computerworld.comThe networking world is undergoing a lot of change right now – and 2018 is likely to bring even more evolution.Companies are trying to figure out what Cisco's intent-based networking push means.IoT devices are popping up almost everywhere on the network edge, raising questions about what happens to all the data they're creating and whether it's secure.5G trials are in the works in targeted markets. And then there's the latest buzz-worthy technology: fog networking, or "fogging."What's a networking admin to do? Network World's Brandon Butler details the lay of the networking land for Computerworld Editor in Chief Ken Mingis, offering up advice on what savvy admins should be keeping an eye on this year.The takeaway: networks are quickly evolving and growing ever more complex, Butler said, getting smarter – and forcing companies to adapt. That means admins need to not only keep tabs on what Cisco, Juniper and other vendors are doing, but watch out for up-and-coming start-ups – and beef up their skills to stay ahead of the curve.For the audio-only version, click play (or catch up on all earlier episodes) below. Or you can find us on iTunes, where you can download each episode and listen at your leisure. Happy listening, and please, send feedback or suggestions for future topics to us. We'd love to hear from you.

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