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PC-WELT Alle NewsIn einer Mail kündigt Microsoft-Chef Nadella Umstrukturierungen an. Und gibt bekannt, dass Windows-Chef Myerson geht....

PC-WELT Alle NewsSuperhot, Mini Metro, SOMA. Diese und weitere Spiele stecken im neuen Humble Indie Bundle 19. Die Details.... Top NewsEs geht schon wieder los. Kaum wird das Wetter nach dem langen Winter endlich wieder besser, beginnen bei vielen Personen die Augen zu tränen und die Nase zu jucken. Laut verschiedener Statistiken leiden rund 20 Prozent der Deutschen unter Heuschnupfen. Pollen sorgen bei einem grossen Teil der Bevölkerung für fiesen Heuschnupfen - mit der Pollenkarte... Top NewsEs dauert gut ein halbes Jahr bis zum nächsten "Made by Google"-Event. Während der Veranstaltung könnte der US-Riese dann wieder neue Geräte und Software vorstellen. Die Vorbereitungen laufen wohl bereits auf Hochtouren. Gerüchten zufolge plant der Internet-Riese sogar ein Billig-Pixel....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Telekom schenkt allen Kunden auch im April 300 Megabyte zusätzliches Datenvolumen. So erhalten Sie das Geschenk.... Top NewsNur noch ein Bruchteil der Deutschen kauft laut einer Umfrage im Supermarkt oder Discounter eine Plastiktüte, um Einkäufe nach Hause zu bringen. In den letzten Jahren hatten immer mehr Händler den Verkauf der Tüten eingestellt.... Top NewsIn einer Werbung der Telekom für einen neuen Flatrate-Mobiltarif heisst es: "Endlich. Keine Limits mehr". Tatsächlich gibt es in dem Tarif keine Drosselung der Geschwindigkeit. Doch blickt man auf andere EU-Staaten, fällt auf: So wirklich billig ist der Tarif nicht....

computerworld.comJust when it looked like Windows 10 was gathering momentum, the operating system last month sloughed off its biggest-ever chunk of user share, new data showed.According to analytics vendor Net Applications, Windows 10 lost eight-tenths of a percentage point in user share - an estimate of the portion of all PCs powered by that operating system - during March, ending the month on 33.3% of the world’s PCs and 37.4% of all systems running a Microsoft edition. (The second number is larger than the first because Windows accounted for 88.9% of all operating systems, not 100%.)The downturn was the largest ever for Windows 10, which has been trending up since its mid-2015 debut. That movement has not been a straight line, as March’s dip showed, but it has been impressive, averaging more than eight-tenths of a point monthly.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe sheer number of ports and slots makes this model incredibly versatile.... Top NewsMcDonalds führt den Big Mac in einer neuen Variation jetzt auch in Deutschland ein. Den Big Mac Bacon wird es anlässlich seines fünfzigsten Geburtstags nun auch bei uns mit Bacon und Tomate geben - als Big Mac TS....

computerworld.comTry to imagine life without software as a service (SaaS). It’s really hard to do, given how much all of us –businesses, organizations and individuals ­– rely upon these cloud applications services nearly every day.The more dependent we have become upon SaaS apps, the more important it is to be aware of their liabilities. That was the point of this previous article. One of the areas I mentioned there - security, governance and compliance - deserves a closer look. Life without SaaS may be farfetched, but it’s easy to picture at least one, in a landscape of many apps, being compromised or running afoul of rules and regulations.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comNews last week of Windows’ demotion from shining cash cow to a set of appendages tucked under other parts of the organization caught many of us by surprise. As you’ve no doubt read, Windows honcho Terry Myerson is headed out the door, while Windows itself gets split into multiple pieces, absorbed into different parts of the organization: Windows Core, the “guts of the platform” gets assimilated into Scott Guthrie’s Azure activities as part of the loftily titled “Cloud and AI Platform team.” The Windows Core organizational concept is nearly as old as Windows itself - there were Core Teams in the late 1990s and in December 2003, Microsoft created a “Windows Core Operating Systems Division” just for the legendary Brian Valentine. It’s going to Jason Zander, who becomes the EVP of Azure and Windows, reporting to ScottGu. The rest of Windows as we knew it - the user interface, feature packaging, OneDrive and other... Top NewsAlles drin, alles dran: Wir packen 90 Open-Source Kracher in ein Download-Paket. Hier finden Sie freie Tools zur kreativen Bildbearbeitung, zum produktiven Arbeiten, mächtige Multimedia-Anwendungen, clevere Windows-Tools und spannende Spiele.... Top NewsMit "Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr" wollte Roland Emmerich an den Erfolg des ersten Teils von 1996 anknüpfen und gleichzeitig eine Trilogie einleiten. Doch "Independence Day 3" wird wohl nie erscheinen - darauf deutet zumindest ein entsprechendes Statement hin....

computerworld.comMozilla's radical overhaul of its financial cornerstone, Firefox, has so far failed in its primary mission, to stop the slide in browser share, new data published Sunday showed.According to new numbers from California-based analytics vendor Net Applications, Firefox lost six-tenths of a percentage point of user share in March. That was the largest decline in almost two years, excepting November 2017, when Net Applications revamped its tallies by eliminating fraudulent bot traffic from its data.For March, Firefox's user share - an estimate of the portion of the world's PC owners who ran the browser in a given period - was 10.3%, the lowest since a near-death experience in the summer of 2016, when it plunged to below 8%. At one point - April 2010, to be specific - Firefox accounted for more than a quarter of the globe's browser share.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsBurger King ist bekannt für seine Hamburger, Whopper und die Pommes. Nun wirft der Gigant ein weiteres Produkt auf den Markt - den Schoko-Whopper. Das Ganze hat nur einen einzigen Haken.... Top NewsDie gute Nachricht vorweg: Das Haus der Simpsons gibt es tatsächlich - leider hat es einen Haken. Denn hinter dem Haus stecken zwei grossen Konzerne, die eine spannende Idee hatten. Am Ende entpuppte sich das Ganze aber als ein riesiger Flop. Wir zeigen die Hintergründe.... Top NewsIn Google Maps sind nach Tradition des kalifornischen Unternehmens einige Easter Eggs versteckt. Die fünf besten stellen wir Ihnen hier vor....

computerworld.comSpotlight Search (Command + Space) is the easiest way to get around on your Mac - you can use it to do things, as well as find things.Is this thing on? Spotlight Search works through multiple categories to get the results you need. You can find out which categories it is actively using on your Mac in System Preferences>Spotlight in the Search Results pane. Here you can check all the different kinds of categories it will explore for you, things like Documents, Music, Movies and more. (For best results, make sure they are all enabled.)You may find that the result you want to use isn’t the first one on the results list, in which case you can click on the one you want to use or use the up/down arrows to move between items. (Or use the Command and the up/down arrows to switch swiftly between categories.)To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comLast week AT&T announced the exclusive communications platform for public safety came to life with the nationwide launch of the FirstNet Dedicated Network Core. This network will let first responders communicate wirelessly during a disaster. Something they were unable to do during 9/11. FirstNet will be the nationwide network that let’s first responders communicate and save lives and property.First responders do a very specialized job. They need a very specialized network to communicate with each other on an individual level and on a group level. And they need to be able to communicate when other first responders using the same network at the same time. This was the problem during 9/11. And this is the challenge that FirstNet is addressing.To read this article in full, please click here...