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Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comWe have previously talked about many aspects of how to advance your security career. This includes having a thorough understanding of both soft and operational skills sought after by organizations. The ability to execute on these attributes is valued when companies look for top talent for senior level security roles....

Heise Sicherheits NewsAbgesicherte Versionen von Citrix Hypervisor verhindern Zugriffe auf Host-Systeme....

TheHackersNewsA novel technique adopted by attackers finds ways to use Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) so as to deploy malicious payloads on Windows machines stealthily. In 2020, hospitals, retirement communities, and medical centers bore the brunt of an ever-shifting phishing campaign that distributed custom backdoors such as KEGTAP, which ultimately paved the way for RYUK...

securitymagazine.comLast month this column looked at how humor can enhance leadership. Inspired by the book "Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes," this month’s column explains security leadership through jokes....

securitymagazine.comA new report from Varonis finds that the average healthcare worker has access to 31,000 sensitive files on their first day of work....

securitymagazine.comImplementing a converged security organization is perhaps one of the most resourceful and beneficial business decisions an organization can make when seeking to enhance security risk management. In this era of heightened consequences and sophisticated security threats, the need for integration between siloed security and risk management teams is imperative. The need for collaboration between those two teams and the business is equally imperative. Let’s look at five more specific benefits:...

securitymagazine.comSecuring diverse and distributed IT environments starts with the identity plane. Modern and evolving security threats are best prevented by securing identity through many layers relying on a Zero Trust model. Zero Trust, by which I mean “trust nothing, verify everything,” can serve as a foundation for the evolution of a modern security perimeter, one virtually drawn around each individual user, from anywhere they log on. By following Zero Trust principles and establishing user identity across devices, programs, and networks, modern enterprises can pursue a security program that is adaptive, contextual, and robust enough to defend against modern threats....

securitymagazine.comThe first line of defense in cybersecurity is taking proactive measures to detect and protect the entire IT landscape. It’s critical to have the right security systems and processes in place to  find known and unknown threats before they impact your business. But you also need a bulletproof plan in case your systems are breached. You need to move very quickly to limit damage, so you should have a team experienced in handling these situations ready to jump to action, bringing along tools, procedures, and a proven methodology to stop attacks and to repair and restore whatever you can. Here are five critical factors in preparing for the first 24 hours after an attack:...

securitymagazine.comImplementing a number of technologies within the retail setting can help organizations improve the customer experience, but more importantly, reduce shrink, mitigate fraud and improve security....

threatpost.comGoogle’s Pixel and Apple’s iPhone both in privacy hot seat for siphoning mobile device data without consent....

securitymagazine.comMarch 31st is World Backup Day 2021, the 10th anniversary of the inaugural World Backup Day in 2011. Though the day serves as a reminder to backup your data, this process should be done frequently to offset the risk of data loss - or the intentional or unintentional destruction of information, which may be caused by people or processes from within or outside of an organization. ...

securitymagazine.comFlorida State University is creating a Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) that will bring together the Tallahassee area’s law enforcement agencies and some of the nation’s leading criminology researchers. ...

securitymagazine.comThe Internal Revenue Service recently warned of an ongoing IRS-impersonation scam that appears to primarily target educational institutions, including students and staff who have ".edu" email addresses....

securitymagazine.comBamburi Cement, based in Kenya, is the largest manufacturer of cement in Eastern Africa, producing around 5,000 tons every day. While the company knew it needed to beef up security to mitigate risk and protect the facilities from an increase in organized crime, the trick was finding a solution that wouldn't interrupt business operations. ...

TheHackersNewsYou're fully aware of the need to stop threats at the front door and then hunt any that got through that first gate, so your company installed an EPP/ EDR solution. But like most companies, you've already come across its shortcoming – and these are amplified since you have a small security team. More than likely, you noticed that it has its share of detection blind spots and limitations for...

Heise Sicherheits NewsEs gibt wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für die Management-Software für Cloud-Umgebungen vRealize Operations....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDer Chrome-Browser für Windows, macOS und Linux wurde aktualisiert. Das Update schließt Schwachstellen mit "High"-Einstufung....

securitymagazine.comHow can consumers and retailers protect themselves against fraud in the coming months? Here, Jane Lee, Trust and Safety Architect at Sift, speaks to Security magazine about this critical issue....

TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers on Tuesday disclosed details of a sophisticated campaign that deploys malicious backdoors for the purpose of exfiltrating information from a number of industry sectors located in Japan. Dubbed "A41APT" by Kaspersky researchers, the findings delve into a new slew of attacks undertaken by APT10 (aka Stone Panda or Cicada) using previously undocumented malware to deliver...

securitymagazine.comBitglass announced the release of its 2021 Remote Workforce Security Report. Bitglass surveyed IT and security professionals to understand how remote work has transformed the state of security operations over the last year. Data from this report shows that the majority of organizations (57%) still have over three-quarters of their teams working remotely. An overwhelming 90% of organizations said they are likely to continue these increased levels of remote work in the future due to productivity benefits. Additionally, 53% of companies said they are looking to make some positions permanently remote after the COVID crisis ends--a much higher rate than when the pandemic began (33%)....
