neue ErweiterungenPage title, description, and keywords Manage page's page title, description, and keywords. Google SERP live preview You can see the changes instantly, thanks to the live preview. Facebook OG Tags Have the way Facebook creates links' cards under control. Twitter Tags Have the way Twitter creates links' cards under control. OG and Twitter tags preview You can always check the result in our live OG tags preview. Menu item summary You can see all the page's SEO-related errors, warnings, and successes at the same place. Image optimization Images make the biggest portion of the website’s page weight. It's a huge opportunity to drastically decrease your page load time which results in better SEO. Convert images to WebP Convert your images to the modern WebP format on-the-fly. No need to worry about it, it's just done. Set image quality for all images Take all of your images and change their quality, so the website can load faster. Set maximum width for all images There's no need to load huge images. Set the maximum width and you don't have to think about resizing the images ever again. Lazy load images Wait with the loading of images until the users actually need them. It can save a lot of page load time and your visitors will be happier than ever. Manage redirects Don't show your users the 404 message. Redirect them to the right URL easily. Htaccess editor We added an htaccess editor to the W7 SEO Uplifter. See more features listed on our website.

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