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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr... Top NewsÜbersetzungsprogramme für Smartphones gibt es einige und auch die Anzahl von Messenger-Apps ist mittlerweile kaum noch zu überblicken. Da verwundert es auf den ersten Blick ein wenig, dass ein ukrainisch-schweizerisches Unternehmen noch einen weiteren WhatsApp-Klon auf den Markt bringt. Aber auf den zweiten Blick wird klar warum: DROTR verspricht simultane... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr... Top NewsHannover 96 gegen den VfB Stuttgart ist das Freitagsspiel der Bundesliga. Im Live Stream können Sie die Partie aus der HDI-Arena in voller Länge ab 20.30 Uhr schauen. Doch lediglich ein Anbieter streamt das Spiel live im Fernsehen...... Top NewsDie Kfz-Versicherung wechseln ist keine grosse Sache, Sie sollten nur einige wichtige Punkte beachten, damit alles reibungslos klappt.... Top NewsZu einem traditionellen Weihnachtsfest, gehört ohne Zweifel ein prachtvoll geschmückter Weihnachtsbaum. Doch dessen Kauf ist oft mit einigen Unannehmlichkeiten verbunden, die sich an sich leicht umgehen liessen. CHIP verrät, wie Sie dieses Jahr günstig und bequem an einen Weihnachtsbaum kommen....

computerworld.comThe never-ending Apple/Google story takes a new turn on claims the Android maker wants to put a little Apple inside its new OS, albeit the Open Source Swift language.Google’s secret Swift plan On what appears to be a quest to dump Linux, Google is allegedly developing a new mobile OS called “Fuchsia”. We don’t know much about the OS. We don’t know if it will replace Android, Chrome, or turn out to be some other kind of animal. We have been told it could potentially run computers as well as smartphones.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr...

pcmag.comWant some Ryzen? 'Course you do - get over £100 off Lenovo's Legion Y720s with our exclusive deal.... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr...

computerworld.comIt's a busy time at this big software vendor when a must-fix bug report comes in on a legacy product, reports a pilot fish on the inside."Our system was very stable and we were making great strides at adding functionality to our new product," fish says. "No one wanted to take the time to go back and fix an old problem."The issue was not actually coding the fix, but following the old release process. That was going to be very time consuming."After many efforts, we couldn't convince management that the issue should be closed with no plans to fix."Two developers were identified as candidates to fix the problem. The first was the former owner of the code, and the other was the tech lead. Both knew the system and the old release processes. Each gave good arguments on why the other person should perform the work.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr... Aktuelle Praxistipps… ... mehr...

pcmag.comNeed a new phone? Don't miss these great Black Friday deals....

computerworld.comIt was the day that my new dryer pinged me to let me know the clothes were dry that I realized the notifications thing had gotten out of hand.Don’t get me wrong. I love notifications, at least, the way they were meant to be. And the dryer notification turned out to be useful since I have a regular laundry role in my household. Thank God, though, that our new refrigerator, stove and microwave did not follow suit.If you give them free rein, the notifications on your phone, tablet, Mac, PC and other electronic devices from email, texts, calendars, social media, content providers, newsletters, apps and operating systems, to name a few sources, will keep you up half the night, render you mute with bewildering noises, invade your screen space when you’re trying to do something else, confuse you with duplicate or even contradictory messages - in short, they will quickly become your taskmaster. Especially if you are like me and your OCD tendencies make you feel you must look...

pcmag.comLimited time Very deal offers close to 20 per cent off an 64GB iPhone 8....

pcmag.comAlready got a phone? Three’s got *the* SIM only deal for you....

computerworld.comApplets for All Image by James A. MartinThe name is clunky: "If This, Then That." The acronym, IFTTT, is awkward to say – “ift,” as in “shift” without the “sh.” But who are we to complain about a free service that connects otherwise unconnected services to automate our chores?To read this article in full, please click here...
