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computerworld.comTwo of the hottest technologies today - augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) - are likely to have a big impact on enterprise mobility strategies, according to industry experts. Not for a couple of years, it’s true. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared to deal with them as part of your enterprise mobility management (EMM). The funny thing about our ever-accelerating technology advances is that things that were only emerging one day are suddenly everyday business tools the next - and you have to manage them.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

pcmag.comThe PayPal iPhone app lets you pay for goods and services at local shops without any need for NFC, but too few retailers accept it, and its security features are lacking. PayPal is convenient, easy to use, and ubiquitous. And its mobile app is well designed and feature-rich....

computerworld.comMozilla this week decreed that future web-facing features of Firefox must meet an under-development standard that requires all browser-to-server-and-back traffic be encrypted."Effective immediately, all new features that are web-exposed are to be restricted to secure contexts," wrote Mozilla engineer Anne van Kesteren in a post to a company blog. "A feature can be anything from an extension of an existing IDL-defined object, a new CSS property, a new HTTP response header, to bigger features such as WebVR." [ More info: 14 must-have Firefox add-ons of 2017 ] Secure contexts, dubbed a "minimum security level," is a pending standard of the W3 (World Wide Web Consortium), the primary standards body for the web. Secure contexts' main purpose, according to its documentation: "Application code with access to sensitive or private data be delivered confidentially over authenticated channels that guarantee data integrity."To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comI don't know if you've noticed, but Google announces an awful lot of stuff.Between its annual I/O convention, its fall hardware event, and the beefy stew of blogs posted in between, the big G always seems to have some big new feature, product, or service up its sleeve - so many, in fact, that it's easy to lose track and forget about a few things along the way.That's precisely what I discovered when I slogged back through the past year's worth of Google revelations. Amidst all the now-familiar fare was a small handful of leftover items - little this-and-thats mentioned as part of broader announcements and then never brought up again. They're things we heard about, talked about, then largely forgot about.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comNever give a sucker an even break. Yesterday, on a very out-of-band Wednesday, Microsoft released preview patches for Windows 8.1 (but not 7!), Server 2012, and Windows 10 1709 (for bricked AMD machines only), with preview cumulative updates for Win10 1703 and 1607. There are also nine different .NET preview patches.What should you do? Nothing. More accurately, make sure you DON’T install any of them. Fortunately, all of these patches require that you download and install them - and you’d have to be crazy (or an admin trying to shore up some critical servers) to dive into the cesspool.It’s the same advice I’ve been giving all month. There’s nothing here that you need right now - there are no known exploits for Meltdown or Spectre in the wild, in particular - and machines are dropping like flies.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comWe test and compare 10 top human resources (HR) software and management systems for storing and analyzing employee data. Find out which tools are best suited to help you manage the entire employee stack, including records, benefits, time-off, and performance....

pcmag.comIf there even is a YouTube left after Logan Paul, we might as well get kids to brush up on IP laws...

computerworld.comiPhones and other smartphones truly are addictive, and we’re spending more time staring at them than ever. Meanwhile, Q4 smartphone sales utterly eclipsed PC sales. But where is this going?Heavy haulage Summarizing current analysis: PC sales have fallen from their 2011 365 million per year peak to 263 million in 2017. Smartphone sales have grown from a figure hovering around nothing in 2007 to 1.5 billion last year. China is the biggest smartphone market, followed by India and then the U.S. “Soon consumer PCs will be extinct (only used by pro and semi-pro users),” claims mobile industry analyst Tomi Ahonen.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsVerhütungs-Apps gewinnen bei Frauen zunehmend an Beliebtheit, um ungewollte Schwangerschaften zu vermeiden. Doch selbst auf TÜV-geprüfte Verhütungs-Apps wie Natural Cycles scheint nicht Verlass zu sein: Jetzt wurden 37 ungewollte Schwangerschaften bekannt....

computerworld.comInternet filter is installed at this site, and in the beginning, there are complaints from users who can't get to their favorite non-business sites, says an IT pilot fish working there.But after six months and lots of explanations to users, the complaints have stopped. "Then one Saturday evening, a user called me," fish says."He called to report that something must be wrong, because he could get to his lottery numbers tonight."I told him thanks, and that I would inform the individual in charge of the filter on Monday morning, as it wasn't stopping anything production-critical during the weekend hours."I still can't decide which is funnier: the fact that apparently every day for nearly six months this user tried to get to his lottery numbers even though the page should have never loaded again -- or that, when he actually was able to, he reported it as a problem."To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis year, blockchain testing programs will evolve from pilot tests to real-world platforms, and supply chain management is among the industries the distributed ledger technology is set to disrupt.On Tuesday, Maersk and IBM announced a joint venture to deploy a blockchain-based electronic shipping system that will digitize supply chains and track international cargo in real time.The new platform could save the global shipping industry billions of dollars a year by replacing the current EDI- and paper-based system, which can leave containers in receiving yards for weeks.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsDiesen Freitag gibt es beim Eurojackpot mit den richtigen Zahlen sage und schreibe 67 Millionen Euro zu gewinnen. Wenn Sie künftig lieber bei 30 Grad in der Sonne am eigenen Luxuspool liegen möchten oder sich vom Gewinn einen lang gehegten Wunsch erfüllen wollen, können Sie jetzt die Chance nutzen....

pcmag.comMK’s ultrafast broadband will be the dons, promises Voda... Top NewsBis 2020 ist der Rundfunkbeitrag (ehemals GEZ) auf 17,50 Euro festgesetzt. Für die darauffolgende Gebührenperiode fordert die ARD eine Beitragserhöhung. Tatsächlich liegt der letzte Gebührenanstieg inzwischen fast 10 Jahre zurück. Eine Grafik verdeutlicht, wie stark die Zwangsabgabe mit den Jahren angestiegen ist.... Top NewsWer sich einen neuen DSL-Tarif sucht, prüft zunächst die DSL Verfügbarkeit am eigenen Anschluss. Dafür gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten. CHIP stellt die verschiedenen Wege vor.... Top NewsDer Versandreise Amazon präsentiert sein nächstes Device mit Sprachassistentin Alexa an Bord. Nachdem der Echo Spot bereits seit Herbst in den USA zu kaufen ist, kommt er jetzt auch für 129,99 Euro nach Deutschland.... Top NewsIm Flugzeug Bilder auf Instagram hochladen, mit Freunden per WhatsApp schreiben oder einfach im Internet surfen. Das ist bereits auf vielen Langstreckenflügen möglich. Doch genau das kann zur Kostenfalle werden. CHIP verrät Ihnen, wie Sie sich vor horrenden Rechnungen schützen können.... Top NewsIm Internet lässt es sich entspannter einkaufen, als in überfüllten Läden. Allerdings springen viele Kunden im letzten Moment ab und beenden ihre Bestellung doch nicht. Eine neue Studie will die Erklärung gefunden haben.... Top NewsIntels Coffee-Lake-Generation der Core-CPU-Familie könnte bald Zuwachs bekommen. In einer Datenbank sind frische Benchmark-Einträge zum Intel Core i5-8500 aufgetaucht. Weitere Prozessoren sind nicht nur denkbar, sondern wahrscheinlich.... Aktuelle PraxistippsDas Dschungelcamp 2018 können Sie online im Livestream anschauen. Wir zeigen Ihnen in dieser Anleitung, wie das auf dem PC sowie unter Android und iOS funktioniert. … ... mehr...
