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Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
TheHackersNewsResearchers on Tuesday revealed details of a new banking trojan targeting corporate users in Brazil at least since 2019 across various sectors such as engineering, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, finance, transportation, and government. Dubbed "Janeleiro" by Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET, the malware aims to disguise its true intent via lookalike pop-up windows that are designed to resemble...

TheHackersNewsCyber attackers are actively setting their sights on unsecured SAP applications in an attempt to steal information and sabotage critical processes, according to new research. "Observed exploitation could lead in many cases to full control of the unsecured SAP application, bypassing common security and compliance controls, and enabling attackers to steal sensitive information, perform financial...

securitymagazine.comThough extremism is not a new concept, the rise in radical and extremist ideals and incidents in recent years, puts this risk on the radar of security leaders across all market sectors. How can enterprise security professionals follow and stay on top of the threat of extremism and radicalism? With a strong understanding of their organization’s risk profile, security leaders can thwart potential incidents related to extremism that could potentially harm individuals, company assets, brand reputation or more....

securitymagazine.comA 2019 S&P Global study found that public companies with women at the helm were more profitable compared to those with men in the CEO and CFO seats. Women are also making big inroads in other fields including science and medicine. Yet in the tech and cybersecurity industries women still lag behind. It’s certainly not because of a lack of jobs. Though the talent shortage did ease last year, the industry as a whole is struggling to fill vacancies. There are a few reasons that women aren’t filling those seats....

securitymagazine.comThe Pentagon’s Cyber Crime Center and bug bounty vendor HackerOne have launched the Defense Industrial Base Vulnerability Disclosure Program (DIB-VDP), an effort to share vulnerability data and boost digital hygiene within the defense industrial base. According to HackerOne, any information submitted to the DIB-VDP under this program will be used for defensive purposes – to mitigate or remediate vulnerabilities in DoD contractor information systems, networks, or applications. ...

securitymagazine.comeSentire is warning enterprises and individuals that cybercriminals are spearphishing business professionals on LinkedIn with fake job offers in an effort to infect them with a sophisticated backdoor Trojan. Backdoor trojans, according to eSentire, give threat actors remote control over a victim's computer, allowing them to send, receive, launch and delete files....

securitymagazine.comThe personal data and phone numbers of hundreds of millions of Facebook users were posted for free in a hacking forum over the weekend. The data includes personal information of 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including more than 32 million records on users in the U.S. 11 million on users in the U.K., and 6 million on users in India. ...

securitymagazine.comModerna disclosed that it spent a modest amount on security for CEO Stéphane Bancel last year and other Moderna executives in the $1 million range, though it had previously spent nothing on executive protection....

securitymagazine.comAllied Universal can officially complete its acquisition of G4S - ending what was a long takeover journey with multiple bids from companies around the globe. ...

TheHackersNewsIn what's likely to be a goldmine for bad actors, personal information associated with approximately 533 million Facebook users worldwide has been leaked on a popular cybercrime forum for free—which was harvested by hackers in 2019 using a Facebook vulnerability. The leaked data includes full names, Facebook IDs, mobile numbers, locations, email addresses, gender, occupation, city, country,...

TheHackersNewsA hacking group related to a Chinese-speaking threat actor has been linked to an advanced cyberespionage campaign targeting government and military organizations in Vietnam. The attacks have been attributed with low confidence to the advanced persistent threat (APT) called Cycldek (or Goblin Panda, Hellsing, APT 27, and Conimes), which is known for using spear-phishing techniques to compromise...

TheHackersNewsA new spear-phishing campaign is targeting professionals on LinkedIn with weaponized job offers in an attempt to infect targets with a sophisticated backdoor trojan called "more_eggs." To increase the odds of success, the phishing lures take advantage of malicious ZIP archive files that have the same name as that of the victims' job titles taken from their LinkedIn profiles. "For example, if the...

securitymagazine.comAs a young boy, Frank Figliuzzi had a sense of right and wrong, good and bad. He was so interested in criminal justice that at the age of 11, he wrote a letter to the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) asking for advice on a career in the field....

securitymagazine.comWhen it comes to intelligent video surveillance in particular, AI-driven products are beginning to unlock new functionality, and even change the role video surveillance plays for companies. From better sensors to higher resolution cameras to more efficient processing units, we're seeing an unparalleled convergence of hardware and software. And that's creating new opportunities for everything from intelligent threat detection to personalized customer experiences. We're just at the beginning of this journey, but it's clear that best practices are changing. Seemingly in real-time, security professionals are reimagining how they'll build their teams, structure engagements and define their value. We're all still building the playbook as we use it, but here are four new, unspoken "rules" for the new world of security - and how they'll continue to evolve thanks to AI....

TheHackersNewsThe data is in. According to IBM Security's 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report, there is a 50% increase in cloud usage for enterprises across all industries. The number of threats targeting cloud services, predominantly collaboration services like Office 365, has increased 630%. Moreover, 75% of respondents report that discovery and recovery time from data breaches has significantly increased due...

TheHackersNewsMany enterprises rely on more than one security tool to protect their technology assets, devices, and networks. This is particularly true for organizations that use hybrid systems or a combination of cloud and local applications. Likewise, companies whose networks include a multitude of smartphones and IoT devices are likely to deploy multiple security solutions suitable for different scenarios....

TheHackersNewsApps on Android have been able to infer the presence of specific apps, or even collect the full list of installed apps on the device. What's more, an app can also set to be notified when a new app is installed. Apart from all the usual concerns about misuse of such a data grab, the information can be abused by a potentially harmful app to fingerprint other installed apps, check for the presence...

TheHackersNewsA North Korean government-backed campaign targeting cybersecurity researchers with malware has re-emerged with new tactics in their arsenal as part of a fresh social engineering attack. In an update shared on Wednesday, Google's Threat Analysis Group said the attackers behind the operation set up a fake security company called SecuriElite and a slew of social media accounts across Twitter and...

threatpost.comThree security vulnerabilities in the Fortinet SSL VPN are being used to gain a foothold within networks before moving laterally and carrying out recon....

threatpost.comActivision is warning that cyberattackers are disguising malware -- a remote-access trojan (RAT) -- in cheat programs....
