neue ErweiterungenProfessional look resposive emails for Jomres This plugin overrides all Jomres core emails (emailadmincancelbooking, emailadminnewbooking, emailguestcancelbooking, emailguestconfirmationletter, emailguestnewbooking, emailhotelcancelbooking, emailhotelnewbooking ) giving Jomres professional look and responsive emails. There are a buch of options that will add or remove some email's sections, customize links & texts, edit the email's subject, pick from where the image and logo should be taken or upload your specific email's ones using the Media Centre new options that you will get after installing the plugin. This settings are individual to each property that a ptoperty manager could edit however for site owners at the back-end Jomres cPanel there is an "override" parameter and when you enable it your backend settings will be for all properties in the system and front-end managers wont be able to see the plugin's settings. e

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