neue ErweiterungenSlide Carousel. Module to show images in joomla 3, works with the 3.x bootstrap libraries. Configuration: Use the parameters of the module Transition interval, control the time between each slide. Raising or lowering the transition speed. Enable or disable the 3.x and jQuery bootstrap libraries, if your site already has these libraries, then disable them. Image: Upload the images to your web server and insert each image in the slide. It is important that in the first slide, necessarily load an image, otherwise it would not work correctly. In the rest of the slides it is not necessary to load them all if you do not need them, since they do not load an image in them, they are automatically deactivated. Justify text: The title and description are automatically aligned to the left, if you want to justify them in a different way you can justify them to the left, right and centered. Text: Write a title in the text box and a caption in the description text box. The texts can leave them without movement or apply them to each effect, to apply effect to the title and subtitle, select the option you want to apply it to the text. Activate link button: The button for link is initially disabled, to activate it select the option "Yes" and it is activated with all its properties, the properties of the button are: Button effect: select the type of effect to animate it Button color: choose the color of your preference, gray, strong blue, green, light blue, orange and red Link: insert the url Open window: open in a new window or in a new window

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