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PC-WELT Alle NewsEin Analyst von Morgan Stanley prognostiziert: Microsoft wird das erste Billion-Dollar-Unternehmen....

computerworld.comMozilla plans to follow Google by adding an ad filter to its Firefox browser this fall, the company noted in an open-to-all 2018 roadmap released last week."Over the next year or so, Firefox will take a stand against tracking, intrusive ads, and other dark patterns on the web by blocking the worst content and more clearly communicating the privacy and other protections the browser offers," wrote Asa Dotzler, the Mozilla product manager in charge of the Firefox roadmap, in the online document.[ Further reading: 14 must-have Firefox add-ons ] Dotzler described the Firefox filtering - slated to show up before the end of the third quarter - only in the broadest strokes. The browser will filter "certain types of ads by default," he said, adding that Mozilla is currently "researching [the] types of advertisements that should be blocked."To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt's the 1970s, and this student pilot fish is working on the final exam for his Data Structures course -- which consists of a single mainframe assembly-language program."The homework/final was a program that was made of the various data structures and their access and handling," says fish. "The final grade was from the completed program at the end of the semester."By that time, my program was almost a full tray of 5,000 punch cards."To submit your program, you handed it to an operator across a counter, who took it to the input queue. I slid my tray to the operator. He grabbed the front and kept it sliding across the counter. He reached for the back of the tray -- and missed.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIf you’re going to give business presentations, odds are you’ll be choosing between Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides, the two best-known presentation applications. They’re both solid, useful tools - and both have changed a great deal over the years. Given all their changes, you may want to reconsider what you’re using today.Live collaborationTo read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comBlockchain has many limitations for businesses, not the least of which is that it can be expensive and difficult to scale. But what about alternatives?To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Microsoft-Browser Edge ist nun auch in einer für iPads und Android-Tablets optimierten Fassung verfügbar. Die Details....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMozilla hat Firefox 59.0.2 zum Download freigegeben. Mit der neuen Version werden diverse Probleme behoben. Die Details....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Humble Store verschenkt erneut ein Spiel für Windows und Mac. Dieses Mal: Das Action-Spiel The Darkness 2....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Amazon Oster Angebote Woche lockt mit täglich tausenden Angeboten. Hier finden Sie die besten Schnäppchen am Dienstag....

pcmag.comFilms starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Chloë Grace Moretz, and Donnie Yen appear in this week's list of the most pirated movies on the Internet. This week brings the horror, the rich people, and the giant killers to the list....

computerworld.comThrough blockchain, Roberto Galoppini sees an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: His organization, FileZilla, can offer users free online data storage while also allowing them to earn valuable cryptocurrency.Galoppini, director of strategy for FileZilla, the popular, open-source FTP client, said his service is planning to shift direction this year by using a peer-to-peer (P2P), distributed storage platform from Atlanta-based Storj Labs Inc. that will be managed via blockchain. [ Related: Blockchain in the real world: 3 enterprise use cases ] FileZilla, which has been piloting the Storj decentralized storage for several months, had been making money through its free file-sharing service, which is hosted on It pitches users third-party software or offers to let them make money by testing a new web or mobile application. In turn, FileZilla would share revenue with the third-party software vendors.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comNeed better-sounding audio from your HDTV? Grab one of these compact speaker systems and instantly amp up your home theater experience, without all the messy wires of a traditional setup. Want better-sounding audio from your TV? Grab one of these compact speaker systems and instantly amp up your home theater experience, without all the messy wires of a traditional setup....

pcmag.comSamsung Pay is the only service that lets you use your phone to pay at any point of sale that accepts credit cards. You can't use it to pay your friends, however....

computerworld.comApple is working to get a range of new emoji’s approved to better represent individuals with disabilities. The attempt underlines its award-winning leadership position when it comes to an evidenced commitment to making products accessible with software. It could do even more to enrich people’s lives.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comLast week IBM held their Watson conference, but while the last was called World of Watson, this one was called Think 2018. Where did Watson go? The answer is simple. Watson has gone wireless. While this time the event was very similar to the last one, there was a difference. This year it showed how important wireless and mobile connectivity are key to the future of Watson.This year IBM changed the focus and the brand. Last year it was all about Watson from a very technical point of view. It was difficult to wrap your mind around unless you were a technologist.IBM spend the last year trying to re-brand Watson and more toward AI, the cloud, IoT and IIoT. This time around wireless and wire line networks played an even larger role. This change was reflected at the conference. I think this is a huge step in the right direction.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsGoogle blockiert die eigenen Dienste auf Geräten mit Custom-ROMs. Für Betroffene gibt es aber schon eine Lösung des Problems....

PC-WELT Alle NewsUbisofts Far Cry 5 ist in den Startlöchern. Hier können Sie die PC-Version deutlich günstiger kaufen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin neu entwickelter Sensor soll die Ernährung überwachen und analysieren. Platziert wird der Chip direkt auf dem Zahn....

PC-WELT Alle NewsWer ein Notebook mit Geforce MX150 GPU kauft, kann nicht sicher sein, ob er die schnelle oder langsamere Variante erhält....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDas neueste Humble Bundle bietet wieder Top-Spiele für wenig Geld. Diesmal dabei Tropico 5 samt DLCs für nur ca. 4,15 Euro!...