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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Aktuelle PraxistippsMöchten Sie in WhatsApp nicht nur Emojis und GIFs verschicken, können Sie jetzt auch zu Stickern greifen. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie's geht. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsDie Layout-Software QuarkXPress und InDesign sind eigentlich nicht kompatibel. Wie Sie ein Dokument aus QuarkXPress in InDesign öffnen, zeigen wir Ihnen hier. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsWenn Sie auf Ihrem iPhone oder iPad den Quelltext einer Website anzeigen wollen, müssen Sie ein spezielles Lesezeichen auf Ihrem Gerät einrichten oder einen alternativen Browser nutzen. In diesem Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen, was Sie dabei beachten müssen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn Risen 2: Dark Waters stürzen Sie sich in ein episches und spannendes Piratenabenteuer. Die besten Tipps zum Game können Sie in diesem Artikel nachlesen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsKündigungen können Sie mit unseren kostenlosen Vorlagen schnell und einfach verschicken. Ob Mobilfunk-Anbieter, Versicherung oder Stromanbieter - Sie können immer auf unsere Muster-Vorlagen zurückgreifen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsDie britische Serie "River" können Sie online legal im Stream schauen. Wir zeigen Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp, bei welchen Anbietern das funktioniert. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsNutzen Sie bestimmte Apps auf Ihrem iPad nicht mehr, so können Sie diese löschen. Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie Platz auf Ihrem iPad schaffen. … ... mehr...

computerworld.com8 lesser-known videoconferencing options for work Image by Peter Sayer/IDGServices like Microsoft’s Skype for Business or Google Hangouts mean you no longer need to turn to a specialist conferencing provider to collaborate with distant colleagues “face to face.”To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple is selling more iPhones and generating higher profits with each sale than ever before, the company has confirmed.10 sales a second iPhone sales hit 77.316 million units in Apple’s 91-day Q1 FY 2018 quarter. That compares with 78.29 million sales in the year-ago quarter.You’d imagine those figures meant that sales shrank, but it’s not the case: Last year’s quarter extended over 98 days (14 weeks), while this year Apple saw a more traditional 91-day (13-week) quarter.That means Apple sold around 849,600 iPhones every day in Q1 2018, in contrast to 798,877 iPhones it sold each day across Q1 2017. In other words, Apple is selling 10 iPhones every second of the day, at least, it was in Q1 2018.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comNo matter how many iOS or macOS devices you own, Apple offers just 5GB of free storage to iCloud users – a paltry amount given what rivals offer. But there are ways you can avoid paying for more storage space, or at least limit how much extra you pay.[ Further reading: 40 tips to get the most from your Mac (and macOS 'High Sierra') ] Here are easy-to-follow tips on how to put some of the biggest iCloud data-consuming features on a diet and save money on iCloud storage.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFlashback to the 1980s, when CRT monitors are very big in this small IT consulting company, according to a pilot fish on the scene."We used Falco monitors with our minicomputers," fish says. "Like all computer monitors in those pre-flatscreen days, they were big and heavy. They were also pretty sturdy."Despite their rugged build, a user did manage to break one by knocking it off a desk. The picture tube and associated electronics survived, but the pivot that attached the CRT to the base platform did not. That part was irreparably broken, and a replacement part was prohibitively expensive."After swapping in a new monitor, fish's group brings the decapitated unit back to the office, where the lone hardware tech dubs it "Headless Wonder" and it's put to use occasionally -- and always moved very carefully.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comBack of the net: BT’s latest results are in...

computerworld.comMicrosoft last week gave Windows 10 testers a peek at an app that shows exactly what diagnostic data the company collects from customers and transmits to its own servers.The issue of Windows 10's telemetry has dogged the operating system since its debut, with critics taking Microsoft to task for over-zealously harvesting information, for refusing to describe what data it collects, and for preventing customers from opting out.[ Further reading: How to choose the right Windows 10 release channel ] With the release of Windows Insider build 17083 on Jan. 24, Microsoft addressed the criticism about transparency by putting an app, named "Diagnostic Data Viewer," into the hands of beta participants.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comWe test and compare the top customer relationship management (CRM) software solutions to help you choose the right one to optimize your customer interaction. You can gain invaluable sources of recurring revenue and new business from all of your company's people interactions. We test 10 customer relationship management (CRM) software solutions that help you easily track and leverage this data....

computerworld.comGetting around a phone with gestures is getting an awful lot of attention right now - including right here in the Android empire.Apple popularized the idea of gesture-based navigation with its notchtacular iPhone X, and now, OnePlus is bringing a similar concept to owners of its OnePlus 5T device.As part of a new beta version of its Oreo update, OnePlus is giving users the option to ditch the traditional on-screen navigation keys and instead use a series of iPhone-reminiscent swipes to move around the operating system - a swipe up from the bottom-center area of the screen to go home, a swipe up from the bottom-left or -right to go back, and a swipe up and hold from the bottom-center to open the Overview function and jump to a recently used app.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsClarkson fährt einen Bugatti. Eine widernatürliche Kreuzung aus Auto, Boot und Düsentriebwerk schändet einen idyllischen See. Und drei Zauberer zaubern auf der Rennstrecke....

pcmag.comWith these apps, you can prevent your child's mobile phone or tablet from becoming a gateway to the Internet's seedy underbelly. If you want to keep your kids safe online, parental control software on your desktop is a step in the right direction, but you really need a capable app for phones and tablets too. These are the top performers in our testing.... Top NewsDas HP-Notebook HP Pavilion 17-ab311ng bekommen Sie im Rahmen der Rabattzwochen jetzt günstiger. Satte 200 Euro können Sie mit dem exklusiven Gutschein-Code des Shopping-Events sparen.... Top NewsNintendo hat eine Ergänzung für die Nintendo Switch vorgestellt: Nintendo Labo. Mit den Baukästen aus Pappe soll eine neue Art des Spielens mit der Konsole ermöglicht werden - unter anderem wird aus der Konsole so ein ferngesteuertes Auto.... Top NewsDie Stiftung Warentest hat elektrische Zahnbürsten unter die Lupe genommen: Am besten schneiden zwei Modelle von Oral-B ab - das günstigere gibt es schon für weniger als 21 Euro....
