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pcmag.comThe Microsoft HoloLens uses augmented reality. The HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Sony PlayStation VR use virtual reality. What's the different between these high-tech headsets? Curious about the difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)? From Pokemon Go to the Oculus Rift, we break it down for you....

pcmag.comIf you're looking for some Xbox bargains to play over the summer, Microsoft just dropped over 700 Xbox game prices until July 30 as well as offering a three month Xbox Game Pass for just $10. There's also hardware and accessory offers and a trip to PAX West up for grabs....

pcmag.comGoogle, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter are working together on a Data Transfer Project designed to give users more control over their information. Their mission: to give users the ability to 'easily move their data between online service providers whenever they want.'...

PC-WELT Alle NewsPassend zum Spiel Marvel's Spider-Man bringt Sony Pakete mit PS4 und PS4 Pro in Rot in den Handel....

PC-WELT Alle NewsFür knapp 90 Euro können Nokia-Fans die 1990er Jahre mit dem neuen Nokia 8110 4G wieder aufleben lassen....

computerworld.comYou won’t have missed the hysterical reporting around recent claims that Apple is throttling its all new high-end MacBook Pro, but it seems possible these alarms are blaring a little too loudly.I saw it on YouTube... The claims are that Apple’s new high-end i9 MacBook Pro has been designed in such a way as to throttle processor speeds to be slower than the i7 in order to reduce the heat created when in use.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Xbox-Abteilung bei Microsoft sorgt für hohe Umsätze, Sony scheint mit seiner PS4 jedoch auch weiterhin uneinholbar....

pcmag.comTesla relies on Panasonic exclusively for the batteries it uses, and it has come to light that some of the cobalt used in those batteries was sourced from Sherritt International meaning the cobalt is from Cuba. As US sanctions remain in place, such transactions are prohibited....

pcmag.comA new PCMag survey of 2,500 US consumers, conducted between June 30 and July 2, reveals that 35 percent of people never change their passwords; they only do it if they're prompted....

PC-WELT Alle NewsIn den nächsten fünf Jahren soll Fuchsia als neues Betriebssystem auf allen Geräten zum Einsatz kommen, die bislang Android nutzten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsIm Messenger Whatsapp soll aus Sicherheitsgründen die Weiterleitung von Nachrichten drastisch eingeschränkt werden....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDiese Woche bei Tech-up Weekly: Rundfunkbeitrag legal? +++ Google: 4,3 Mrd. Euro Android-Strafe +++ fliegende Autos +++...

PC-WELT Alle NewsIm Rahmen des Data Transfer Project (DTP) haben sich vier Internet-Konzerne zusammengeschlossen....

pcmag.comUSC's Dr. Assal Habibi has been studying the brains of 80 kids for five years in the hopes of answering the question: does studying music enhance brain function? We'll soon find out....

pcmag.comVirtual private networks serve a host of different functions across worldwide web usage, from accessing entertainment content and social networks to anonymous browsing....

pcmag.comThe nationwide phone carrier has rolled out a narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) network to act as an IoT superhighway now that 5G is finally moving closer to reality....

pcmag.comWhen a game carries a name as recognizable as Spider-Man, it's the perfect excuse to offer a limited edition console. Sony is doing just that for the release of Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 by offering an Amazing Red 1TB PS4 Pro bundle.... Top NewsLeider sind die Uninstaller der meisten Programme nicht gründlich genug - oft bleiben Dateireste auf Ihrer Festplatte. Um dies zu vermeiden, lohnt es sich meistens, ein dediziertes Uninstaller-Tool zu verwenden Wir zeigen Ihnen die besten Tools zum restlosen Entfernen von Programmen....[Disclosure: Microsoft is a client of the author]Back in 2009, Microsoft showcased a skunk works project called the Courier tablet. What was kind of amazing to me at the time was that this tablet was generally positively received externally…but inside the company it was panned because it didn’t run Office. Of course, we eventually realized that was fixable, because Microsoft now has versions of Office running on iOS and Android. They even have ARM--based Windows machines in market again (under the Always Connected PC initiative). These were surprisingly good products and the Asus version sold out.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsDie Bildersuche Googles gehört noch immer zu den meistgenutzten Features des Konzerns - und das obwohl sich am Layout und der Funktionalität seit dem Launch nur wenig geändert hat. Das könnte sich nun ändern. Einige Nutzer berichten bereits jetzt über veränderte Nutzeroberflächen - steht eine komplette Design-Überarbeitung bevor?...