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Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
threatpost.comJohn Hammond, security researcher with Huntress, takes a deep-dive into a malware's technical and coding aspects....

securitymagazine.comVirginia lawmakers unanimously approved a bill HB2031 that would restrict facial recognition technology for local law enforcement....

threatpost.comAttackers are impersonating the stock-trading broker using fake websites to steal credentials as well as sending emails with malicious tax files....

securitymagazine.comFor a loosely connected, globally distributed system with no central governing authority, the Internet is remarkably dependable. Robust enough to cope with the unexpected, it features back-up capabilities ranging from redundant network paths to virtual servers that compensate for physical hardware failures....

securitymagazine.comCISA has issued supplemental direction to Emergency Directive (ED) 21-02: Mitigate Microsoft Exchange On-Premises Product Vulnerabilities providing additional forensic triage and server hardening, requirements for federal agencies. Specifically, this update directs federal departments and agencies to run newly developed tools —Microsoft’s Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 script and Safety Scanner MSER—to investigate whether their Microsoft Exchange Servers have been compromised.  ...

threatpost.comA vast majority of companies in a global survey from Microsoft report being a victim of a firmware-focused cyberattack, but defense spending lags, but defense spending lags....

threatpost.comSome legacy models of QNAP network attached storage devices are vulnerable to remote unauthenticated attacks because of two unpatched vulnerabilities....

threatpost.comThe ransomware gang exfiltrated 40 gigabytes of data from the fashion house, including HR and salary details....

threatpost.comChris Hass, director of information security and research at Automox, discusses how to shore up cybersecurity defenses and what to prioritize....

securitymagazine.comSharecare announced the expansion of its executive team with David Guthrie joining as chief information officer (CIO) and chief information security officer (CISO). ...

threatpost.comCyberattackers have set up a website for a fake company called SecuriElite, as well as associated Twitter and LinkedIn accounts....

securitymagazine.comCybrary, and MITRE Engenuity announced a partnership to offer MITRE ATT&CK Defender (MAD), a new online training and certification solution designed to enable defenders to gain the advantage over cyber adversaries. ...

securitymagazine.comCyberbit,announced the Hudson’s Bay Company incident response team as winner of the inaugural International Cyber League (ICL) competition, the America’s Cyber Cup, outperforming nearly 100 Security Operations Center (SOC) and incident response teams over the course of four rounds of simulated cyberattack challenges. Hudson’s Bay Company was declared the winner based on quality of performance, and time to response, achieving the title of Best Cyber Defense Team in the Americas....

securitymagazine.comCOVID-19 has brought countless changes, large and small, to the global workplace. But as time continues forward, the question becomes, what will the economy's "new normal" look like? Managers in the U.S. expect vaccinations to be required and health, safety and security protocols to remain in place post COVID-19....

TheHackersNewsThe U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Wednesday said that an Israeli national pleaded guilty for his role as an "administrator" of a portal called DeepDotWeb (DDW), a "news" website that "served as a gateway to numerous dark web marketplaces." According to the unsealed court documents, Tal Prihar, 37, an Israeli citizen residing in Brazil, operated DDW alongside Michael Phan, 34, of Israel,...

securitymagazine.comNew research on California consumers shows that nearly half of privacy requests sent in 2020 were to stop the sale of personal data to a third-party. In addition, companies are dealing with an overwhelming number of privacy requests costing money and time....

securitymagazine.comJustin Grudzien says that he sees burnout among his peers in the industry and a lot of it has to do with the pressure that security leaders place on themselves and receive from their organization....

TheHackersNewsA 22-year-old man from the U.S. state of Kansas has been indicted on charges that he unauthorizedly accessed a public water facility's computer system, jeopardizing the residents' safety and health in the local community. Wyatt A. Travnichek, 22, of Ellsworth County, Kansas, has been charged with one count of tampering with a public water system and one count of reckless damage to a protected...

securitymagazine.comToday, open-source code is everywhere. In fact, 99% of all codebases contain open-source code, and anywhere from 85% to 97% of enterprise codebases come from open-source. What does that mean, exactly? It means that the vast majority of our applications consist of code we did not write....

TheHackersNewsData breaches remain a constant threat, and no industry or organization is immune from the risks. From Fortune 500 companies to startups, password-related breaches continue to spread seemingly unchecked. As a result of the volume of data breaches and cybersecurity incidents, hackers now have access to a vast swathe of credentials that they can use to power various password-related attacks. One...
