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pcmag.comGet smart, watch your fitness levels this Black Friday....

computerworld.comBudgets are really tight these days at the company where this sysadmin pilot fish works, and that has consequences."Since we can't hire new people to backfill for those who leave, we've resorted to remote administration and other such tricks to balance workloads," fish says. "Also, repairs are sometimes postponed longer than may be advisable."Late one afternoon, fish gets an instant message from a colleague at another building: One of his servers in fish's building has crashed, and it doesn't have a remote console yet, so can fish please reboot it?No problem. Fish walks down the hall to the data center and brings the server back up.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIf you need some practice buying stuff before the big day (Black Friday), Amazon has released a boat load of deals in these days leading up to it. What we've done here is simply filtered their list of current deals down to the tech categories we care about, and only the deals $25 or less with 4 or 5 star ratings.  Discounted USB cords, chargers, phone accessories, BlueTooth speakers, splitters, and other gadgets. Here it is: An impulse shopper's dream/nightmare. Note: Scroll down past the "featured deals" to where the lists really starts. Enjoy!To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWho dies? What happens when an autonomous car needs to make a decision between crashing into another car, or that child crossing the street? How long will it have to take that decision? Who dies?Making cars is really complicated While iPhones are pretty complicated, cars are both complex and life-threatening.A software glitch in a smartphone is annoying, but poor car code could threaten lives. That’s what makes Apple’s recently published autonomous vehicle research paper very interesting.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe best Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel and more deals from all networks and retailers compared....

computerworld.comAs enterprises push ahead with mobile-first strategies – and employee smartphones and tablets increasingly become business tools – the importance of mobile threat defense (MTD) is growing.Using mobile threat detection and defense, however, is no small task; the technology must cover applications, networks and device-level threats to iOS and Android phones and tablets to be effective."We talk about mobile threat defense, rather than detection – the reason being these solutions not only detect, but also can prevent and remediate threats," said Dionisio Zumerle, research director for mobile security at Gartner.[ Further reading: What is EMM? Enterprise Mobility Management explained ]The MTD market is growing in terms of adoption, and has started to attract attention from endpoint protection platform (EPP) vendors and in other related markets, according to a recent report from Gartner.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comDatabase admin pilot fish is working for this city government on a contract basis, telecommuting to do most of his work overseeing the SQL Server databases, with just occasional trips in to the office."I had an encounter with the storage area network admin regarding backups for the ERP database," says fish. "SQL Server DBAs tend to be paranoid and protective, and most of us prefer not to use third-party backup solutions and to stick with Microsoft's tool -- it's as close to 100 percent reliable as you can get, and we all know how to work with it."But the SAN admin wants to use Microsoft's enterprise backup tool, and he won't give fish access to the tool so fish can run tests and become confident in the tool's reliability for doing restores.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comLinux productivity tools The sheer number of Linux apps available today is mind boggling and one category in particular has exploded over the last few years: productivity tools. While there are a few well-known apps such as LibreOffice and NeoOffice (both forks of OpenOffice), there are many more tools that can make your work easier. Here are a variety of killer Linux office productivity apps you may not know about. (Note: many of them are also available for macOS and Windows, so if you have to hop between operating systems, you can keep at least a semblance of consistency.)To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comWindows 10's rapid release machinery and short-lived support schemes showed some strain in 2017, as Microsoft reduced the number of annual feature upgrades and felt enough pressure to extend the lifespan of a 2015 version well into next year.But the radical release-and-support strategy, which Microsoft asserts has transformed Windows into a service, has not resonated with every customer. Windows 10 upgrades come too frequently, leaving too little time for adequate compatibility testing of critical applications. Support is too fleeting, with each upgrade maintained for just 18 months, theoretically requiring seven migrations during the same timespan when previously only one was necessary.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsDer kostenlose DNS-Dienst Quad9 möchte die Sicherheit von Internet-Nutzern erhöhen und auch deren Privatsphäre besser schützen. Dafür ist nur die Änderung einer kleinen Einstellung nötig. So soll jeder Nutzer ganz einfach die Sicherheit auf seinem System hochschrauben können....

pcmag.comNetwork unsheathes Black Friday 2017 deals well in advance.... Top NewsWas haben Ozzy Osbourne, Lemmy Kilmister und Jack Black gemeinsam? Richtig - ihre Vorliebe für Rockmusik und, dass dürften die Wenigsten wissen, einen gemeinsamen Auftritt beim Rock 'n' Roll-Spiel "Brütal Legend". Genau diesen absolut genialen und überaus coolen Titel können Sie jetzt kostenlos im Humble Bundle Store abstauben....

pcmag.comGet iPhone 7s, Galaxy S8s and Pixel 2s for hundreds of pounds less this Black Friday.... Top NewsTrekstor will die Windows-Phones wiederbeleben. Dafür fragt das Unternehmen derzeit das Interesse der Verbraucher für ein neues Windows-Smartphone via Crowdfunding ab. Nach der Hälfte der Kampagne stehen die Chancen für die Finanzierung jedoch eher schlecht. Interessiert sich niemand mehr für Windows Mobile?... Top NewsYouTube bitte nachbessern: YouTube-Videos aus der Nachbarschaft lassen sich auf der Video-Plattform nur schwer finden. Die Web-App "YouTube Geofind" präsentiert alle Videos übersichtlich auf einer Google-Maps-Karte.... Top NewsNeues Futter für Verschwörungstheoretiker: Ein im Netz aufgetauchtes Foto soll beweisen, dass die Mondlandung der Amerikaner 1969 überhaupt nie stattgefunden hat.... Top NewsDie AS Monaco trifft auf den RB Leipzig in der Champions League am Dienstag. Das Spiel können Sie bei verschiedenen Anbietern im Live Stream verfolgen. Wir zeigen, wer das Spiel im Fernsehen und im Radio überträgt....

computerworld.comI’m not vouching for Microsoft, mind you, but if the latest official assertion about the Surface Book 2 battery is true, it’s a game changer.Since the dawn of Surface time, there’s been no way to have a battery replaced: Your only option was to swap out the entire unit, an expensive proposition. A recent post by a Microsoft employee on the official Microsoft Answers Forum raises a glimmer of hope that batteries in the Surface Book 2 can be replaced.Surface owners have complained about short-lived batteries and their expensive replacements going all the way back to the original Surface and Surface Pro. Way back in February 2013, poster Hyperlexis described his interaction about a bad Surface Pro battery with a Microsoft Surface rep:To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comAh, the holidays. A time for relaxing, enjoying oversized meals, and making semi-annual phone calls to relatives you don't really like.Hey, I'm not here to judge. I just thought our upcoming Thanksgiving weekend and soon-to-follow Festivus season seemed like a perfect time to talk about an easily overlooked option that's waiting to be embraced (in a totally platonic and consensual manner, of course): the ability to turn any old phone into an active call-making device connected to your current number, courtesy of Google.Why bother? Good question, Gilbert. I think the real question, though, is: Why not? If you've got an old phone sitting around and growing crusty, this'll give it a genuinely practical new purpose. You could keep it on your desk at work, in case you ever forget your regular phone; keep it in your travel bag as a backup, in case your battery dies during a layover; toss it in your glove box and have it as a ready-to-roll emergency phone; or take it with you to the gym and... Top NewsJetzt ist die Zeit, wieder an einen Wechsel der KFZ-Versicherung zu denken. Bis zum 30. November können Sie zu einem günstigeren Angebot wechseln. Die Allianz macht Ihnen aktuell ein Angebot mit 50 Euro Rabatt....
