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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Aktuelle PraxistippsHuawei meldet stromintensive Apps, um Ihnen das Akku-Sparen zu erleichtern. Das ist grundsätzlich hilfreich, bei häufigen Meldungen nervt das aber schnell. Wir zeigen, wie Sie die Benachrichtigung zu stromintensiven Apps deaktivieren können. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsDen Traumpartner zu finden, ist nicht leicht. Dating-Fails sind an der Tagesordnung und machen die Sache nicht einfacher. Wir zeigen Ihnen die grössten Todsünden bei der Partnersuche - damit Sie diese Fehler nicht begehen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsViele Menschen verbinden mit Hackern Kriminelle, die Ihre Kenntnisse nutzen, um Schaden anzurichten oder Geld zu erpressen. Ob es auch gute Hacker gibt, verraten wir Ihnen in diesem Artikel. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsBeim Racer-Händler in "Need for Speed Payback" können Sie sich neue Racer-Autos kaufen. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wo Sie den Händler im Spiel finden. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsSuchen Sie im Internet nach Erfahrungen zum Online-Shop MyHandyDeal, finden Sie sowohl positive als auch negative Meinungen. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie seriös MyHandyDeal wirklich ist. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn diesem Artikel erklären wir Ihnen, was Sie tun können, wenn Eclipse den Fehler "Binary not found" ausgibt. Die Ursache des Fehlers oft unklar. Dennoch gibt es einige Schritte, die das Problem lösen können. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comApple likes to change the world.The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and the launch of the iPad in 2010 mainstreamed touchscreen phones and tablets, respectively. That was world-changing.This change took place via products Apple makes - “computers,” if you will. Apple changed the world of computers.More impressively, Apple once changed a world outside the computer industry: the music business, through iPod and iTunes, in the early 2000s.Apple ripped music lovers away from CDs (pun intended) and got them to download their music instead. (Apple and iTunes later changed the world again by introducing podcasts.)Transforming the music business was made possible by a single inconvenient truth: iTunes was cross-platform.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comWe live in a world of mass surveillance. Here are some tips for staying anonymous while still staying online. We live in a world of mass surveillance. Here's how to stay anonymous online without ditching the internet entirely....

computerworld.comWhen it comes to tech trends we're likely to see in 2018, nothing would likely be more welcome than the end of passwords. With companies looking for ever better ways to protect data, it seems clear that "password123" has no indefinite future. (Nor does you pet's name, if that's what you use.)But just how quickly passwords will be shunted aside, and by what technology – biometrics? two-factor authentication? algorithms? – remains unclear.That was topic No. 1 for our panel of tech experts – CSO's Michael Nadeau, Infoworld's Serdar Syegulalp, Computerworld Executive Editor Ken Mingis and  Macworld's Michael Simon – as they peer into the near-future to discern what's coming in 2018 and what's not.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThere are plenty of good reasons not to share your IP address with the world, including privacy, security, and safety concerns. Follow our advice to keep yours a secret. Your IP address can reveal more about you than you might think. Fortunately, it's easier than ever to keep it secret, if you follow our advice....

pcmag.comWe test and compare five identity management services so you can find the best one to help you easily create and manage users across your company's entire portfolio of cloud-based applications. Controlling access and verifying user access to networked resources is top of mind for IT professionals in 2018. We test 10 end-to-end IDM solutions that can help....

computerworld.comApple's about to introduce Service Workers in Safari 11.1. So, what are Service Workers, and why might they matter to you or your enterprise?Web apps unleashed First introduced in Safari Technology Preview 46, Service Workers allow background scripts to power offline web applications and should make it possible (for example) for developers to build Web apps that can work even when offline.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comSpending by enterprises and other entities on blockchain networks is expected to reach $2.1 billion this year, more than double what was spent on the distributed electronic ledger technology in 2017.The U.S. will lead the world in blockchain investments, accounting for 40% of spending, followed by Western Europe, China and the Asia Pacific region (not including Japan), according to a new report from IDC.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIn today's collaborative work environment, it's becoming increasingly likely that you’re using video as an important tool for corporate meetings with colleagues or customers. You could be a remote employee sitting in on your company's weekly conference, or a salesperson who wants to promote your product to a potential client in another location, or a job seeker interviewing with an executive at a firm headquartered across the country. Whatever the reason, you'll want to look and sound your best.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comThis company is really happy with the work of an IT consultant pilot fish who's on a project for them. Trouble is, fish feels like he's stuck in a rut."After all, one of the benefits of being a consultant is the variety," says fish. "I was on this ongoing project for three years. I started getting tired of the work, so I spoke with the staff at the consulting firm."The consulting firm likes fish too, and wants to keep him happy and on the payroll. So fish's resume is updated, and the firm begins marketing him to other potential clients again.And, naturally, the consulting firm approaches the company where fish has been for three years to discuss not renewing fish's deal at the next cycle and transitioning to a different consultant on that project.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comOn the heels of a relatively benevolent December Patch Tuesday, the stream of patches pouring out of Microsoft (and Intel!) in January reached epic proportions. To be fair, it looks as if Microsoft got drawn into releasing its Meltdown/Spectre barrage early – on Jan. 3 – but they were so buggy they were withdrawn for AMD processors on Jan. 8, and gradually re-released in phases over the next two weeks.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple has decided to enable a new iPhone feature that promises to save thousands of lives and billions of dollars by making it much easier for emergency services to find you when you contact them to request aid.Introducing, Advanced Mobile Location Apple announced some exciting future iOS 11 features this week, including key improvements for ARKit, Health, Siri, enterprise users and more.Hidden among these announcements lurked promise of support for Advanced Mobile Location, a powerful technology that gathers accurate location data about a person’s location when they place an emergency call.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWith every new Android version comes a flurry of fresh features. Some of them immediately transform the way we work, while others just quietly fade away without making much noise.Then there are the features that fall somewhere in between - features that seem useful, maybe pique our interest, but then get lost in the shuffle and forgotten in day-to-day use. Especially when said features are out of sight and not at all obvious, they're all too easy to overlook over time.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comBullGuard Antivirus offers spam filtering as a bonus feature, and it scored well in our malicious URL blocking test. However, in some independent lab tests and some of our own, it didn't do so well. The website for BullGuard Antivirus touts a new malware-fighting engine, but it didn't deliver in testing. One ransomware sample took over a test system, with no protest by BullGuard....

pcmag.comAre you looking for a laptop with all-day power? Check out the laptops with the best battery life. Don't be left without juice just when you need it most. These long-lasting laptops will take you through a day of work, as well as a night on the couch....
