computerworld.comTwo weeks ago, Microsoft launched its reincarnation of Edge, the born-again browser based, not on the company's homegrown technologies, but ton hose created by Chromium, the Google-centric, open-source project whose code powers Chrome.Although it will likely deny it, Microsoft went all-in on Chromium because its own browser — browsers, really, since Internet Explorer (IE) is, believe it or not, still a thing — was a shadow of its former self, reduced to minor player status in the battle for share.But by becoming a Chrome clone, Edge has a shot at a comeback. Microsoft will pitch Edge to its most important customers — commercial organizations — as the alternative to Chrome. It's just like Chrome, the message will go, but integrated with other Microsoft wares, notably Office 365. Just as important, Microsoft will say, managing Edge can be accomplished using the same tools, including group policies, that IT already uses to service Windows and Office 365.Which is why it's time to answer important questions about exactly what Edge brings to the enterprise.(Computerworld will be adding to this FAQ or creating sequels as necessary to account for overlooked or brand new Edge-in-the-enterprise tools.)

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