smaller wireless carriers compete and win against the powerhouses of the industry like AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and Sprint. Smaller competitors like US Cellular, Xfinity Mobile, C Spire Wireless and many others face the same challenges, plus one more. Not only must they compete in a rapidly changing industry against the big four, but they are smaller and must also offer the user a compelling reason to choose them.The CCA is the association that tries to help them do just that. At this year’s annual convention in Las Vegas at the end of March, the Mobile Carriers Show is getting ready to help the small and mid-size wireless marketplace. That means networks, carriers, MVNO, handset makers, apps and more. Many of the same players are at this smaller carrier show that are at the larger shows like CTIA and Mobile World Congress.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comMicrosoft really has gotten its act together in some areas. Take its cloud platform, Microsoft Azure. It’s a great cloud. But then there’s Windows. As Computerworld’s Woody Leonhart reported, “we had patches released, yanked, re-released and/or re-re-released on 15 different days in January.” Then, there was Windows 10 S.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe Thin BYOD Line - trial uses bobbies’ blowers instead of standalone scanners to cuts costs, time and crime... Top NewsSchon über 3 Millionen Spieler und es werden immer mehr: Trotz eher mässigen Kritiken bei seinem Erscheinen ist das Spiel Fortnite - Battle Royale mittlerweile einer der härtesten Konkurrenten für PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Das grösste Plus: Fortnite - Battle Royale lässt sich völlig kostenlos herunterladen und spielen.... Top News"Breaking Bad" zählt zu den besten Serien, die je gedreht wurden und hat mittlerweile bereits Kultstatus erreicht. Allerdings hätte es für den Protagonisten Walter White am Ende auch ganz anders ausgehen können, wie Serienschöpfer Vince Gilligan vor kurzem in einem Interview verriet.... Top NewsVor den Kameras machten sie auf dickste Freundinnen. Hinter den Kulissen herrschte wiederum eisige Kälte. Nun eskaliert der Streit zwischen den beiden "Sex and the City"-Stars Kim Cattrall und Sarah Jessica Parker.... Top NewsUm bei einem Digitalfoto die Exif Daten ändern zu können, müssen Sie unter Windows zu speziellen Foto-Tools greifen. Wir stellen Ihnen fünf empfehlenswerte Freeware Tools vor, die Exif Daten ändern können.... Aktuelle PraxistippsNicht alles, was in sozialen Netzwerken herumschwirrt, ist neu. So auch die WhatsApp-Äffchen. Die sind bereits uralt und kommen einfach nur in einem etwas anderen Gewand daher. Wir erklären, was es damit auf sich hat. … ... mehr... Top NewsDie Top-Apps des Google Play Stores werden meistens von WhatsApp, Facebook & Co. angeführt. Doch momentan ist auf Platz 1 das auf den ersten Blick unscheinbare Spiel "Pixel Art" zu finden. Wir haben uns das Gratis-Game für Android einmal angesehen.... Aktuelle PraxistippsNeben Blumen können Sie auch iOS- oder Android-Apps bestens zum Valentinstag verschenken. Ausserdem können Sie mit einigen schöne Geschenke kreieren und versenden. Wir zeigen Ihnen fünf gute Apps für Verliebte. … ... mehr... Top NewsDer Mobilfunkdiscounter WinSIM zeichnete sich in der Vergangenheit durch ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis für Handytarife im Telefonica/O2-Netz aus. Neu dazugekommen sind nun Smartphone-Deals, die allesamt mit 1 Euro Zuzahlung daherkommen. Wir sagen Ihnen, auf was Sie hier achten müssen.... Top NewsWer viel auf Instagram unterwegs ist, kommt an der ein oder anderen Instagram Story nicht vorbei. Jetzt lassen sich die kurzfristigen Formate auch anonym ansehen oder sogar speichern - perfekt, wenn man mal was richtig Nützliches entdeckt... Aktuelle PraxistippsAmazon Echo ist die neue Sprachsteuerung und Hilfe im Alltag. Doch es gibt auch Alternativen. In diesem Praxistipp stellen wir Ihnen die 3 besten Alternativen zu Alexa vor. … ... mehr... Top NewsSo mancher Fan der britischen Königsfamilie hat sich in "Star Wars: Die letzten Jedi" sicherlich auf den Gastauftritt der Prinzen Harry und William gefreut. Doch von den beiden Royals fehlt im fertigen Film jede Spur. Nun liefert ein Insider den angeblichen Grund dafür....

computerworld.comJanuary 2018 will go down in history as one of the worst patching months in Microsoft’s very checkered history. That isn’t an isolated muck-up. It’s a harbinger. We had a couple of really bad months in 2017 - February and November come immediately to mind - but an unconscionable number of patches left bricked machines and busted programs in their wake. To read this article in full, please click here...
