computerworld.comWith Microsoft largely sticking to its twice-a-year Windows 10 update schedule (new versions in the spring and fal), "Windows 10 Spring Creators Update" will be coming soon to a PC near you. (It's expected to roll out in April.)And while the update does offer a few new features – including some likely to be welcomed by enterprise users – those changes users will see aren't going to be dramatic.So says Computerworld's Windows expert, Preston Gralla, who's been testing out the upcoming version of Windows 10 and offered up his thoughts to Executive Editor Ken Mingis.Gralla hghlighted a trio of changes, including a new and highly useful Timeline feature, some tweaks to MIcrosoft's Edge browser and a purported effort by Microsoft to allow users to see what telemetry it collects. That last one, Gralla said, is largely a bust. Although Microsoft made a big show of unveiling the "Diagnostic Data Viewer" in Windows 10, Gralla said it doesn't offer granular control over what is shared with the developer – and users will have a hard time deciphering what that data is anyway.The two also talked about "Near Share," the new feature that allows users to share files between devices, and the future of Cortana, Microsoft's take on a voice-activated assistant.For the audio-only version, click play (or catch up on all earlier episodes) below. Or you can find us on iTunes or Pocket Casts, where you can download each episode and listen at your leisure. Happy listening, and please, send feedback or suggestions for future topics to us. We'd love to hear from you.

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