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Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comRisk professionals take note. Experts say the greatest cybersecurity risks to local governments and their "smart city" programs are emergency alert systems, video surveillance devices and traffic signals - a greater risk than breaches of open data, water consumption and gunshot detection technologies and more....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDer BKA-Präsident schildert, wie Ermittler das Botnetz zerschlugen und Server unter Kontrolle brachten. Um die polizeilichen Befugnisse gibt es jedoch Streit....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDie quelloffene Enterprise Resource Planning-Software OFBiz war aus der Ferne angreifbar. Eine abgesicherte Version und ein Patch stehen bereit....

securitymagazine.comThe SolarWinds hack is a strong reminder why third-party risk management is so important. Not only was SolarWinds breached, but the hack is now believed to have affected upward of 250 federal agencies and businesses. Here, we speak to Jonathan Ehret, Vice President of Strategy & Risk at RiskRecon, who believes organizations should be asking their vendors about the third-party risk management and cybersecurity policies they have in place to protect against a breach and leak of critical data. ...

Heise Sicherheits NewsMit minimalem Aufwand entführte ein Forscher SMS-Nachrichten mit Einmalpasswörtern. In Deutschland sollte das allerdings so nicht funktionieren....

Heise Sicherheits NewsInsbesondere in sozialen Netzwerken will die Bonner IT-Behörde für ein höheres Sicherheitsbewusstsein werben....

TheHackersNewsThe Apache Software Foundation on Friday addressed a high severity vulnerability in Apache OFBiz that could have allowed an unauthenticated adversary to remotely seize control of the open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Tracked as CVE-2021-26295, the flaw affects all versions of the software prior to 17.12.06 and employs an "unsafe deserialization" as an attack vector to permit...

securitymagazine.comThis past year has been a challenging one for many business owners and employees who’ve been forced to leave the office environment and switch to working from home (WFH) full time. Whilst this undoubtedly has its benefits, the risk of data breaches has exponentially grown. With that in mind, the Digital Marketing experts at Reboot Online surveyed 1,198 business owners and employees across the UK on their experiences with data breaches and password security in the past year (2020/2021). Key findings include:...

securitymagazine.comThese are the terrible uncertainties and costs organizations like yours face as ransomware rages around the cybersphere. As you deliberate on the best strategy and tactics for defending your organization from ransomware, understand that the total cost of recovering from such an attack more than outweighs the cost of being prepared to defend against it....

securitymagazine.comThough filling the cybersecurity talent pipeline has often been thought of as a longer-term goal for the United States, there is renewed urgency to address the tremendous workforce shortage – and quickly. Recent cyberattacks on U.S. infrastructure continue to serve as warning signs that the cadence of threats has increased tremendously and requires immediate action by both industry and government partners. Solving the cybersecurity workforce and talent shortage requires taking action, starting with the youngest learners in the K-12 educational system....

securitymagazine.comExpert in security advisory services, program design and the application of technology to risk management, Lianne Kennedy-Boudali joins Control Risks’ Crisis and Security Consulting department in the Americas as a Principal. ...

TheHackersNewsAlmost 10 days after application security company F5 Networks released patches for critical vulnerabilities in its BIG-IP and BIG-IQ products, adversaries have begun opportunistically mass scanning and targeting exposed and unpatched networking devices to break into enterprise networks. News of in the wild exploitation comes on the heels of a proof-of-concept exploit code that surfaced online...

TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers on Thursday disclosed a new attack wherein threat actors are leveraging Xcode as an attack vector to compromise Apple platform developers with a backdoor, adding to a growing trend that involves targeting developers and researchers with malicious attacks. Dubbed "XcodeSpy," the trojanized Xcode project is a tainted version of a legitimate, open-source project available...

Heise Sicherheits NewsAcer ist wohl Opfer einer Ransomware-Attacke geworden, Einfallstor könnte ein Exchange-Server sein. Die REvil-Gruppe verlangt 50 Millionen US-Dollar Lösegeld....

TheHackersNewsThe U.S. Department of Justice yesterday announced updates on two separate cases involving cyberattacks—a Swiss hacktivist and a Russian hacker who planned to plant malware in the Tesla company. A Swiss hacker who was involved in the intrusion of cloud-based surveillance firm Verkada and exposed camera footage from its customers was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday...

threatpost.comResearchers are reporting mass scanning for – and in-the-wild exploitation of – a critical-severity flaw in the F5 BIG-IP and BIG-IQ enterprise networking infrastructure....

threatpost.comAttackers move on new CEOs, using transition confusion to harvest Microsoft credentials....

threatpost.comThe malicious app spreads the BlackRock malware, which steals credentials from 458 services - including Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and Amazon....

threatpost.comA previously undocumented password and cookie stealer has been compromising accounts of big guns like Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google since 2019 and then using them for cybercriminal activity....

securitymagazine.comAccording to the Emergency Nurses Association, healthcare workers account for approximately 50% of all victims of workplace violence. But they're not the only ones either. There are reports of increased domestic violence and workplace violence around the world as a result of lockdowns from the pandemic, increased stress levels and a lower threshold for confrontation....
