
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
TheHackersNewsMerely weeks after releasing out-of-band patches for iOS, iPadOS, macOS and watchOS, Apple has issued yet another security update for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch to fix a critical zero-day weakness that it says is being actively exploited in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2021-1879, the vulnerability relates to a WebKit flaw that could enable adversaries to process maliciously crafted web content...

threatpost.comThe post-SolarWinds EO could be issued as soon as next week, according to a report....

threatpost.comYounger employees and caregivers report more stress than other groups-- and more shadow IT usage....

Heise Sicherheits NewsApple muss offenbar erneut einen Notfall-Patch für iOS und iPadOS 14 ausliefern. Es ist bereits das zweite Sicherheits-Update im März....

threatpost.comThe incident, which forced the company to disconnect its systems, caused significant business disruption....

TheHackersNewsThe maintainers of OpenSSL have released a fix for two high-severity security flaws in its software that could be exploited to carry out denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and bypass certificate verification. Tracked as CVE-2021-3449 and CVE-2021-3450, both the vulnerabilities have been resolved in an update (version OpenSSL 1.1.1k) released on Thursday. While CVE-2021-3449 affects all OpenSSL...

securitymagazine.comThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is making $20 million available through the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program to help communities across the country develop innovative capabilities to combat terrorism and targeted violence. ...

securitymagazine.comSlack rolled out a new cross-organizational direct messaging feature, and hours later disabled the option to send a message alongside an invite due to concerns that the feature could be used to send abusive messages or enable harassment. ...

securitymagazine.comHas the pandemic and remote working created an environment of heightened risk of insider data breaches? Here, Darren Cooper, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Egress, speaks to Security magazine about what organizations can do to prevent data loss. ...

securitymagazine.comWrigley Field, home of the MLB's Chicago Cubs, has implemented new touchless security screening to greet fans and ticketholders ahead of its opening day for the 2021 season....

securitymagazine.comConfluent Inc. has tapped Cory Scott to join the company as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)....

securitymagazine.comThe Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) analyzed more than 3,000 popular Android applications to assess the state of mobile app security during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study targeted the most downloaded and highest grossing apps across 18 categories, many of which have seen explosive growth during the pandemic....

Heise Sicherheits NewsMehrere Schwachstellen in Samba gefährden Systeme. Abgesicherte Versionen stehen zum Download bereit....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDie Entwickler haben im anonymisierenden Tor Browser mehrere Sicherheitslücken geschlossen....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDer Kurs bietet eine praxisnahe Einführung in die Methodik des IT-Grundschutzes. Frühbucher erhalten bis zum 12. April einen Preisnachlass von 10 %....

Heise Sicherheits NewsAngreifer könnten Clients und Server mit OpenSSL attackieren. Das Sicherheitsrisiko gilt als hoch....

TheHackersNewsIT infrastructure management provider SolarWinds on Thursday released a new update to its Orion networking monitoring tool with fixes for four security vulnerabilities, counting two weaknesses that could be exploited by an authenticated attacker to achieve remote code execution (RCE). Chief among them is a JSON deserialization flaw that allows an authenticated user to execute arbitrary code via...

TheHackersNewsCisco on Wednesday released software updates to address multiple vulnerabilities affecting its Jabber messaging clients across Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Successful exploitation of the flaws could permit an "attacker to execute arbitrary programs on the underlying operating system with elevated privileges, access sensitive information, intercept protected network traffic, or cause a...

TheHackersNewsMore than a week after Microsoft released a one-click mitigation tool to mitigate cyberattacks targeting on-premises Exchange servers, the company disclosed that patches have been applied to 92% of all internet-facing servers affected by the ProxyLogon vulnerabilities. The development, a 43% improvement from the previous week, caps off a whirlwind of espionage and malware campaigns that hit...

TheHackersNewsWhen your organization invests in a new product or service, it is essential that you take advantage of all the features it has to offer. This will help you to maximize your return on investment (ROI). If you have purchased or are thinking about purchasing a self-service password reset (SSPR) tool, one of the most important things you will need to do is make sure that 100% of users are registered...
