
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comSecurity brings this monthly Cybersecurity and Geopolitical vodcast to our readers as a discussion on the latest news and issues affecting countries, industries, security and risk professionals, and their enterprises around the globe. This month takes a look at the exploitation of Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities by Chinese threat actors, explores the SolarWinds debacle, analyzes cybercrime’s effect on the American recovery, and talks about the need for continued education against fake news....

threatpost.comA major spike of attacks against higher ed, K-12 and seminaries in March has prompted the FBI to issue a special alert....

securitymagazine.comBuffalo Public Schools have canceled both online and in-person instruction due to a cyberattack that occurred the morning of March 12, 2021. ...

securitymagazine.comThe Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) grants provide up to $5 million in funds for security enhancements for nonprofits that were victims of hate crimes or hate crime threats, or serve a population susceptible to hate crimes....

Heise Sicherheits NewsEin wichtiges Sicherheitsupdate schließt eine kritische Lücke im kostenpflichtigen The Plus Addons for Elementor für WordPress-Websites....

securitymagazine.comClickUp announced the findings of its new report, "The 2021 Workplace Pulse," which reveals the sentiments of today’s workers after one year of working during this immense pandemic-driven shift in workplace culture. The survey, which was conducted online on its behalf by The Harris Poll among employed U.S. Americans, sheds light on how employees feel about the changing workplace over the past year, including the sudden shift to remote work, new challenges around managing work/life balance, and gaps in workplace communication and coordination. In fact, nearly half (45%) of U.S. employees said they would give up 10% of their salary in order to have an easier work life. ...

securitymagazine.comThe 2021 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report goes inside the stories that headlined 2020, and takes a closer look at new and disruptive cyber threats to provide insight into the evolving cyber threat landscape. Major findings of the new in-depth SonicWall report include:...

TheHackersNewsMicrosoft on Monday released a one-click mitigation software that applies all the necessary countermeasures to secure vulnerable environments against the ongoing widespread ProxyLogon Exchange Server cyberattacks. Called Exchange On-premises Mitigation Tool (EOMT), the PowerShell-based script serves to mitigate against current known attacks using CVE-2021-26855, scan the Exchange Server using...

Heise Sicherheits NewsMicrosoft möchte Admins mit einem neuen Tool unterstützen, Exchange-Server so schnell und einfach wie möglich abzusichern....

securitymagazine.comIt comes as no surprise that the number of deaths attributed to gun violence in 2020 far surpassed years prior and the trend is now continuing into 2021. Gun violence has been weighing heavily on law enforcement officials, especially after the recent riots and presidential inauguration threats. Organizations, institutions, government agencies, and public venues have the responsibility to take a more proactive approach in protecting their people. Now is the time for serious conversations around upgrading and modernizing security technologies....

securitymagazine.comWhen RESA Power, based in Houston, first starting sending staff to local COVID-19 testing centers, results were slow and were causing disruptions to business continuity. The company decided to take matters into its own hands, working with a mail-in testing facility that would turn around results quickly and populate those results in a real-time dashboard for comparison....

securitymagazine.comThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced network administrators back to the drawing board in 2020-21. Pre-pandemic, corporate VPN was a luxury provided to remote workers, travelling employees and C-suite management, which only formed a small percentage of the workforce. Now, it has become the essential service upon which a whole organization relies....

securitymagazine.comThe final rules requiring remote identification of drones and allowing some flights over people, over moving vehicles and at night under certain conditions will go into effect on April 21, 2021, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced. ...

securitymagazine.comThe Telecommunications Industry Association published a new white paper on SCS 9001, the first process-based supply chain security standard for the information communications technology (ICT) industry....

securitymagazine.comMetro Transit, the transit agency that serves southwestern Illinois and eastern Missouri, is deploying a fogging device with antimicrobial technology to reduce the spread of bacteria, viruses and other germs on its transit systems. Crews will use the device to create a protective barrier on surfaces that lasts for 30 days....

securitymagazine.comVideo conferencing platforms have become an essential communication tool over the past year. In addition to increasing team collaboration, video conferencing can help prevent miscommunication among teams, increase engagement, and allow for face-to-face communication to help build relationships among teams, particularly for remote teams. Though the benefits are many, there are growing concerns about the security shortcomings of video conferencing, according to George Waller, EVP and Co-Founder of StrikeForce Technologies. To get more insight on this topic, we spoke to Waller about key challenges with securing video conferencing platforms, as well as why these services are so susceptible to hacking. ...

securitymagazine.comOn Thursday, March 25, 2021, the Innovation Institute for Fan Experience (IIFX) will host a one-day virtual summit themed “Prepping for the Return of Fans!” Key areas covered will be health, safety, security, operations and management....

TheHackersNewsDistributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious form of attack that disrupts the regular network traffic by overwhelming the website with more traffic than the server can handle. The main aim of this kind of cyberattack is to render the website inoperable. Over recent years, these kinds of attacks are increasing, fueling the demand for the best DDoS protection software solutions. Many...

Heise Sicherheits NewsDie Chrome-Entwickler haben im Webbrowser fünf Sicherheitslücken geschlossen. Eine Schwachstelle sollen Angreifer derzeit ausnutzen....

Heise Sicherheits NewsExploits für die ProxyLogon-Lücke in Exchange Server kursieren bereits, nun kommt auch noch Ransomware dazu. Erste Nutzer berichten von verschlüsselten Dateien....
