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Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comThe daunting threats and attack techniques from 2020 are expected to continue into this year.  And while 2021 offers a fresh start, cybercriminals will continue to become increasingly savvy,  deploying a wide range of techniques to extort, disrupt, and infiltrate organizations. Now more than ever, government and corporate leaders and consumers must become engaged in ensuring effective cybersecurity strategies are in place. Here are eight steps organizations can implement to heighten cybersecurity governance:...

securitymagazine.comDespite the heavy reliance on the 20-year-old technology, Active Directory, cybersecurity efforts seem to continuously overlook this obvious and frequent target, which only puts organizations at further risk. Despite cybersecurity advances, Active Directory is still one part of an organization’s environment that gets the least cybersecurity attention. While most security programs have a SIEM solution monitoring logs for anything out of the norm, this is simply not enough. ...

securitymagazine.comMichigan State University has chosen Marlon Lynch to serve as the university’s next chief of police. Lynch, an MSU alum who has worked in law enforcement for nearly 25 years, will also hold the title of vice president for public safety....

threatpost.comThe vulnerabilities exist in Cisco's RV160, RV160W, RV260, RV260P, and RV260W VPN routers for small businesses....

threatpost.comA savvy phishing campaign manages to evade native Microsoft security defenses, looking to steal O365 credentials....

securitymagazine.comRave Mobile Safety (Rave) announced the findings of its 2021 Emergency Communication and Public Safety Trust Survey, which showed a general lack of trust in information the public receives from local officials and a lack of confidence in states’ abilities to successfully distribute the coronavirus vaccine....

securitymagazine.comVice president and Chief Security Officer (CSO) at AVANGRID, Brian Harrell joins the Advisory Board at threat intelligence company LookingGlass....

securitymagazine.comDeaner is the first woman to hold the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) leadership position at Northwestern Mutual....

securitymagazine.comPalo Alto Unit 42 researchers have detected a new malware campaign targeting Kubernetes clusters. The attackers gained initial access via a misconfigured kubelet that allowed anonymous access....

securitymagazine.comVMware Carbon Black released 2020 data that paints a holistic view of the threats healthcare organizations face and should be prepared for in 2021. Researchers found that there were 239.4 million attempted attacks targeting healthcare alone in 2020. VMware Carbon Black was also able to identify the top five ransomware families plaguing the healthcare industry including:...

threatpost.comThe company’s controversial practice of collecting and selling billions of faceprints was dealt a heavy blow by the Privacy Commissioner that could set a precedent in other legal challenges....

Heise Sicherheits NewsDie Apps der Verleiher sind sehr auskunftsfreudig. Mit den übertragenen Daten lässt sich ein E-Tretroller sogar während der Fahrt abschalten....

TheHackersNewsToday's admins certainly have plenty on their plates, and boosting ecosystem security remains a top priority. On-premises, and especially remote, accounts are gateways for accessing critical information. Password management makes this possible. After all, authentication should ensure that a user is whom they claim to be. This initial layer of security is crucial for protecting one's entire...

Heise Sicherheits NewsFür die erfolgreich attackierte Orion-Plattform und für Serv-U FTP stehen Updates gegen insgesamt vier Lücken bereit. Nächste Woche folgt Exploit-Code....

TheHackersNewsA nascent malware campaign has been spotted co-opting Android devices into a botnet with the primary purpose of carrying out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Called "Matryosh" by Qihoo 360's Netlab researchers, the latest threat has been found reusing the Mirai botnet framework and propagates through exposed Android Debug Bridge (ADB) interfaces to infect Android devices and ensnare...

TheHackersNewsPhishing and Malware Among the major cyber threats, the malware remains a significant danger. The 2017 WannaCry outbreak that cost businesses worldwide up to $4 billion is still in recent memory, and other new strains of malware are discovered on a daily basis. Phishing has also seen a resurgence in the last few years, with many new scams being invented to take advantage of unsuspecting...

TheHackersNewsSonicWall on Monday warned of active exploitation attempts against a zero-day vulnerability in its Secure Mobile Access (SMA) 100 series devices. The flaw, which affects both physical and virtual SMA 100 10.x devices (SMA 200, SMA 210, SMA 400, SMA 410, SMA 500v), came to light after the NCC Group on Sunday alerted it had detected "indiscriminate use of an exploit in the wild." Details of the...

Heise Sicherheits NewsWegen der Pandemie verlegen Aktiengesellschaften ihre Hauptversammlungen ins Internet. Doch bei der Umstellung gab es deutliche Sicherheits-Mängel....

TheHackersNewsMajor vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Realtek RTL8195A Wi-Fi module that could have been exploited to gain root access and take complete control of a device's wireless communications. The six flaws were reported by researchers from Israeli IoT security firm Vdoo. The Realtek RTL8195A module is a standalone, low-power-consumption Wi-Fi hardware module targeted at embedded devices used...

securitymagazine.comAs we think about adapting our cybersecurity training to be more realistic, applicable, and effective, what are some things you should definitely keep and what are some things you should lose in your current security training?...
