computerworld.comBusiness laptop? $1,000. Sending away the thief? Priceless. | Computerworld Welcome! Here are the latest Insider stories. True tales of IT life, fresh every weekday. Got a story of useless users, hapless bosses, clueless vendors or adventures in the IT trenches? Tell Sharky! Clothes make the crime. Thank youYour message has been sent.SorryThere was an error emailing this page. Computerworld / IDG "); }); try { $("div.lazyload_blox_ad").lazyLoadAd({ threshold : 0, // You can set threshold on how close to the edge ad should come before it is loaded. Default is 0 (when it is visible). forceLoad : false, // Ad is loaded even if not visible. Default is false. onLoad : false, // Callback function on call ad loading onComplete : false, // Callback function when load is loaded timeout : 1500, // Timeout ad load debug : false, // For debug use : draw colors border depends on load status xray : false // For debug use : display a complete page view with ad placements }) ; } catch (exception){ console.log("error loading lazyload_ad " + exception); } }); The time is 2001, not long after 9/11, and the place is New York City. Heightened security awareness is the order of the day, and everyone in pilot fish’s office is required to carry an access card that activates the office doors. Look out for tailgaters, they’re all told. Those are people dressed like professionals who slide in behind someone with an access card and then steal wallets, coats and more.One morning, fish arrives at the office and passes a man in business-casual attire carrying a laptop tucked under his arm and headed for the elevators. Fish doesn’t recognize the fellow, but he does know the co-worker who is running behind him, calling for someone to call building security and the police. The co-worker had returned to an empty desk just seconds after this tailgater had snatched his laptop, well before the tailgater could make a clean getaway.Once the tailgater is in the elevator, he sees that the doors aren’t going to close in time for him to escape, so he throws the laptop at its rightful owner. But the thief’s victim decides that stopping the perp is more important than breaking the laptop’s fall, so he jams his foot against the elevator door so he can hold it open until security arrives. The laptop, meanwhile, sails past him and lands on the floor, where it breaks into several pieces.And the thief is arrested — not for the first time. In fact, police find a desk warrant in his pocket. Turns out that he is out on bail on robbery charges and was in Lower Manhattan wearing business-casual attire that morning because he was heading to a court hearing.Sharky will give a hearing to your true tales of IT life. Send them to me at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You can also subscribe to the Daily Shark Newsletter and read some great old tales in the Sharkives. Computerworld The Voice of Business Technology Follow us Copyright © 2019 IDG Communications, Inc.Explore the IDG Network descend

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