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Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comOnline risk mitigation specialists DNProtect released details of their market report that exposes a high number of security issues related to the domain names that Fortune 500 companies rely upon for business and consumer interaction. The report serves as an early warning indicator of possible security threats and open windows for domain theft or service disruption. The market release follows a number of recent high profile cases involving GoDaddy, Network Solutions, and other registrars where critical domain names were stolen, resulting in disruptions that can easily impact millions of Internet users....

threatpost.comZiggy joins Fonix ransomware group and shuts down, with apologies to targets....

threatpost.comPublicly available cloud images are spreading Monero-mining malware to unsuspecting cloud developers....

threatpost.comCurrent and former administration sources say the nation-state attackers were able to read the Homeland Security Secretary's emails, among others....

Heise Sicherheits NewsParrot 4.11 kommt mit Kernel-Update & neu sortiertem Security-Werkzeugkasten. Die Entwickler kündigen zudem eine LTS-Version mit stabilem Debian-Unterbau an....

securitymagazine.comWhen is the last time you assessed your monitoring platform? You may have already noticed signs indicating that your tools are not keeping up with the rapidly changing digital workforce – gathering nonessential data while failing to forewarn you about legitimate issues to your network operations. Post-2020, these systems have to handle workforces that are staying connected digitally regardless of where employees are working. Your monitoring tools should be hyper-focused on alerting you to issues from outside your network and any weakness from within it. Often, we turn out to be monitoring for too much and still missing the essential problems until it’s too late....

securitymagazine.comChina has had a tough 2020. Intellectual property rights infringement, stealing university and U.S. government-funded research, spys routed out in public, Hong-Kong takeover, Human-right abuses, Coronavirus cover-ups, supply-chain bog downs, and the list goes on. The conclusion is that China has lost its luster with businesses in the United States and abroad. These issues are not new; instead, they have reached a boiling point where the international business community is getting leary of putting too many eggs in China’s basket. The U.S. government has certainly done its share to bring many of these things to light. And while this is happening, and companies look elsewhere to move, the possibilities of increasing North America manufacturing has become more attractive than ever....

securitymagazine.comHeathrow airport will install integrated checkpoints at its facility, boosting security screening and allowing passengers the ability to leave laptops and liquids in their bags as they go through security....

securitymagazine.comApple has released security updates to address a iOS zero-day vulnerability in multiple products. According to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), an attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected device. ...

securitymagazine.comEnterprise security leaders say physical security solutions are more important due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, 75% of respondents said the coronavirus pandemic increased the importance of physical security within their organizations....

threatpost.comA class-action suit in Florida accuses the tech giant of unlawfully intercepting communications by using session-replay software to capture the interaction of people visiting the corporate homepage

securitymagazine.comNew York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the launch of Excelsior Pass - a free, voluntary platform developed in partnership with IBM, which will serve to confirm an individual's recent negative PCR or antigen test result or proof of vaccination to help fast-track the reopening of businesses and event venues in accordance with New York State Department of Health guidelines....

securitymagazine.comRather than be caught off-guard and left to play catch-up, security and IT professionals should begin planning now for the many new and updated regulations, standards and proposed pieces of legislation that will be sweeping over the financial services industry and other sectors in the near future....

TheHackersNewsPopular Indian mobile payments service MobiKwik on Monday came under fire after 8.2 terabytes (TB) of data belonging to millions of its users began circulating on the dark web in the aftermath of a major data breach that came to light earlier this month. The leaked data includes sensitive personal information such as:customer names,hashed passwords,email addresses,residential addresses,GPS...

securitymagazine.comTransmit Security has released “The Impact of Passwords on Your Business,” a State of Customer Authentication report that includes customer experience insights based on its survey of 600 U.S. consumers. According to the report findings, organizations are losing potential customers and a substantial amount of revenue due to their dependency on traditional password systems and outdated customer authentication models....

Heise Sicherheits NewsUnbekannte haben versucht, Schadcode in das Git-Repository der Skriptsprache einzugeben, der einen Verweis auf das Unternehmen Zerodium enthält....

securitymagazine.comAcronis released the findings of its second annual Cyber Protection Week survey, which uncovered a dangerous disconnect between the need for organizations to keep their data protected and the ineffective investments they’ve made trying to reach that goal. While 2020 saw companies purchase new systems to enable and secure remote workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, those investments are not paying off. The global survey discovered that 80% of companies now run as many as 10 solutions simultaneously for their data protection and cybersecurity needs – yet more than half of those organizations suffered unexpected downtime last year because of data loss....

securitymagazine.comDeepfakes –mostly falsified videos and images combining the terms “deep learning” and “fake” – weren’t limited in 2019 to the Nixon presentation and were not uncommon before that. But today they are more numerous and realistic-looking and, most important, increasingly dangerous. And there is no better example of that than the warning this month (March 2021) by the FBI that nation-states are virtually certain to use deepfakes to help propagate increasingly misleading campaigns in the U.S. in coming weeks....

threatpost.comPredator-ranked players on Xbox console game version rigged matches with DDoS attacks....

threatpost.comThere could be more than immediately meets the eye with this targeted attack group....
