computerworld.comIt’s really no mystery | Computerworld True tales of IT life, fresh every weekday. Got a story of useless users, hapless bosses, clueless vendors or adventures in the IT trenches? Tell Sharky! Everyone, be more like Chris, except for the exceptionally tardy part. Computerworld / IDG "); }); try { $("div.lazyload_blox_ad").lazyLoadAd({ threshold : 0, // You can set threshold on how close to the edge ad should come before it is loaded. Default is 0 (when it is visible). forceLoad : false, // Ad is loaded even if not visible. Default is false. onLoad : false, // Callback function on call ad loading onComplete : false, // Callback function when load is loaded timeout : 1500, // Timeout ad load debug : false, // For debug use : draw colors border depends on load status xray : false // For debug use : display a complete page view with ad placements }) ; } catch (exception){ console.log("error loading lazyload_ad " + exception); } }); The new CIO at the big bank where pilot fish consults wants to be able to track the hours that each IT staffer spends on each project, so fish creates a timesheet system. From time to time, management decides that hours for a given project were entered with the wrong code, and either the affected employees have to resubmit their timesheets or fish has to change the data in the back-end database.The CIO decides that one particular project shifted into a new phase two months ago. So fish creates a new project doc for the staff on that project to use going forward and waits to hear which past timesheets will need to be altered. Meanwhile, the CIO and his assistant look over the timesheets for the superseded project and notice that one employee, Chris, has properly entered all his hours for the past six weeks with the new project code. CIO wants to know why Chris can be a timekeeping superstar, in the hope that there’s a lesson that can be absorbed by the whole staff.But Chris’ secret is not something the CIO wants replicated. He had been lax about entering his hours, and when he got around to catching up, the new project code was in the system and he was able to choose it when submitting his timesheets.Says fish: “Chris had looked good in the eyes of the CIO thanks to procrastination.”Sharky says, “Don’t delay!” Send me your true tales of IT life at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. You can also subscribe to the Daily Shark Newsletter. Copyright © 2019 IDG Communications, Inc. Computerworld The Voice of Business Technology Follow us Copyright © 2019 IDG Communications, Inc.Explore the IDG Network descend

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