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Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comWe speak to Pamela Verick, a Director in the Investigations and Fraud Risk Management group at global consulting firm Protiviti, to discuss how organizations across various industries can strengthen their fraud risk assessments from a cyber fraud perspective....

threatpost.comA week after law enforcement agencies said they took down Emotet, there has been no sign of the prolific malware....

Heise Sicherheits NewsKomponenten von Chrome 88.0.4324.146 wurden von der Sicherheitsplattform Defender ATP als Malware "erkannt" – ein Fehlalarm, wie Microsoft jetzt bestätigte....

securitymagazine.comBoard members and C-suite executives around the globe are most concerned in 2021 with risks associated with COVID-19-related government policies and regulations, economic conditions that may restrict growth and market conditions that may continue to impact customer demand, according to a new survey from Protiviti and North Carolina State University. Amid these near-term headwinds, when asked about top concerns through 2030, business leaders cite challenges that ultimately ladder up to talent. High ranking risks – including the adoption of technology that requires new or upgraded skills, rapid innovation that threatens business models and the reimagining of creative strategies – point to a need to attract and retain top talent and invest in reskilling and upskilling workforces to ensure agility and resilience in the future. ...

securitymagazine.comThe Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced it will pilot a new technology in support of the Next Generation Network Priority Service (NGN-PS) Phase 2 program, which provides first responders and emergency managers with priority voice, data, and video communications during emergencies and widespread outages....

securitymagazine.comAmong the “The State of API Security – Q1 2021” findings, 66% of organizations admit to having slowed the rollout of a new application into production because of API security concerns. In addition, 54% of organizations running production APIs have at best only a basic strategy for API security, with 27% having no strategy at all....

Heise Sicherheits NewsTrotz Installation der jüngsten Apple-Sicherheits-Updates können Angreifer Root-Rechte auf Macs erlangen, warnen Sicherheitsforscher....

securitymagazine.comAlejandro Mayorkas was officially sworn in as the seventh Secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary Mayorkas took the oath this afternoon after the Senate voted to confirm him. As Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas now leads the third largest federal department in the United States, which includes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the United States Secret Service....

securitymagazine.comDH2i announced the results of its premier Virtual Private Network (VPN) survey of IT professionals across small-, mid- and enterprise-sized organizations. To qualify, the respondent had to be using a VPN for network access and/or security measure. The survey findings revealed that universally, respondents advised that using a VPN created a number of problems for their organization. Topping the list, 62% of respondents cited inadequate security as their number one VPN pain point....

TheHackersNewsNew details have emerged about a vast network of rogue extensions for Chrome and Edge browsers that were found to hijack clicks to links in search results pages to arbitrary URLs, including phishing sites and ads. Collectively called "CacheFlow" by Avast, the 28 extensions in question — including Video Downloader for Facebook, Vimeo Video Downloader, Instagram Story Downloader, VK Unblock — made...

TheHackersNewsThe dynamic nature of cybersecurity, the changes in the threat landscape, and the expansion of the attack surface lead organizations to add more security solutions—from different vendors—creating a layered security infrastructure that introduces new challenges to any team, with a much more significant impact on small ones. And yet, sophisticated attacks continue to bypass these advanced security...

Heise Sicherheits NewsNach einem Angriff auf den Internet-Provider wurden Kundendaten geleakt. Mittlerweile sind diese wohl wieder offline; die internen Aufräumarbeiten laufen noch....

Heise Sicherheits NewsGoogle, Samsung & Co. haben gefährliche Schwachstellen in verschiedenen Android-Versionen geschlossen....

TheHackersNewsSecurity researchers on Tuesday uncovered new delivery and evasion techniques adopted by Agent Tesla remote access trojan (RAT) to get around defense barriers and monitor its victims. Typically spread through social engineering lures, the Windows spyware not only now targets Microsoft's Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) in an attempt to defeat endpoint protection software, it also employs a...

securitymagazine.comWhile it might not feel like it right now, the kind of root-and-branch assessment of cybersecurity budgets necessitated by the pandemic might, overall, be a positive development. Many firms haven't looked at their budgets and the assumptions they are based on for many years. This review has been long overdue....

securitymagazine.comWith the shift to remote work increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, security teams working remotely poses its own set of challenges. Learn how security leaders are navigating remote work challenges in their workplaces....

securitymagazine.comCybersecurity threats are getting more sophisticated and intense amid the increasing levels of remote work and dependence on digital devices. Here are 5 that were the most damaging for enterprises in 2020....

securitymagazine.comThe Martin County School District in Florida upgraded its emergency communications system. Teachers and administrators use a card attached to their lanyards similar to a credit card. When repeatedly clicked, the cards issues an emergency alert, which cues sirens, flashing lights and communications over the speakers such as "This is a lockdown."...

securitymagazine.comBill Evanina, former Director of the U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center, recently appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes where he warned that Beijing is attempting to collect and exploit Americans’ health care information, including their DNA. He also claimed that China has stolen the personally identifiable information of 80% of Americans, using "less-than-honorable" methods to steal data, including hacking healthcare companies and technology, such as smart homes, sensors and 5G networks. ...

securitymagazine.comSiemplify released new research on “The State of Remote Security Operations.” Based on a recent survey of nearly 400 security operations (SecOps) professionals, the report studies how the sudden shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has affected SecOps analysts’ ability to perform their jobs and the impact on overall security postures....
