computerworld.comHardware tech for a large-scale communications contractor comes out of his manager's office looking pretty unhappy, and this pilot fish asks what's got him down."It seems he did a service call the day before on a suspected-bad T1 modem," says fish."He got onsite to troubleshoot and, sure enough, it was a bad modem."So he took out his mini pocket screwdriver, undid the modem cable and replaced it. "As it turned out, this was a union shop and he was required to call an electrician to undo the modem cable and wait till they could schedule him in."He just thought this would be faster and easier, but it seems he was mistaken. Management said if he did anything like that again, he wouldn't be allowed back on site."Make Sharky's job faster and easier by sending me your true tale of IT life at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You can also comment on today's tale at Sharky's Google+ community, and read thousands of great old tales in the Sharkives.Get Sharky's outtakes from the IT Theater of the Absurd delivered directly to your Inbox. Subscribe now to the Daily Shark Newsletter.

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