computerworld.comGiven enough time and resources, it could be done | Computerworld Welcome! Here are the latest Insider stories. True tales of IT life, fresh every weekday. Got a story of useless users, hapless bosses, clueless vendors or adventures in the IT trenches? Tell Sharky! But you’re never going to have enough time and resources. Thank youYour message has been sent.SorryThere was an error emailing this page. Computerworld / IDG "); }); try { $("div.lazyload_blox_ad").lazyLoadAd({ threshold : 0, // You can set threshold on how close to the edge ad should come before it is loaded. Default is 0 (when it is visible). forceLoad : false, // Ad is loaded even if not visible. Default is false. onLoad : false, // Callback function on call ad loading onComplete : false, // Callback function when load is loaded timeout : 1500, // Timeout ad load debug : false, // For debug use : draw colors border depends on load status xray : false // For debug use : display a complete page view with ad placements }) ; } catch (exception){ console.log("error loading lazyload_ad " + exception); } }); Consultant pilot fish is called to a community college to develop an online system for registering students in continuing ed classes. At the meeting to develop specifications for the project are fish, the IT director and the continuing ed director, who says that it’s essential that people can’t input invalid Social Security numbers. Fish and the IT director can’t make any headway when they try to explain that there is no way to prevent that.All right, then, says the continuing ed director, “If we cannot prevent that, I don’t want the project.”End of meeting. And for fish, no regrets about that particular lost job.Sharky doesn’t need your PII, made up or otherwise. Just send me your true tales of IT life at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You can also subscribe to the Daily Shark Newsletter and read some great old tales in the Sharkives. Computerworld The Voice of Business Technology Follow us Copyright © 2019 IDG Communications, Inc.Explore the IDG Network descend

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